
lefor0416 stats

Sprint rank 39th
Sprint completions 888
Sprint score 106,217
Holdboost rank 177th
Holdboost score 32,570
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Moonlight 509 92 1:25.45 47 24
Ruin 508 36 59.45 409 208
DAC #10: Overdrive 507 49 1:12.95 308 156
[Trial]Shallow 493 100 1:03.56 6 3
Industrial Fury 490 319 2:22.21 0 0
[Trial]Sender 478 39 1:30.34 384 184
Regenerated 478 77 1:58.39 129 62
Transmission Array 474 22 2:00.42 542 257
Thruster Control 101 473 41 1:23.12 368 174
DAC #9: Overrun 473 46 1:39.60 330 156
Cubterfuge 472 33 1:57.64 435 206
[NWBO] Full Circle [WIP] 470 33 1:47.20 435 204
Pharaoh's Weave 469 5 14.68 800 375
[DAC #14] Hardline 467 26 2:10.99 500 233
Fiber 465 35 1:44.84 417 194
Marvel 465 278 1:56.29 0 0
[NWBO] WTF?!?!?!?!? 464 13 52.58 654 303
Azure 464 34 1:28.29 426 197
[Trial]Affect 463 25 2:15.05 511 236
DAC #2: Storm 2: Neon Thunder 458 58 2:44.96 246 113
[DAC #5] Plus 456 18 52.27 588 268
DAC #9: Ink 456 48 1:22.34 315 144
Interlink 456 31 1:41.97 453 207
Backstab 453 18 1:28.48 588 267
Honeycomb 453 358 1:54.96 0 0
[Uncommon]Planate 449 18 1:41.70 588 264
Duality 447 61 2:17.45 226 101
Impurity 445 13 1:53.20 654 291
[Orbital]Gyra 444 25 1:02.86 511 227
Turbines 444 58 1:34.78 246 109
DAC#4: RECOIL 443 56 2:39.44 259 115
Beta Echoes 443 42 1:30.56 360 159
[Orbital]Helium 441 491 1:33.53 0 0
Unorthodox 441 27 2:04.24 491 217
Epicentre 439 57 1:14.69 252 111
[NWBO] Simply Straight 437 33 16.00 435 190
Nitronic Navigation 436 18 2:02.86 588 256
Old White Lightning Returns 436 29 1:31.55 471 206
Incline 435 100 1:16.62 6 3
Digital Mesh 435 18 1:19.09 588 256
NWBO/TB Course 4 433 68 5:22.51 182 79
Polychrome 433 22 1:43.04 542 235
Vision 433 16 1:14.91 613 265
NWBO/TB Course 2 432 41 1:29.17 368 159
Super Short Six, #2: Silence 432 40 51.49 376 163
Suspension 431 41 1:23.62 368 159
Fractured Path 431 23 1:07.78 531 229
Sector Hatsune 430 11 1:03.37 684 294
[Contrast] Alternate Era 428 24 1:55.02 521 223
Floating Eden 428 46 3:33.90 330 141
B113 427 65 1:23.50 200 85
Vibrant Dreams 424 29 17.75 471 200
Euphoria 422 21 1:01.18 553 233
Modulation 422 20 1:54.13 565 238
Golgamaith 422 67 2:43.40 188 79
Inspire 419 27 1:37.76 491 206
Overcharge 418 100 2:21.85 6 3
Vital 418 9 52.82 718 300
Knowledge 417 439 1:52.87 0 0
Metallurgy 417 23 1:16.49 531 222
DAC #12: Silent Night 417 30 1:45.67 462 193
Disruption 416 68 1:12.17 182 76
Polyhedral Hex 415 80 4:03.88 112 46
Haze 415 41 1:13.14 368 153
Concrete Halls 414 57 3:39.77 252 104
[Trial]March 413 18 1:17.16 588 243
Exodus 413 52 2:15.19 286 118
Metropolis 412 21 1:40.96 553 228
Burj rifut 412 4 1:51.62 827 341
Paradise 412 59 9:55.19 239 98
Digital 411 476 1:55.35 0 0
Method 410 48 1:42.19 315 129
Vapor 410 59 1:13.02 239 98
BLACKLIGHT 409 58 2:20.06 246 101
WUBS Course 1 (Wing und Boost Skill) 408 67 7:24.58 188 77
MA_Cold Heat 407 11 46.20 684 278
Pink 406 158 1:34.47 0 0
Perfect Storm 404 290 2:23.81 0 0
Event Horizon 404 29 1:35.52 471 191
[Rise]Eoi 403 16 1:41.74 613 247
DAC #9: Aeris 403 117 2:16.15 0 0
Storm 400 188 4:01.58 0 0
Fustration Jets 400 19 2:17.80 576 230
Solace 400 54 1:51.37 272 109
Backdoor [Biodome Update!] 399 34 1:23.43 426 170
DAC #23: The Night Before 398 17 42.82 600 239
Iron 398 19 2:46.96 576 229
[NWBO] U-Turn 397 16 1:00.00 613 243
Digital Fabrication 397 111 1:48.34 0 0
Elemental 397 25 31.56 511 203
MA_Shattered 397 11 38.66 684 271
Solar Electric (Smooth Mix) 396 91 2:51.40 52 21
DAC #23: [Factor]A001 396 38 3:17.58 392 155
DAC #5: Beat Block Backroad 396 71 1:06.28 164 65
Vibe Good 396 30 2:23.77 462 183
Valley of Gold 395 33 1:52.03 435 172
Vector Valley 394 54 50.88 272 107
Segment Data Breach 394 26 2:22.80 500 197
[Orbital]Ergonomica Streams 394 25 1:15.62 511 201
Nitropical Island 394 21 2:02.93 553 218
DAC #1: Decade 393 67 2:15.75 188 74
Wragle Dan 392 56 1:53.38 259 101
DAC #4: Endurance 390 27 1:23.62 491 191
Capacitance 390 62 2:31.55 219 85
Post Mortem 390 28 1:45.36 481 188
Gezellig 389 21 3:02.45 553 215
Division 389 37 1:49.30 400 156
Nebula 389 14 1:10.60 640 249
Affinity 388 17 37.48 600 233
Construction 387 16 50.73 613 237
DAC #5: Noir 387 178 1:34.23 0 0
Rebuilt Sector 11 386 16 1:33.33 613 237
Overcast 386 15 2:09.73 626 242
Perimeter 2: Return of the Double Drop 385 3 1:35.31 859 331
[Beautiful]Babbilythus 385 34 1:08.06 426 164
Gravity 385 16 2:00.79 613 236
MA_Prism 385 53 50.74 279 107
Throwing Hands 384 82 1:39.24 100 38
HyperCube 383 27 1:18.50 491 188
Hijack 382 25 1:58.93 511 195
Palette 381 31 1:09.82 453 172
Murk 381 41 1:16.63 368 140
Backdoor 380 36 1:19.13 409 155
NWBO/Tb Course 1 380 40 50.82 376 143
Dataline 379 39 3:14.40 384 145
4TH DIMENSION 379 18 6:40.56 588 223
Techno Radiant 379 18 2:38.72 588 223
Hardcore Black 378 18 55.17 588 222
Super Short Six, #6: Spirits 378 25 56.33 511 193
Eclipse City [D4C] 378 17 2:03.52 600 227
DAC #23: [Factor]Fall Out 378 38 1:57.24 392 148
DAC #16: [Hybrid]LXXEITU 378 17 3:36.46 600 227
Swoon 377 31 1:10.60 453 171
DAC #17: NWBO 5: The Hub 376 45 3:30.26 337 127
DAC #11: Remnants 375 23 3:04.42 531 199
Continuity 375 14 1:02.90 640 240
Collider 374 17 4:02.38 600 224
Simpleset 374 18 41.42 588 220
Pipe Factory 373 13 2:06.74 654 244
The Grind 2 372 11 3:02.27 684 255
Mentality 371 21 2:03.74 553 205
Lithium 371 7 1:15.16 756 281
Salmon 371 22 1:02.42 542 201
[Trial]Location 370 14 1:29.04 640 237
Duality ⓻ 370 34 2:24.10 426 158
Island Hopping 369 429 1:14.71 0 0
Casual 369 13 41.29 654 242
Access Violation 368 26 2:33.72 500 184
MA_Thought 368 161 49.63 0 0
Night Drive 367 8 20.12 736 270
Synthwire 367 12 1:28.83 669 245
nitronic infection 367 46 1:21.71 330 121
Violet 366 52 2:19.15 286 105
Girder Realm 364 43 6:04.12 352 128
MA_Indefinite Rain 364 18 43.24 588 214
DAC #8: Phoenix 363 86 2:05.46 79 29
Tempest 363 54 2:42.46 272 99
Skyline 362 90 1:57.29 57 21
Frozen in time 362 156 1:51.05 0 0
ghost2 362 15 52.19 626 226
Town Watch 362 22 44.48 542 196
Gilded Glass 362 45 1:43.16 337 122
Earth 362 34 1:22.75 426 154
[DAC#25] Infinitum 361 18 40.17 588 212
Flamberge Caldera 361 25 2:29.72 511 185
Jelly 360 41 4:46.76 368 133
Orthodox 360 15 1:46.32 626 226
Midnight City 359 128 1:59.45 0 0
[DAC #5] Permission 358 22 1:59.59 542 194
Common 2 358 14 1:05.26 640 229
Into The Wastes Reskinned 357 8 1:03.87 736 263
Additive 357 32 1:10.99 444 159
TC201 357 15 2:14.12 626 224
Betrayal of the Storm Leviathan 357 21 2:04.08 553 198
Perimeter 356 247 2:43.76 0 0
Neutron Star 356 266 1:41.41 0 0
[Compact]Pill 355 11 2:07.32 684 243
Tantrum 355 12 1:11.87 669 237
Anti-Ocean 355 31 1:39.97 453 161
Fume 355 19 1:10.03 576 204
Nonsense 354 21 9:09.05 553 196
Intestines 354 51 1:28.07 293 104
Common 3 354 30 1:02.76 462 163
Blast Processor 353 67 50.86 188 66
DAC #5 - Natural Gift 353 23 2:06.95 531 188
Soda Subway 353 7 47.91 756 267
DAC #1 Protoville 352 14 1:17.04 640 226
[Unfinished] Analog Skies 352 13 35.58 654 230
Skin 351 16 1:38.41 613 215
Gradient 351 10 1:24.40 700 246
Odor 351 26 59.51 500 175
Primary Thrust 350 142 1:13.91 0 0
Blacklight2 349 31 1:59.58 453 158
Jilted 349 12 57.29 669 233
Lava Processing 349 20 1:23.02 565 197
Beelectric 349 14 1:39.04 640 223
[DAC #24] Pentathlon 349 9 2:22.11 718 250
Sector 11 349 48 1:30.57 315 110
NightLife 348 32 1:15.83 444 154
Thrustration 348 11 1:49.13 684 238
Infected Apartments 348 6 15.25 777 270
[Trial]Restriction 348 32 1:40.10 444 154
Heaven is Hell 348 14 25.89 640 223
Lite 348 14 1:02.64 640 222
Municipal Down [Collab] 348 17 2:34.91 600 209
how wrong where we 347 11 1:53.41 684 237
beyond the horizons 347 13 2:43.27 654 227
Red Sorta Terrifying World 347 447 2:08.86 0 0
Ablivion 347 40 2:11.58 376 130
MA_Organization 347 81 56.83 106 37
Nitronic Black 346 6 43.89 777 269
DAC #19b (2019): Depths of Echoes 346 29 3:36.27 471 163
ARLTR Four 345 16 36.61 613 212
Distance Rollercoaster 345 18 17.84 588 203
Abandoned Utopia 344 116 1:31.45 0 0
Sector 77 343 342 1:35.80 0 0
Trails Of BigBlue 343 354 2:57.82 0 0
Nitro Tunnel 342 6 4:55.26 777 266
DAC 6: Cosmic Glitch 342 13 1:22.05 654 224
[STE2]Tetreal 342 13 2:46.17 654 224
Night Sky 341 11 2:12.91 684 234
Firefly 339 11 1:29.34 684 232
BENTCITY 338 13 1:46.60 654 221
A Beginner Challenge Track 337 14 19.45 640 216
Brandon's Chode 337 12 2:38.97 669 225
Brain Star 337 6 19.85 777 262
Choo Choo Chase V2 337 19 29.96 576 194
DAC #6: Cubtlety 337 13 1:50.12 654 220
Twisted Sister (Repost) 336 14 44.81 640 215
The Powergrid 336 5 1:21.09 800 269
Ghosted 336 13 1:26.67 654 220
Midnight Skies 336 12 1:53.12 669 225
Detection 335 645 2:08.76 0 0
The Final Corn 335 15 36.18 626 210
Levitating Cubes 334 66 3:33.19 194 65
Brink 333 12 1:43.30 669 223
Volcanic 332 7 59.87 756 251
Temporal Dilation 332 30 1:36.41 462 154
[Compact]Fuzz 331 11 1:46.63 684 226
A suspiciously ordinary looking level 331 81 18.89 106 35
[Suffer] Fatal Attraction 331 59 1:12.61 239 79
City Run 330 9 56.91 718 237
Neon Drive 330 48 2:30.04 315 104
Underway 329 14 1:36.67 640 211
Disorientation 329 23 3:09.52 531 175
Can't Leave The Night 328 6 1:22.88 777 255
Psychedelic Overdose 328 24 1:39.16 521 171
Ignition 328 95 12:22.24 31 10
[Flow]Grape 328 16 56.85 613 201
[Cosmos] Remember 328 42 2:05.66 360 118
[Compact]Shell 327 20 2:46.16 565 185
Deep Blue 327 14 1:50.89 640 209
Offices 327 150 1:57.83 0 0
TasteTheRainbow 326 10 11.75 700 228
SEVEN's_skill-sharpner 326 10 17.26 700 228
In the Zone 326 13 1:14.16 654 213
End Of Time 325 13 36.89 654 213
Realitytweak 325 521 1:57.07 0 0
[DAC #18] Ice to Meet You 325 17 1:12.33 600 195
Shade 2 325 26 1:42.97 500 163
Gravity V.02 324 10 5:02.75 700 227
High Octane Supplement 324 44 2:10.59 345 112
[Beautiful]Guvox 324 29 58.39 471 153
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 324 40 2:29.82 376 122
Altitude 324 16 2:53.38 613 199
Nihil 324 14 1:38.53 640 208
[Contrast] Pathway 324 14 2:35.35 640 207
Light Frenzy 323 14 1:14.95 640 206
Ex-Utopia 322 7 1:34.73 756 244
[Orbital]Distillation 322 10 1:08.32 700 226
Neo Seoul II But I've Made Adjustments 322 143 1:50.45 0 0
DISTANTHRALL 321 452 3:13.86 0 0
Thunder Snow 321 23 1:25.12 531 170
Industrial Alliance 320 229 1:47.73 0 0
Virus wars 320 8 49.70 736 235
DAC #17: Vehicle Violator 320 13 3:12.98 654 209
DAC #12: Deception 320 102 1:53.93 0 0
DAC #14: Alternation 318 9 1:09.99 718 228
DAC #21 (2018): Frosty Echoes 318 79 3:41.09 117 37
Infernal Symmetry 318 7 2:33.44 756 241
Megaboost: downhill jam 317 108 3:56.93 0 0
DAC #20: My Dear December 316 620 1:17.95 0 0
Malice 316 75 2:08.99 140 44
Missing 316 16 2:13.51 613 194
Levitate 315 88 1:42.31 68 21
[Compact]Bubble 315 24 1:39.28 521 164
Industrial Living 315 232 1:27.65 0 0
Optimal Routing 314 11 1:18.50 684 215
Industrialization 313 6 1:45.23 777 243
Cubic Space 313 7 2:04.66 756 236
MA_Ray Receiver 313 66 52.10 194 61
Dragon Road 312 60 4:20.09 232 72
Atirat 312 12 1:50.73 669 208
Green Is Your Friend 311 15 38.56 626 195
Purple Track Level 1 310 84 1:14.75 89 28
DAC #25: Mirror Mirror 310 15 2:24.75 626 194
Spectral Fragments 310 56 3:14.72 259 80
craft up 310 25 52.15 511 158
eclipse green 309 9 25.44 718 222
The Grind 309 6 2:32.82 777 240
Sector 355 309 18 1:36.76 588 182
Kilimanjaro Blast 309 11 1:26.14 684 211
Midnight Insight 308 11 1:07.99 684 210
Flip City 308 23 1:00.60 531 164
Prism 307 9 2:20.89 718 221
Neon Fury 2 306 6 1:20.02 777 237
dac2016 #11 The Factory 306 19 2:14.22 576 176
Dotted 306 9 48.77 718 220
Polarized 306 11 1:52.41 684 209
A City Sleeps (update 1) 305 6 2:01.85 777 237
DAC #14: N64 Rainbow Road 305 156 1:48.49 0 0
Konfusious 304 10 10.34 700 213
Urban 303 8 35.04 736 223
Orokin 303 43 2:36.04 352 107
Dimensional Splice 302 24 2:59.14 521 157
Hell 302 29 1:59.14 471 142
[Beautiful]Operation 302 19 1:14.11 576 174
Transfer Practice 302 11 46.40 684 207
Neutrino 302 13 14.72 654 198
Acknowledge 301 27 1:44.99 491 148
Assimilation 301 26 1:17.44 500 151
Blue Zenith 301 7 48.92 756 228
Dimensional Shift Reconstructed 301 10 2:24.43 700 210
Harsh Contrast 300 144 2:22.80 0 0
I Never Said I Liked You Guys 299 10 3:56.64 700 209
Vaporwave 299 10 30.50 700 210
Bobby lernt fahren 298 4 1:28.05 827 247
Distrophy 298 17 2:17.74 600 179
The Tunnel of Love 298 15 2:57.60 626 186
Repaired Society 298 9 1:14.50 718 214
Automobile Annihilator 297 27 15:50.62 491 146
fallen city of ciba 297 6 55.20 777 231
Innovation 297 65 3:12.28 200 59
DAC 10A: Entry Point 297 15 1:29.70 626 186
Escape from Divine City 296 5 25.02 800 236
DAC #3: Mount Winter 296 38 1:24.84 392 116
Kilonova [Collab] 296 10 2:55.05 700 207
Abyss 295 10 2:47.98 700 206
Broken Symmetry but oh god everything's falling 295 24 1:09.89 521 154
Skydrop 295 15 3:18.50 626 184
DAC #18: Impossibility 294 4 14.32 827 243
Speeb 294 20 7.75 565 166
Repulsion 293 26 1:07.67 500 147
double-slit 293 14 1:04.14 640 188
Negative Charge 293 37 1:36.75 400 117
Mega eruption 293 85 2:01.76 84 25
Pandemonium 292 7 3:35.70 756 221
Woeful Errand 292 12 48.83 669 195
Celestial Purge 292 5 1:13.91 800 234
Twisted Sister (old) 291 6 31.66 777 226
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Xyz 291 31 54.34 453 132
Catfish Creek 291 47 2:03.08 322 94
Rootways 291 53 1:40.76 279 81
Neon's Origins 290 7 24.29 756 219
Strange Matter 290 15 2:04.12 626 182
Instability_fixed 289 9 1:23.26 718 208
AMWYMBOFOEB: Festival 289 16 1:34.79 613 177
Babys First Map 289 9 48.64 718 207
DAC #6: Impact 289 18 3:49.22 588 170
Storm on the horizon 288 25 1:21.50 511 147
DAC#7 MIRAGE 288 13 58.77 654 188
Perfect Symmetry 288 25 1:30.65 511 147
A Green Day 287 11 1:25.92 684 196
Apocolypse 287 10 2:06.47 700 201
[Beautiful]Surge 287 4 2:12.95 827 237
Biotec 3 287 6 50.57 777 223
MA_Cyberway 287 17 39.78 600 172
Skyfall 286 6 29.51 777 222
Influx 286 7 5:02.38 756 217
Past [Legacy Version] 285 6 1:12.52 777 221
Abandoned Nightmare 285 29 1:26.47 471 134
Planet 22 285 105 1:36.10 0 0
Unutopian Block 285 16 1:19.10 613 175
Falling Through The Sky 284 15 57.11 626 178
Hint of doubt 284 10 1:45.46 700 199
Glassercity 284 20 2:23.90 565 161
Negative Space 284 7 1:34.73 756 215
Empire Dive 284 8 33.64 736 209
Awakening the Crystals 284 264 4:30.52 0 0
Unhinged 284 7 1:47.51 756 215
If at First you don't Succeed... 283 11 19.99 684 193
How to break Distance 282 14 48.11 640 181
End Of Time 2 282 12 2:09.25 669 189
Neural 282 280 2:40.85 0 0
Urban Rubble 281 4 44.99 827 232
Sun Leaves 281 12 34.71 669 188
O-K City 281 10 2:28.56 700 197
Pollution 281 31 2:03.81 453 127
Hydropower 281 18 1:50.74 588 165
Common 1 281 33 1:02.62 435 122
Congestion 280 9 15.26 718 201
Forsaken Shrine 280 63 2:48.96 213 60
DAC#20 Olympian Ironman potato version 280 22 13.81 542 152
[Compact]Vile 280 12 1:31.63 669 187
Viridescent 280 9 3:20.95 718 201
Dead Light 280 12 55.47 669 187
First_try 279 9 34.50 718 200
Into green city 279 22 2:06.81 542 151
Melody 278 35 1:53.55 417 116
Magnetic Polarity City 278 198 2:02.40 0 0
Sparq 278 12 1:25.97 669 186
Holo Projector 278 14 1:03.45 640 178
Science 277 9 1:29.01 718 199
Virtual Skyway 277 25 1:26.81 511 142
ʎɹʇǝɯɯʎs uǝʞoɹq 277 29 1:30.00 471 131
Cityrun 276 36 1:20.81 409 113
Virus Rush 276 6 48.48 777 214
Follemoh 276 4 41.22 827 228
So You Say You Gotta Go Fast 276 12 45.17 669 184
Entering the Zone 275 28 1:34.44 481 132
Pillar of Truth 275 8 16.82 736 202
metro wastland 274 9 27.50 718 197
[Lapse]Iso Garg 274 19 1:54.13 576 158
Laser Grid 274 7 30.33 756 207
Rein 274 8 2:00.83 736 202
Loopy 273 12 46.76 669 183
Ginger 273 6 1:13.65 777 212
AREA CX3 273 67 3:01.77 188 51
Escape to Salvation Point 273 7 3:20.18 756 206
Nexus - Prepare To Die [Hard] 273 3 1:50.50 859 235
The Experiment 273 13 9.22 654 178
A Slight Knot 272 9 19.10 718 195
Lamp Realm 272 11 9.08 684 186
Of Rust 272 30 2:12.10 462 126
surreal shelf: combo boost 272 17 2:48.37 600 163
Old Data 271 8 50.93 736 199
Dwarven Sector 271 13 1:03.64 654 177
Oxy 270 26 1:24.36 500 135
Ignition Prologue 270 235 7:47.00 0 0
The Smallest End Zone Ever 270 5 4.25 800 216
DAC #19a (2019): Carbonation [CINEMATIC] 270 27 2.20 491 132
Alleviate 270 37 1:26.54 400 108
Refraction 269 9 1:46.53 718 193
Vector Drive 269 15 1:26.78 626 168
Dangerous Incursion 268 15 3:32.27 626 167
Beast 268 9 2:44.67 718 192
Cloud Factory 267 74 1:44.96 146 39
Veridian Skyway 267 3 23.28 859 230
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Zekkataph 267 14 1:10.45 640 171
DAC #19 UnderSky 267 9 3:53.10 718 191
Speed Racer - Cosmopolis 267 23 10.89 531 142
Dodge 2.0 267 9 29.21 718 192
Vroom Cubes 267 9 59.04 718 191
Heart of Darkness 266 6 1:13.85 777 207
Emergent Behavior 265 6 2:21.11 777 206
Tooty 265 16 57.63 613 162
Event Horizon II 265 14 2:04.88 640 169
[Compact]Crimson Way 265 23 1:34.95 531 141
Tetradinum 265 7 2:50.34 756 200
FFFFFF 265 19 1:07.52 576 153
Falling Light 264 11 1:47.91 684 180
Lopper 264 2 2:10.76 900 237
Atlus 264 19 2:34.23 576 152
City Undergroud 263 9 3:03.69 718 189
Contrast 263 10 57.05 700 184
Void (Wings Disabled) 263 19 6:21.89 576 151
Sector Rerouting 263 12 4:11.55 669 176
Harbor City 263 31 1:59.40 453 119
Glasscity 262 10 22.86 700 183
Horizon City 262 137 2:25.90 0 0
Transneon 262 9 20.08 718 188
Calamity 262 20 1:45.85 565 148
Cliffside realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 261 33 33.95 435 113
Convolution 261 62 2:13.80 219 57
yergan 261 12 56.40 669 175
Colorful Invasion 261 11 4:12.32 684 178
Geometree 260 7 1:36.32 756 197
Space Runner 260 12 1:17.00 669 174
contraptions 259 7 20.09 756 196
BIOPUMP 3 259 88 3:08.41 68 18
Beyblade Space City 259 12 2:48.27 669 173
VISTACo 4: Reverb 259 9 3:50.80 718 186
Power Through Sector 3584 259 11 1:42.65 684 177
The Signal 259 11 1:04.09 684 177
A.R.L.T.R. II 258 5 31.94 800 206
[Uncommon]The Coast Remastered 258 8 1:19.60 736 190
NEON CAVERN 258 11 3:16.57 684 177
Something Something 258 12 1:47.81 669 173
Escape From Darc Space 257 13 3:25.37 654 168
Acceleration 257 8 36.61 736 189
Anomaly: Sector 666 257 8 2:15.06 736 189
Veil 257 61 1:10.01 226 58
Carcass 256 11 4:51.77 684 175
Head Like A Hole 256 30 4:58.58 462 118
COAT Speedway 256 8 28.73 736 188
40 Seconds of Peace 256 32 38.51 444 114
Shaky grounds: Coast 255 5 1:49.91 800 204
DAC #9: Wither 255 5 1:46.84 800 204
Obviate 255 9 1:45.92 718 183
Are You Confused Yet? 254 11 2:56.95 684 174
energy panel 254 50 2:25.72 300 76
Jaded Sphere 254 55 3:30.11 266 67
The darkness at the end of the tunnel 254 12 28.19 669 170
Window 254 14 22.14 640 162
Abandoned City 253 48 2:34.80 315 80
Dusk City 253 68 1:42.17 182 46
Binary Construct 253 11 2:05.38 684 173
Conduit 253 30 44.71 462 117
800 253 25 1:22.43 511 129
MA_Ray Relay 253 10 41.77 700 177
DAC #12: Abyss 253 83 3:09.11 95 24
Guardian 09 253 31 1:27.30 453 115
Distance Ninja Warrior 252 5 1:24.26 800 202
City plunge 252 12 1:36.95 669 169
Chromatic Aberration 251 8 48.25 736 185
Anarchy Road 250 10 1:30.73 700 175
Super Short Six, #5: Distribute 250 4 48.51 827 207
Anti-tower 250 7 2:13.03 756 189
Lost to society 250 7 3:24.11 756 189
Exo 250 26 1:42.25 500 125
Double Cross 249 6 27.70 777 194
BIOPUMP-2 249 81 2:17.24 106 26
Fleet, Engage! 249 12 29.91 669 167
Violet City 249 10 30.06 700 174
Shrapnel 249 15 3:26.43 626 156
Kinetica Electrica 1 249 70 1:18.66 170 42
Reacticality 249 14 2:56.41 640 159
MaxiTwist 248 6 10.19 777 193
Journey To Hell 248 9 25.18 718 178
DAC #21 - Suburbs 248 34 1:58.04 426 106
DAC#25 Echoes of an olympian 248 5 4:02.72 800 199
Skybound 248 414 4:08.91 0 0
Broken Destination (Adventure mode 1.0) 247 27 30:39.22 491 121
Mountain Research 247 16 1:57.61 613 152
Neon Pathogen 246 6 1:22.04 777 191
High Voltage 246 12 3:50.19 669 164
Atrophy 246 7 42.59 756 186
Red Sky (Quick Map) 246 13 53.30 654 161
Erindon Space Colony 246 5 34.07 800 197
Die 245 5 44.06 800 196
Monolith 245 86 2:50.42 79 19
Excess 245 10 57.97 700 171
[Orbital]Rigid Meltdown 245 398 2:17.10 0 0
Neo Tokyo Night 244 8 56.32 736 179
REDLINE 2 : Silent Moon 244 45 2:26.68 337 82
Circuitnaut 244 8 27.90 736 180
Recovering 244 7 2:27.48 756 185
Pain And Suffering 243 21 2:07.04 553 135
Slum 243 8 1:16.08 736 179
Downtown 243 8 39.89 736 179
Going the Distance 243 12 54.83 669 163
Getting To Grips 243 20 4:49.72 565 137
Evasion 243 53 5:50.63 279 68
BIOPUMP 242 4 1:34.75 827 200
Absolut 242 16 48.80 613 148
Icecoat 242 7 1:54.01 756 183
Twister 242 6 45.35 777 188
Rose Quartz 242 18 3:20.54 588 142
Dac 25: Icarus 242 7 1:10.25 756 183
Initiate 241 16 2:06.82 613 148
Osiris System (Lite Mode) 241 47 3:56.12 322 78
Uprising 241 12 1:57.88 669 161
Heat death 240 7 2:25.06 756 182
Virtual Escape 240 28 57.97 481 116
Ascension 239 13 2:15.42 654 157
Canvas 239 21 1:15.80 553 132
Desperation 239 4 2:14.61 827 198
DAC#4: Under Pressure 239 14 1:02.64 640 153
Rush City 239 14 1:16.10 640 153
Meltdown 239 11 17.00 684 164
Acceleracers Reactor Realm Fp Edition 239 16 2:11.51 613 147
Broken Floors 239 7 1:05.83 756 181
Another Day 239 18 2:25.97 588 140
Monochrome 238 12 1:44.39 669 159
Chemical Plant 238 72 2:09.74 158 38
Hardware_failure 237 53 1:50.71 279 66
Powerline 236 20 3:07.35 565 134
[Lapse]Kralka 236 15 2:22.99 626 148
Help Me 235 7 8:00.16 756 178
Anomaly 235 6 35.06 777 183
Lazuli Labyrinth (Complete) 235 13 2:25.28 654 154
Summer Velocity 235 10 1:08.13 700 164
Crystal Way 235 3 37.00 859 202
Vertical Symmetry 235 10 1:15.05 700 165
Distance Raceway 234 7 14.20 756 177
Nightmare 234 126 2:42.21 0 0
Darkness 234 18 55.62 588 138
Corrupted Foundry Revamped (Current) 234 2 2:21.90 900 211
Speed Racer: Next Generation - Neon Space 234 24 1:47.00 521 122
Perspective 233 20 2:14.28 565 132
A1: Twisted City 233 8 48.71 736 172
Labyrinth 233 8 31.64 736 171
Corgi Spelunky Pancake 233 10 2:32.41 700 163
My Map 233 22 3:20.38 542 126
DAC #20: Vestige 233 82 3:01.84 100 23
Trackmania-FAN'S 232 13 3:23.36 654 152
Isolation 232 5 27.03 800 186
Thunder City 232 53 1:07.74 279 65
Roller Challenge 232 6 5.22 777 180
Broken Towers 232 6 1:17.79 777 180
Red Society 231 34 1:34.74 426 99
Core of the Void 231 6 2:59.13 777 180
Some Space Level 231 18 2:39.18 588 136
Death 230 2 32.19 900 207
[STE2] The final countdown 230 10 2:27.08 700 161
Ascendant 229 9 55.54 718 165
The Visitors 229 31 3:29.42 453 104
Upwards Momentum 228 3 16.73 859 195
pop 228 27 2:11.26 491 112
Tempered Glass 228 2 24.50 900 205
Claustrophobic 228 16 2:14.47 613 140
Apocalypse Now 228 4 15.32 827 188
Jump Realm 228 29 41.64 471 107
Super Short Six, #1: Actuate 228 29 1:01.29 471 107
City 251 228 6 56.81 777 177
Diversion PowerShortage 228 36 1:31.71 409 93
Planet 986 228 10 1:31.99 700 159
The Four Elements 227 7 1:32.30 756 172
Hostile Space 227 12 5:18.92 669 152
DAC #3: Tomorrow 227 74 2:12.97 146 33
Rerun 227 7 31.61 756 172
Departure 227 3 1:45.25 859 195
first sprint the coruptor 226 8 29.49 736 166
DAC #3: Liquinox Facility 226 8 2:22.85 736 166
Shortcuts 226 18 1:17.26 588 133
Lost Society (My version) 226 13 1:28.99 654 148
[STE] Catacomb Run 225 33 2:53.22 435 98
Lighthouse 225 6 2:15.01 777 175
playing with curves 225 5 22.71 800 180
Haunted Ruins (MNR) 225 13 1:03.65 654 147
City 72 225 11 1:53.82 684 154
Diversion But You Keep Teleporting 225 11 1:32.94 684 154
Sunset Lake 225 14 1:40.15 640 144
Empire Climb 224 6 43.65 777 174
AngryZone 224 7 37.79 756 169
Antivirus 224 12 1:51.31 669 150
Idiotic Map 2: Charon's Barge 224 10 15.28 700 157
Blue Mountain 224 18 4:18.39 588 132
Nebula Sprint 224 10 2:10.50 700 157
Distance Prototype Track 224 11 27.80 684 154
Autosurf: Observatory 223 36 1:02.15 409 91
Punching Through 223 8 1:59.80 736 164
Purple Track Level 4 Lite Version 222 12 2:02.34 669 148
Echelon 222 7 1:11.08 756 168
Directionality 221 12 1:31.35 669 148
Ionized 221 66 1:40.81 194 43
Messatsu Origins 221 6 26.88 777 172
Down The Mountain 221 21 1:29.05 553 122
City Lights 221 38 4:06.75 392 87
Short but Sweet 220 15 1:33.62 626 138
Hotwheels 220 8 2:38.02 736 162
Usual 220 6 1:50.27 777 171
Abandoned Factory 220 6 11.64 777 171
Neon Night 220 5 1:12.91 800 176
Space Trip 220 6 1:54.45 777 171
Dimensional Fragments V2.0 220 8 2:56.69 736 162
Level One 219 6 41.81 777 170
Mirec 219 10 27.75 700 153
A Fun Ride 219 12 1:23.45 669 147
Cold fusion 219 6 1:12.03 777 170
[STE2] Sanctum 219 10 1:58.72 700 153
War 218 12 1:34.83 669 146
(Beta) Megalo Station - Sonic Riders ZG 218 6 17.35 777 170
Glass Realm 218 9 29.92 718 156
End to a Violent Heart 218 8 32.36 736 160
Tire Slayer 217 9 1:28.68 718 156
skyline 217 3 25.98 859 186
hurdles of an abandoned city 217 15 1:13.42 626 136
Type M 217 2 2:54.93 900 195
ORBITAL JUNCTION 216 6 1:41.08 777 168
SIGMA 27 216 9 5:03.09 718 155
[STE2] Celebration island 216 9 1:19.86 718 155
Midnight Highway 215 8 2:27.27 736 159
Data Diving 215 4 2:50.72 827 178
100% Distance juice 215 9 57.41 718 154
Digital Dash 001 215 7 13.37 756 163
Osiris System 215 63 4:18.84 213 46
Dark Blazer (DB Opening Level) (WIP) 214 19 5.26 576 123
Lost Highway 214 11 1:23.67 684 146
Rainy Day 214 35 4:03.80 417 89
Chaos 213 4 1:22.71 827 176
Dormant Cluster 213 11 1:12.05 684 146
Turbo City 213 14 1:37.58 640 137
Singularity 212 6 1:27.90 777 164
DAC #1: Distance Galaxy 212 59 20:07.05 239 51
Trackmania but its Distance 212 51 2:41.69 293 62
DAC #4: Theoretical Soul 212 198 9:40.65 0 0
Overwater Trip 212 8 1:46.92 736 156
Vibe City 212 17 1:52.04 600 127
Warped 211 20 2:04.73 565 119
F-Zero-Lightning :Merge 211 80 1:59.53 112 24
Peak Performance 211 134 3:58.82 0 0
Conflux 211 11 1:01.64 684 145
42 Errors(Fixed Version) 210 11 1:58.10 684 144
Split Decision (Beta) 210 20 2:31.36 565 119
Disturbia 210 2 1:10.44 900 189
In Between 209 6 25.72 777 163
Purpitypurp 209 6 1:27.19 777 163
Chinatown one 208 69 1:11.41 176 37
DAC #22: Echos of Past and Future 208 45 5:42.58 337 70
Deep City Highway [Challenge your computer to see if you can run this!] 207 3 24.88 859 178
Deep Blue 207 6 1:12.92 777 161
HIGH SPEED 207 9 33.86 718 149
Fast (Social Experiment) 207 5 13.10 800 165
Positive Space 207 23 4:46.52 531 110
Midnight Rush 207 48 1:42.68 315 65
Inferno's Beginning (work in progress) 206 5 1:56.56 800 165
BASIC 206 4 1:11.12 827 171
Archaic Tomb 206 33 2:20.52 435 89
Hollow 206 23 1:33.10 531 110
Trailtube Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 206 19 2:21.68 576 118
Fallen Cities 205 71 3:07.91 164 34
Extremely Short level 205 40 5.26 376 77
Warp 205 10 1:04.56 700 143
Atmospheric Aerodrive 205 7 1:30.71 756 155
The Cave 205 6 2:01.31 777 159
Lego Racers - Rocket Racer Track 204 8 29.79 736 150
Trackmogrify_TrainSawLaser 204 9 29.17 718 146
Immunity 204 14 1:56.90 640 130
For We Reach For The Sun... 204 9 2:14.78 718 146
Cloud R&D 204 15 1:20.25 626 128
Miner Detour 204 77 1:59.54 129 26
Guiding Light 203 3 1:34.22 859 174
Pipeline 202 15 2:54.04 626 126
Super Short Six, #3: Drowned 202 23 54.50 531 107
Singularity 202 5 32.75 800 162
Fog Realm 202 141 2:06.71 0 0
Desolation 201 15 1:19.65 626 126
Benchmark Much? 201 5 41.24 800 161
Volumetric Lighting 201 6 5.68 777 156
City 21 200 2 2:11.05 900 180
Speeb 2: The Cooler Speeb 200 48 2:58.58 315 63
Insanity Rings V2 199 5 2:26.53 800 159
Trackmogrify_Swiftwolf Ice Marathon Nightmare 199 8 48.07 736 146
Neon Black 199 13 1:17.55 654 130
Research but nothing goes wrong 199 17 4:02.43 600 119
Into The Core 197 111 2:31.59 0 0
Volatile 197 10 3:47.19 700 138
High Pressure 197 14 1:47.46 640 126
Cycles 197 91 1:15.85 52 10
Enforce 196 9 1:48.02 718 141
Reactor Realm 196 144 2:28.31 0 0
Building hop 195 4 25.20 827 161
Hexagone 195 5 1:03.97 800 156
Sugar Storm 195 11 2:00.88 684 133
Dreamwave Stage 4 195 10 3:58.11 700 136
Time to Fly! (For the sprint tournament) 195 12 3:02.22 669 130
Copper 194 70 1:59.29 170 33
Divide 194 5 1:24.26 800 155
DAC #19 Nomalith 194 21 2:45.40 553 107
Choose Wisely.... 194 7 36.47 756 147
BiOniKTrAcK 192 11 2:08.28 684 132
]|[ Desert City 192 6 3:58.72 777 149
Spacefreeway 192 18 3:35.29 588 113
Nitronic Drive 191 83 3:05.78 95 18
Space Station 554E 191 11 2:22.54 684 131
Granulki 191 6 1:39.23 777 148
Dieing City 191 3 2:04.37 859 164
A Small Detour 190 11 3:40.28 684 130
The Speed Testing Zone 190 6 25.96 777 148
Accuracy 190 3 23.52 859 163
The Vex 190 11 1:09.62 684 130
BW Laboratories 190 3 2:19.10 859 164
Cerberus 189 18 1:01.72 588 111
Central Blade 189 6 6:49.79 777 147
Into the Belly of the Beast 189 19 59.34 576 109
Cityscape 188 6 28.81 777 146
Precognition 188 47 2:09.93 322 60
Thrive 187 5 1:45.24 800 150
SimpleRace? 187 1 58.55 1,000 187
Faulty Wiring 186 17 1:14.93 600 112
Chaotic Combination 186 4 1:46.43 827 154
Void 186 3 4:09.25 859 160
Intergalactic Capital 185 12 4:23.77 669 124
Night Ride (WIP) 184 12 1:47.69 669 123
The Drop 183 10 2:10.53 700 128
Underground 183 9 2:35.44 718 132
[STE2] Untethered 182 14 2:57.77 640 117
Xibalba 182 10 1:33.56 700 128
December Lights 182 57 2:47.37 252 46
Sound Realm 181 185 3:16.31 0 0
Working Sector 181 5 1:36.04 800 145
Hidden Metropolis 180 7 1:38.39 756 136
End to a brutal heart *Please read the description* 180 16 35.42 613 111
Little-Places 179 5 4:02.18 800 143
Electric Highway 179 5 1:28.86 800 144
Escape from Bubblegrunge City 179 11 1:16.87 684 123
Mist Mountain 179 44 4:08.66 345 62
Kinder Haus 178 4 2:27.82 827 147
Escape the storm planet. 178 4 2:21.99 827 147
Factory Realm 178 7 1:08.62 756 135
In The Clouds 177 5 21.54 800 142
Chaotic Escape 176 6 1:47.63 777 137
Microsized V1.0 176 44 1:24.95 345 61
Beachcity Drift 176 15 13.91 626 110
Cliffside Realm (EX Redux) 176 44 3:06.06 345 61
Perplexolis 175 33 2:06.70 435 76
Tunnel Realm 175 88 5:58.59 68 12
Dream Prison 174 7 3:44.48 756 132
0 gravity sprint (hardcore) 173 7 1:51.15 756 131
Broken Road 173 6 52.76 777 135
A Maze Farther 172 5 2:04.89 800 138
Alt-הַקפָּאָה 172 50 1:59.59 300 51
Pipeline 172 6 2:55.17 777 133
Mountain Realm 172 11 1:24.82 684 118
Felicity 172 71 3:57.31 164 28
Laser Death Road 171 7 1:35.00 756 129
Clockwork 171 4 34.48 827 142
ATFxJPH's Level 171 3 1:17.24 859 147
DAC #24 Disparity 171 145 3:19.61 0 0
Off the grid 170 9 1:23.53 718 122
[STE2] Upgrade 170 12 2:22.25 669 113
Laser Show I 169 2 1:10.13 900 152
DAC #12: The Arrival (Remake) 168 30 2:35.35 462 78
Blackout 168 4 3:03.83 827 139
Quantum Freeway 168 488 2:48.73 0 0
Rainbow City Circuit 168 7 5:31.47 756 127
Menhir 166 11 2:19.41 684 114
Laserrush 166 4 36.26 827 137
Storm Chaser 166 3 1:09.44 859 143
Destruction 166 4 38.01 827 137
Dreamwave Stage 1 166 26 3:14.84 500 83
Alliance Avalanche 166 4 2:21.85 827 137
Cliffside-realm (Card) 165 51 3:44.76 293 48
Lazuli Labyrinth (Alpha) 165 21 2:01.09 553 91
Spin To Win 163 6 2:06.63 777 127
Choices 163 64 2:41.31 207 34
Enemy but you're too late 163 36 1:43.94 409 67
F-Zero : Trials Of FireField 162 36 3:45.09 409 66
Parallel Realm 162 19 4:20.36 576 94
izi pizi 161 8 1:36.26 736 118
Fractured Reality 161 75 6:02.09 140 23
AccessViolation 161 4 2:43.56 827 133
Drag Race 160 9 34.63 718 115
Dystopia 160 23 1:46.91 531 85
Acceleracers Fog Realm Fp Edition 160 15 3:12.17 626 100
DAC #22: Twist & Shout 160 14 1:59.24 640 103
Seeing Red 159 2 3:32.18 900 143
Energy Crisis 158 5 1:04.65 800 127
The Breaking Point [1/4] 158 181 5:55.93 0 0
City Runner 156 6 2:32.19 777 121
Hilbert Road 156 7 1:07.19 756 118
Breakout 156 127 3:35.74 0 0
Acid Realm [NE] 155 184 5:42.46 0 0
Drone HQ Mini-Track [2.0] 154 7 37.24 756 117
Dreamwave Stage 2 154 8 3:00.73 736 114
distance 3 confirmed 154 132 40.93 0 0
Neon Underground 153 70 2:47.03 170 26
Miatrack 152 3 1:26.09 859 131
DAC #15: Join 152 44 3:06.58 345 52
Fluster Cuck 151 32 1:49.87 444 67
Entry 149 24 5.27 521 77
Monday Amnesia 149 10 48.38 700 104
DAC #24: Storm Chaser 149 6 3:02.45 777 116
Ice Realm 149 29 3:54.26 471 70
Nitronic Celebration 148 14 2:53.02 640 95
Glass Realm 148 202 3:45.89 0 0
Remember 148 55 3:38.25 266 39
Detour 147 8 2:44.44 736 108
Blizzard Realm 147 6 5:13.64 777 114
Cheat The System 147 72 5.27 158 23
Red City 146 22 2:29.30 542 79
Distance's Inferno 145 5 3:20.22 800 116
Cosmic Realm 144 9 37.66 718 103
The Battle of Aragon 143 8 1:39.72 736 106
Darkness Realm 143 137 6:06.57 0 0
Rolling Start 142 18 2:07.31 588 83
Mountain 138 22 1:17.12 542 75
Hot Streets 137 37 1:10.46 400 55
The Apocalypse 134 7 5:58.40 756 102
Neon-Pipeline Realm (Hot wheels Acceleracers) 133 548 3:51.99 0 0
Repeater 133 16 2:28.41 613 82
Hyperspace 132 51 2:44.03 293 39
DAC #2 (2017): Snow Storm Valley 132 53 5:43.96 279 37
Darklight city 132 8 6:54.24 736 97
Mechanization 131 7 2:24.87 756 99
Speed Racer: Next Generation Virtual Track - Canyan Road 131 4 3:19.84 827 109
Water Realm (Old version, link to new version in description) 130 92 6:53.58 47 6
Excess 2 130 6 1:15.80 777 101
Toxic Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 129 17 2:21.71 600 77
Metro Realm [Omega] V1.5.5 127 95 3:47.57 31 4
Hot Wheels City V2 126 379 2:53.49 0 0
100,000eV - Six Figures Achievement 123 200 1:24.37 0 0
World Race Leg 1 121 42 4:20.59 360 44
Suspicious place 117 81 2:51.27 106 12
Neon And On 113 23 1:33.22 531 60
element unknown 113 14 7:36.70 640 72
Dreamwave Stage 3 112 33 3:25.86 435 49
Glass Realm [PA] 110 18 2:28.41 588 65
Cybergrid Realm 109 191 3:21.75 0 0
Sky Realm (Ver 2) 109 74 2:37.72 146 16
Kinetic Realm 108 89 8:53.84 62 7
Easy Diamond Sixer 105 54 1:28.74 272 28
Void Realm 105 21 4:02.60 553 58
DAC#25 Nitronic Sleigh Ride 99 81 1:02.60 106 10
Desert Realm 89 90 6:16.18 57 5
City Limits [Cinematic] 79 55 3:12.03 266 21
Reactor Realm 74 395 5:32.54 0 0