
Jay2a stats

Sprint rank 23rd
Sprint completions 982
Sprint score 138,249
Holdboost rank 19th
Holdboost score 100,839
Challenge rank 65th
Challenge completions 15
Challenge score 4,784
Stunt rank 54th
Stunt completions 4
Stunt score 1,322

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
my first level!! 99.99% impossible!!!!! 502 3 1:24.47 859 431
Get in the Van 502 6 9:53.46 777 390
Cmacle's Magnum Opus III : Mine Field 501 2 1:12.99 900 451
Moonlight 499 22 1:24.14 542 270
Terminal Grid [Challenge] 494 8 1:07.28 736 364
DAC #10: Overdrive 493 25 1:09.99 511 252
Industrial Fury 492 9 2:01.37 718 353
Ruin 485 28 55.92 481 234
[Trial]Shallow 483 17 1:01.76 600 290
Furry 481 222 1:47.47 0 0
[Trial]Sender 480 21 1:22.34 553 266
Thruster Control 101 474 17 1:19.35 600 285
Fallback Protocol 470 16 37.98 613 288
Fiber 467 11 1:37.25 684 320
[NWBO] WTF?!?!?!?!? 465 12 51.34 669 311
Cmacles Magnum Opus IV : NWBO Heaven 465 7 3:47.79 756 351
Kill Grid Challenge 464 8 1:35.08 736 341
Azure 464 5 1:19.78 800 371
Regenerated 463 10 1:49.18 700 324
DAC #9: Overrun 462 8 1:24.82 736 340
Gardens 460 10 1:02.22 700 322
DAC #9: Ink 458 17 1:18.25 600 275
Optimal Angle 457 20 1:01.39 565 258
Interlink 456 246 1:45.82 0 0
dark, gentle carapace 456 22 1:08.24 542 247
Honeycomb 455 5 1:28.61 800 364
Antares 454 91 2:04.39 52 24
[DAC #5] Plus 453 11 50.70 684 310
THE 7 452 16 1:52.98 613 277
Stretch Your Wings 451 23 16:25.65 531 240
Striker 449 14 1:28.67 640 288
Red 448 9 1:39.93 718 322
H: Ayche 448 80 3:06:11.66 112 50
DAC#4: RECOIL 445 21 2:36.78 553 246
Beta Echoes 445 38 1:22.82 392 174
NWOB 445 16 1:33.87 613 273
[Orbital]Gyra 444 29 1:03.61 471 209
Turbines 444 417 3:09.29 0 0
Radio Island 444 5 1:48.79 800 356
[Orbital]Helium 443 28 1:19.85 481 213
NWBO Heaven V2 442 6 3:52.90 777 343
Terrible 440 4 1:37.49 827 364
Outrun 438 16 1:35.07 613 269
Old White Lightning Returns 438 28 1:30.53 481 211
Nitronic Navigation 437 6 1:38.98 777 340
Duality 437 5 2:04.90 800 349
Optimism 437 12 1:31.16 669 293
DAC #8: Particular Journey 436 29 2:35.95 471 205
DAC #11: [Risen]Yigilaxis 436 12 2:12.67 669 292
Polychrome 435 4 1:27.45 827 360
Digital Mesh 435 27 2:06.91 491 214
Impurity 434 9 1:44.37 718 312
NWBO/TB Course 4 434 15 1:34.21 626 272
NWBO/TB Course 2 433 16 1:14.83 613 266
[Contrast] Shade 433 17 2:03.89 600 260
Sector Hatsune 432 927 1:48.37 0 0
Ink 431 129 2:22.44 0 0
Silver and Gold 429 161 1:38.64 0 0
Parting Ways 429 14 2:38.32 640 275
[District] Gold Standard 428 81 2:13.47 106 45
Floating Eden 428 24 3:03.90 521 223
Lost Fortress 426 15 1:47.59 626 267
Broken Symmetry but it's smol 426 8 19.01 736 313
DAC #1: Global Warmed - Fire and Ice 426 18 1:57.94 588 251
Peanutbutter 425 7 1:03.06 756 321
Crimson Peak 425 8 1:40.74 736 313
Overcharge 424 3 1:56.03 859 364
Yellow 424 143 1:46.46 0 0
Euphoria 424 5 56.31 800 339
Modulation 424 860 2:04.93 0 0
Golgamaith 424 23 1:43.69 531 225
DAC #16: Surge Redux 424 5 1:27.54 800 339
DAC #13: Macro 424 15 1:43.28 626 265
Vibrant Dreams 423 30 17.92 462 195
Inferno 423 7 2:40.20 756 320
DAC #9: Theoretical Heart 423 21 2:35.22 553 234
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Kagogo 423 47 2:36.70 322 136
Contraband Delivery 422 29 1:40.06 471 199
Baryonic 422 2 48.33 900 380
nuddypackracedrugtrack 422 19 45.14 576 243
The Virus Begins 421 117 1:17.78 0 0
Pathogen 421 11 1:57.89 684 288
Homestead 420 4 1:10.68 827 348
DAC #12: Silent Night 420 4 1:33.22 827 347
Marvel 420 17 1:50.55 600 252
Knowledge 419 48 1:27.65 315 132
White 419 14 1:44.66 640 268
Metallurgy 419 19 1:16.06 576 241
Supercharged Intensity 418 7 1:15.80 756 316
Neo Seoul 2144 418 21 1:42.22 553 231
Floral 418 24 1:04.89 521 218
Incline 416 516 1:28.53 0 0
Polyhedral Hex 416 5 2:02.92 800 333
DAC #2: Storm 2: Neon Thunder 416 8 1:37.94 736 306
[STE2] Sugar Rush 415 10 1:16.78 700 291
[Trial]March 415 322 1:40.01 0 0
Exodus 415 2 2:00.21 900 373
Metropolis 414 14 1:30.24 640 265
Epicentre 414 22 55.96 542 224
Shrine 414 8 1:30.37 736 305
DAC #11: Clockwork Zone 414 13 1:34.16 654 271
[NWBO] Simply Straight 413 7 15.84 756 313
Paradise 413 28 4:33.22 481 199
Digital 412 18 1:18.59 588 243
Method 412 26 1:41.51 500 206
Parallel Fracture 412 4 1:05.02 827 340
DAC #8: Holiday Treats 412 39 1:27.09 384 158
shafty 411 9 2:27.75 718 295
Theolddays 409 4 1:11.44 827 338
WUBS Course 1 (Wing und Boost Skill) 409 35 2:37.38 417 171
Cmacle's Magnum Opus II : Sunset Drive 409 2 9:15.50 900 368
Perfect Storm 407 6 1:42.71 777 316
Event Horizon 407 14 1:20.30 640 260
[Flow]Punch 407 97 2:16.51 21 9
Terminus 2 Original 407 9 2:02.42 718 292
B113 406 9 1:16.27 718 292
The Most Laggy and Brutal Trackmogrified Map 406 5 11.79 800 325
Dimension Shift 404 35 2:08.68 417 168
Solar Electric (Smooth Mix) 403 3 1:49.10 859 347
Solace 403 33 1:47.96 435 175
Steel [NWOB] 403 6 53.36 777 313
DAC #17: Emerge 403 13 2:24.85 654 263
Backdoor [Biodome Update!] 402 9 1:10.74 718 288
Fustration Jets 401 41 9:37.30 368 148
DAC #2: Concrete Jungle 401 21 1:32.33 553 222
The 3rd Journey 400 9 2:01.37 718 287
Digital Fabrication 400 9 1:30.84 718 287
Tharsis Tholus 400 22 53.14 542 217
DAC #23: The Night Before 400 15 42.29 626 250
Deadball 400 4 29.33 827 330
[District] Protosci 400 18 1:23.75 588 235
Suspension 399 16 1:21.57 613 244
Elemental 398 32 36.57 444 177
DAC #23: [Factor]A001 398 4 1:43.52 827 329
Modern Art 398 50 1:06.95 300 119
DAC #12: Mechanical Rust 398 21 2:26.29 553 220
Segment Data Breach 396 30 2:23.60 462 183
5M-GE 396 17 2:21.01 600 238
Valley of Gold 396 29 1:51.17 471 187
Death Valley 395 5 3:21.88 800 316
Vector Valley 395 6 48.64 777 307
Cmacles Magnum Opus 395 8 1:09.03 736 291
[Orbital]Ergonomica Streams 393 5 1:03.78 800 314
DAC #1: Decade 393 11 1:59.56 684 268
DAC #4: Endurance 392 12 1:19.20 669 262
Capacitance 392 8 2:14.45 736 289
Encryption 392 12 1:37.77 669 262
Division 391 7 1:26.96 756 295
Emerald Dive 391 12 1:59.39 669 261
Post Mortem 391 177 4:06.72 0 0
Gezellig 390 4 2:19.58 827 323
Affinity 390 9 32.23 718 280
Get In The Hole 2 390 3 4:55.18 859 335
Pink 389 14 1:24.76 640 249
Illusions 389 7 1:50.02 756 294
first Track 389 4 12.17 827 322
DAC #5: Noir 389 17 1:13.37 600 234
Violet 388 7 1:49.74 756 294
Construction 388 29 1:01.25 471 183
Sea 387 46 1:10.11 330 128
Skyline 387 9 1:32.36 718 278
Gravity 387 33 2:14.00 435 168
Cataclysm But You Should Really Evacuate 387 16 2:28.44 613 237
The Most Dangerous Game 387 10 45.51 700 271
Soul Space 387 13 1:12.39 654 253
A.R.T.007 (Checkpoint) 386 19 34.35 576 223
Bacterial 386 5 57.11 800 309
A seemingly impossible level 386 8 3:20.84 736 284
Ribbon 385 3 17.67 859 331
HyperCube 384 210 1:24.33 0 0
Heh 384 3 55.18 859 330
Wired 384 564 2:23.66 0 0
Broken Symmetry but the music keeps getting faster 384 3 1:16.41 859 329
Get in the Hole 3 383 9 9:39.87 718 275
Murk 383 15 1:13.45 626 240
Core 382 43 56.49 352 134
Hijack 382 59 2:02.78 239 91
Hexopolis 381 292 1:39.15 0 0
[NWBO] U-Turn 381 143 1:14.56 0 0
Dataline 381 763 4:33.21 0 0
NWBO/Tb Course 1 381 15 47.93 626 238
Techno Radiant 381 37 2:46.35 400 152
[Contrast] P̷͓̩̥͈̝̗͚̎̀̾̏͠ristine Peaks 381 406 4:52.04 0 0
Extraction 381 18 1:33.15 588 224
Hardcore Black 380 7 46.98 756 287
Sector 400 380 861 1:45.26 0 0
DAC #23: [Factor]Fall Out 380 95 2:22.31 31 12
Apple Boat 379 30 1:17.07 462 175
DAC #9: Aeris 379 13 1:52.80 654 248
Paradise Lost 378 246 1:22.50 0 0
Swoon 378 20 57.09 565 214
DAC #17: NWBO 5: The Hub 378 17 2:49.88 600 227
community levels are a mistake 378 8 2:26.99 736 278
DAC #8: Form of Discovery 378 58 2:30.94 246 93
Blocks 377 7 42.39 756 285
Baby Bubblegum 377 11 12.56 684 258
Wobble 377 26 1:36.39 500 189
DAC #11: Remnants 377 44 3:07.95 345 130
Continuity 377 31 1:04.03 453 171
Acclivity 376 27 1:51.92 491 184
Graviton Disturbance 376 25 1:16.37 511 192
zack spire 376 4 1:14.21 827 311
BLACKLIGHT 375 8 2:12.92 736 276
Backdoor 374 19 1:12.85 576 215
Take A Chance 374 317 2:35.77 0 0
DAC #13: Whisper 374 20 1:55.39 565 211
Not Broken Symmetry 374 8 2:01.21 736 275
Simpleset 374 42 43.16 360 135
Yellow city V 1.0 373 13 1:02.23 654 244
Gigawatt 373 71 1:42.53 164 61
Mentality 373 51 2:20.49 293 109
Red Heat 373 41 1:01.39 368 137
Path Of Espada 372 3 19.33 859 320
Antimap 372 6 1:15.76 777 289
Twister 372 3 42.69 859 320
Duality ⓻ 372 100 2:28.82 6 2
DAC #4: Toy Time 372 6 1:38.94 777 289
Blindness 371 5 37.18 800 297
Bard's Level 371 26 22.63 500 186
Island Hopping 370 7 57.96 756 280
Synthwire 369 6 1:24.30 777 287
Fight 369 18 3:14.03 588 217
Salmon 369 58 1:08.16 246 91
DAC 1: Green Hill Zone 368 39 44.34 384 141
nitronic infection 368 16 57.08 613 226
Wragle Dan 368 3 1:37.26 859 316
bamsbaell 368 16 5:48.30 613 226
Lunatic's Dream 367 8 20.76 736 270
Level 1 367 12 13.01 669 246
Broken Symmetry But The Endzone Is Hidden Not Really 367 5 58.03 800 293
The Fall 366 9 1:36.53 718 263
Union 366 4 1:09.40 827 303
Girder Realm 365 14 2:19.25 640 234
Frozen in time 364 281 2:01.37 0 0
[Beautiful]Babbilythus 364 5 57.12 800 291
Gilded Glass 364 160 2:00.32 0 0
Midnight City 363 19 1:29.99 576 209
ghost2 363 16 52.51 613 223
Jelly 362 5 1:56.81 800 290
DAC #11: [Risen]Upper 362 30 1:26.71 462 167
Table 362 126 1:32.20 0 0
Capital Bee 362 120 3:57.32 0 0
Fall Running 361 14 23.57 640 231
DAC #8: Phoenix 361 4 1:33.25 827 299
winter slide 361 4 55.82 827 299
[DAC#25] Infinitum 361 67 49.53 188 68
Earth 361 91 2:02.84 52 19
[STE] Aterrador 360 20 1:05.32 565 203
Betrayal of the Storm Leviathan 360 14 2:00.14 640 230
DAC #5: Beat Block Backroad 360 18 1:05.06 588 212
Obscuration 360 37 2:05.00 400 144
Perimeter 359 12 2:25.03 669 240
Guntherswildride 359 9 12.73 718 257
Sakura Skyway 359 253 1:35.70 0 0
The Blitz (Updated) 358 13 20.34 654 234
Ozone 358 8 8.34 736 264
Blue 358 7 1:20.53 756 271
Irrationality 2 358 3 8:53.01 859 308
[DAC #5] Permission 358 180 2:07.36 0 0
xenon reality 357 35 2:50.02 417 149
DAC #5 - Natural Gift 356 6 1:44.17 777 276
DAC #5: Rekall 356 6 50.75 777 276
Additive 356 27 1:05.76 491 175
Trials Of MuteCity 355 12 50.40 669 238
Blast Processor 355 37 21.79 400 142
Superheated 355 2 1:09.39 900 319
Neutron Star 355 35 1:23.38 417 148
DAC #1 Protoville 355 130 1:36.65 0 0
Neon Fury 354 8 37.76 736 260
REDLINE 3 : Himalayan Thrust 354 16 2:34.43 613 217
Back into the void 354 1,451 2:11.53 0 0
Primary Thrust 353 21 42.21 553 195
Meet 353 21 8:54:54.89 553 195
DAC #4: Distant East 352 8 1:49.12 736 259
Soountitled 352 10 22.84 700 246
Morning Competition 352 23 17.36 531 187
The Stars Are Empty 352 14 2:27.24 640 225
MA_Ancient Future 352 50 1:52.86 300 106
Damnation 351 8 1:20.37 736 258
Blacklight2 351 25 1:57.71 511 179
Set Ablaze 351 61 2:16.02 226 79
Intestines 350 57 1:28.47 252 88
Lite 350 3 58.11 859 300
Sector 11 350 12 1:26.51 669 234
DAC #4: Redrum 350 25 2:07.83 511 179
DAC #1: Hanging Gardens 350 5 1:38.76 800 280
beyond the horizons 349 29 2:50.64 471 164
Red Sorta Terrifying World 349 21 1:42.82 553 193
The Art of the Professional 349 8 3:01.55 736 257
Primus 348 11 1:36.98 684 238
Thrustration 348 12 1:49.46 669 233
DAC #23: Ark Aeratus 348 15 44.09 626 218
DAC #2: Today 348 3 2:08.93 859 299
DAC #23: [Factor]Red Tide 348 2 1:00.72 900 313
yarn, wood, fabric 348 13 1:13.82 654 227
[DAC #24] Pentathlon 348 369 3:12.28 0 0
Entanglement 347 6 1:08.65 777 269
Sector 77 347 9 41.89 718 249
ARLTR Four 347 3 31.32 859 298
DAC 6: Cosmic Glitch 347 27 3:03.98 491 171
Normal Force 347 4 3:28.46 827 287
Distance Rollercoaster 347 19 17.92 576 200
Hell Escape 346 8 16.72 736 254
Be a Bee 346 25 3:27.40 511 177
Time Machine 345 18 1:24.89 588 203
Nitronic Black 345 25 1:02.84 511 176
Heaven is Hell 345 8 24.81 736 254
DAC #7 2021 - Carbon Fiber 345 52 3:52.32 286 99
Dazzle 345 11 55.28 684 236
[DAC 10 | 6] reRF se4 345 26 1:20.00 500 172
Colliding Worlds 344 11 2:11.67 684 235
Skin 344 8 1:35.43 736 253
Green Hill Zone 343 2 1:26.30 900 308
50 Second Theory 342 28 43.02 481 165
The Best Track Ever 2 342 3 9.16 859 294
Deja Vu 342 26 3:04.39 500 171
S&S Revival 341 4 1:15.74 827 282
REDLINE : Volcanic Rush 341 5 2:01.47 800 273
MA_Banal 341 28 47.21 481 164
BENTCITY 340 4 1:34.33 827 281
Nosestand Machine 340 23 55.93 531 180
DAC #2: Whirligig 340 37 2:27.21 400 136
Amaranthine 339 11 3:13.08 684 232
Firefly 339 41 1:32.40 368 125
Ghosted 339 3 1:15.53 859 291
Astral Corn 339 11 1:00.57 684 232
DAC #6: Cubtlety 339 57 2:46.38 252 85
Broken Symmetry 3055 339 5 1:04.64 800 271
City #035 339 7 1:40.34 756 256
Candles of Hekate 338 46 1:43.25 330 112
Twisted Sister (Repost) 338 21 1:21.00 553 187
Choo Choo Chase V2 338 4 29.35 827 280
MA_Thought 338 13 47.04 654 221
Sector 258 338 14 3:06.41 640 216
NightLife 337 4 35.67 827 278
Throwback 337 23 2:44.50 531 179
Frankenstein 337 2 1:33.62 900 303
Sunset Grime(Lighted) 337 4 1:31.48 827 279
The Powergrid 337 3 1:12.43 859 290
Beneath the Crust 337 70 1:31.16 170 57
Hemoglobin 336 28 27.77 481 162
City Escape 336 40 1:55.15 376 126
[DAC #18] Ice to Meet You 336 89 1:36.30 62 21
Abandoned Utopia 335 23 1:28.16 531 178
Rising Up To Hell 335 5 1:21.91 800 268
Broken Symmetry but I broke it 335 2 1:49.64 900 301
Get That Hamburger 5 335 7 50.37 756 253
California Cruise 334 16 2:00.54 613 205
Brink 334 7 1:41.22 756 253
DAC #23: Rainbow Road 334 12 2:45.87 669 223
Main Menu (Legacy) but you collect cars 334 10 2:59.76 700 234
Detection 333 94 1:33.93 36 12
A suspiciously ordinary looking level 333 3 15.14 859 286
DAC #8: Baby Time 333 59 47.11 239 80
[DAC #23] Dreamcatcher 333 54 2:11.37 272 90
City Run 332 13 1:08.36 654 217
Inertia 332 2 20.28 900 299
Super Gay Rainbow Road 332 11 1:22.33 684 227
DAC #7: Zircon 332 32 1:14.18 444 147
DAC #18: Lights Out 332 7 1:42.02 756 251
Purple Tone 332 38 1:06.10 392 130
Instability 331 392 2:01.69 0 0
Underway 331 2 1:25.73 900 298
Disorientation 331 5 2:47.22 800 265
Municipal Down [Collab] 330 39 2:44.56 384 127
Spire 329 30 1:58.60 462 152
Psychedelic Overdose 329 10 1:22.81 700 230
Deep Blue 329 23 2:17.84 531 175
Temporal Dilation 329 80 1:43.85 112 37
The Cylinder of Life 329 5 37.21 800 264
Realitytweak 328 141 1:53.72 0 0
Looped Scorpion 328 5 42.67 800 262
DAC #7: Leviathan 328 4 1:50.23 827 271
Offices 328 16 1:45.86 613 201
DAC #6: Wayfarer 328 12 2:09.88 669 219
I'm A Giant Butt 327 5 35.49 800 262
SEVEN's_skill-sharpner 327 7 9.45 756 248
[Flow]Grape 327 5 51.32 800 262
COVID XMASS 327 10 1:44.57 700 229
End Of Time 326 28 43.60 481 157
[Beautiful]Guvox 326 34 58.56 426 139
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 326 17 2:29.20 600 196
Beelectric 326 11 1:37.88 684 223
Orange 325 8 33.69 736 239
High Octane Supplement 325 14 2:02.02 640 208
HexSea 325 9 2:41.98 718 233
[Orbital]Distillation 325 19 1:10.40 576 187
Flawed 325 3 1:04.94 859 279
Purple Track Level 3 324 1 1:44.92 1,000 324
DAC #23: Iteration 324 89 1:54.37 62 20
EmpireSplineRoadBankedTurnLeft 324 18 26.27 588 191
DISTANTHRALL 323 7 2:22.00 756 244
Midnight City 323 4 59.51 827 267
Disillusioned 323 11 1:20.26 684 221
Trails Of BigBlue 323 29 2:46.32 471 152
The Red Tower: Prologue 323 3 1:56.98 859 277
Thunder Snow 323 3 1:18.29 859 278
Yellow Beginnings 323 7 55.05 756 244
Whomp's Fortress 100 Coin Star 323 9 4:33.82 718 232
cramkl 323 22 1:37.40 542 175
Red Metal Falls DAC 2023 [Day 15!] 323 27 2:29.59 491 159
City of Rapture 322 25 1:31.04 511 165
Alien Laser Training Programme 322 7 28.61 756 244
DAC #17: Vehicle Violator 322 12 3:08.49 669 215
Light Frenzy 322 5 1:07.10 800 258
五神宝 ~ Eternal Request 322 8 3:54.36 736 237
Liver 321 310 2:35.10 0 0
DAC #23: Boost Tastic 321 36 1:51.30 409 131
[Contrast] Unknowing the Truth 321 33 1:38.74 435 140
MA_Systemization 321 122 1:10.43 0 0
DAC #25: Grael Tenstry 321 26 2:49.55 500 161
Jumpy Bouncing Leap Time with Majestic Sea Flap Flap 320 2 25.78 900 288
Yku 320 5 51.29 800 256
DAC#22: Instrument of Torment 320 15 2:39.77 626 201
SuperMini! 320 2 1:17.83 900 288
DAC #1: QQ Returnal 320 30 1:04.23 462 148
PAC #14: Turtle Race 2 319 9 47.67 718 229
Research Facility G 318 12 1:37.31 669 213
Missing 318 73 2:38.12 152 48
DAC #5: Dunboat's Folley 318 15 3:24.29 626 199
Absorption 318 173 1:44.50 0 0
Road to Underworld v1.0 317 529 2:34.57 0 0
Dragon Road 317 8 2:38.52 736 233
Levitate 317 177 1:52.22 0 0
[Compact]Bubble 317 14 1:38.67 640 203
DAC #11: Firewall 317 8 1:27.88 736 233
Sword 316 3 1:44.53 859 271
DAC #20: My Dear December 316 749 1:22.36 0 0
Malice 316 14 1:47.95 640 202
[MEME] turn 15 316 5 1:09.71 800 253
Girders 316 2 1:27.48 900 285
Cursed Mountain 315 5 58.74 800 252
Watermelon Overdose 315 11 3:32.83 684 215
Monster Rally 315 2 18.53 900 283
DAC #16: Retrograde 315 88 2:16.69 68 21
SkyLineTestDrive 314 3 26.43 859 270
DAC #25: Prismatic Path 314 33 1:44.77 435 137
A City Of Gold 313 5 55.19 800 251
Green Is Your Friend 313 11 37.79 684 214
DAC#13: Sector L18 313 13 4:49.37 654 205
Purple Track Level 1 312 8 1:05.85 736 230
I Never Said I Liked You Guys 312 5 2:25.75 800 250
Spectral Fragments 312 97 3:16.80 21 7
DAC #21 (2018): Frosty Echoes 312 15 3:29.38 626 196
Entanglement but it's Tangled 312 2 2:09.11 900 281
Atirat 312 23 1:58.02 531 166
DAC #15: Varying Christmas 312 10 1:05.96 700 218
DAC #25: Mirror Mirror 311 6 2:06.20 777 242
Apathy 311 9 4:19.60 718 224
Broken Symmetry But It's An Adventure Mode Level 311 2 1:23.84 900 280
DAC #10: Magma Cliffs 311 42 3:22.03 360 112
Galaxy Drop 311 3 40.22 859 267
Ablivion 310 67 2:15.72 188 58
Prism 309 11 2:24.10 684 211
Ruin Running 309 12 1:46.90 669 207
Bikini Bottom 309 92 1:16.15 47 15
Falling Awake 309 20 4:57.91 565 175
White V 1.3 308 3 2:05.33 859 264
dac2016 #11 The Factory 308 7 1:45.88 756 233
Contralith 308 21 2:50.70 553 170
Outskirts 308 2 1:30.87 900 277
DAC #22: Utopia of Fire: Reignited 308 7 2:43.96 756 233
DAC#22 Snowman's Dungeon 308 5 2:10.61 800 246
DAC #3: Cookie World 308 57 2:27.79 252 78
[DAC #25] Neon 308 24 56.82 521 160
Fibbledorp 308 45 2:15.62 337 104
DAC #12: Deception 308 229 2:06.67 0 0
Lock 307 3 32.83 859 264
Midnight Insight 307 6 1:07.21 777 239
DAC #14: N64 Rainbow Road 307 350 2:01.38 0 0
Idiotic Map 1 306 4 10.61 827 253
Polarized 306 72 2:18.29 158 48
Cable 306 291 2:27.11 0 0
Konfusious 305 13 11.22 654 199
Dopeness 305 8 2:50.79 736 224
Bad Sector 305 29 5:36.26 471 144
Super Cool Level I Guess 304 7 1:07.10 756 230
[Beautiful]Operation 304 63 1:16.34 213 65
Invertigo 303 5 11.35 800 242
Terre d'Ange 303 12 32.45 669 203
Acknowledge 303 13 1:18.83 654 198
Assimilation 303 2 1:03.06 900 273
Wolf-Rayet 303 16 1:14.22 613 186
Evacuate 303 13 1:09.85 654 198
Germs 303 25 1:53.36 511 155
Clean Blue 302 10 23.21 700 211
Anomaly 55 302 9 23.01 718 217
Ez 302 2 45.31 900 272
Pine Tree Track 302 4 29.26 827 250
Perfect Symmetry 302 60 1:48.26 232 70
Abomination 302 35 3:10.84 417 126
Cyber 302 11 1:06.82 684 207
Harsh Contrast 301 98 2:17.34 16 5
Vaporwave 301 30 40.09 462 139
Flip City 301 78 1:43.46 123 37
DAC#13: Hardcore Orange 301 29 2:24.91 471 142
Void 299 1 1:30.89 1,000 299
Space Jamed 299 14 1:49.12 640 191
DAC #9: Cosmic Cemetary 299 10 2:01.29 700 209
Hue Shift 298 16 26.03 613 183
Deep Trouble 298 5 1:34.18 800 239
Stupid Map 8 298 14 28.11 640 191
[STE2] Celebrations 298 29 42.98 471 140
DAC #3: Mount Winter 298 7 1:13.51 756 225
MA_Coastal 298 20 39.94 565 168
DAC #14 Upside Drown 298 24 2:08.05 521 155
Clocktower 297 359 3:05.50 0 0
DAC 10A: Entry Point 297 100 2:42.51 6 2
DAC #4: JoJo's Bizarre Map 297 28 1:49.65 481 143
DAC #8: Astral Magnet 297 71 2:09.49 164 49
Industrial Alliance 296 447 2:05.74 0 0
COAT Speedway 296 74 1:36.59 146 43
Broken Symmetry but oh god everything's falling 296 2 50.23 900 266
Skydrop 296 59 3:48.84 239 71
Basket 296 5 11.15 800 237
DAC #21: sn0wf1ake 296 16 1:52.17 613 181
Repulsion 295 15 1:06.80 626 185
Irregular Road 294 6 11.16 777 229
A real MANLY track _ By Septis 294 4 54.04 827 243
2caKe 294 2 52.44 900 265
SKIP THIS! 294 13 32.41 654 192
Negative Charge 294 22 1:31.71 542 159
Mega eruption 294 4 59.78 827 243
DAC #2: -IXTRO- 294 28 3:26.97 481 142
The 1st Journey 293 6 1:50.37 777 228
Glass Hexagon 293 4 57.65 827 243
Spirit 293 12 1:36.00 669 196
Randomness 293 7 1:08.17 756 221
Cubic Space 293 3 1:56.62 859 251
Strange Matter 293 198 2:32.12 0 0
Rootways 293 51 1:40.43 293 86
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Xyz 292 288 2:44.71 0 0
Catfish Creek 292 25 1:58.43 511 149
Luna;Tic (Version 0.6) 292 50 2:50.86 300 88
DAC #6: Impact 291 47 4:02.63 322 94
[DAC #16] HYPERHEADTRAUMA 291 32 2:43.21 444 129
[DAC #24] Genesis: In Another World 291 14 1:39.52 640 186
Nitronic Rush : Enter The Matrix 290 8 1:30.00 736 214
The Grid 290 3 18.50 859 249
Spaghetti Sauce 290 10 34.42 700 203
Dotted 290 92 50.44 47 14
DAC#7 MIRAGE 290 52 1:53.60 286 83
DAC #19: DAC Frost 290 22 1:11.61 542 157
HolyRoad 289 4 16.29 827 239
A Green Day 289 20 1:29.13 565 163
[Beautiful]Surge 289 26 4:34.82 500 144
DAC #15 : Bee Factory 289 47 2:11.14 322 93
Storm on the horizon 288 4 59.63 827 238
Bikini Bottom [REVAMP] 288 92 1:44.29 47 14
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Hairux 288 13 59.32 654 189
Outage 288 23 2:08.47 531 153
Viriable Dogma 288 13 16:11.07 654 188
▀▊▊▏▕▂ ▎▇▅ 287 14 1:12.29 640 184
Falling Through The Sky 286 4 46.62 827 236
DAC #11: Hypercubes 286 17 1:55.89 600 171
DAC #18: Impossibility 286 15 36.01 626 179
Abandoned Nightmare 286 7 35.45 756 216
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Juktin 286 196 2:10.43 0 0
Unutopian Block 286 14 1:17.37 640 183
Foraminifera 286 4 21.81 827 236
DAC #17: Cathedrals 286 30 1:56.71 462 132
DAC #20: Bug Light 286 43 2:00.62 352 101
DAC #25: Titans 286 2 37.63 900 258
Hint of doubt 285 2 1:28.35 900 257
Glassercity 285 6 1:07.93 777 222
Oberon 285 21 1:23.79 553 158
Broken Symmetry but it's Minimalist 285 26 1:29.60 500 143
DAC #14 (2019): MrMii's Boardwalk Colosseum 285 26 1:23.03 500 142
[Engage] ENG∀GE R∃X 285 10 3:43.83 700 200
Copper Skyline 285 155 1:45.92 0 0
Phantom 284 56 3:21.54 259 74
How to break Distance 284 4 26.65 827 235
Science 284 6 1:25.99 777 221
If at First you don't Succeed... 284 8 18.98 736 209
Lamp Realm Special Edition 284 3 9.14 859 244
Awakening the Crystals 284 36 3:42.30 409 116
Euphoria But the Gravity Changes 284 2 35.59 900 255
Antimatter factory 283 5 23.41 800 227
Glacier 283 248 1:06.68 0 0
Lost Sectors 283 36 3:28.66 409 116
Green Hill Zone Act 2 283 5 1:06.17 800 227
Pollution 283 4 1:53.48 827 234
Neural 283 97 2:16.15 21 6
MA_Molten 283 14 49.66 640 181
Hell 282 5 1:38.17 800 226
Broken Symmetry but It's rotated by 90 degrees 282 2 1:12.54 900 254
Deeporbit 282 196 2:55.97 0 0
Unfinished 282 26 4:04.53 500 141
Get That Hamburger 2 282 11 1:16.64 684 193
DAC #25: Secret Santa 282 38 5:18.37 392 111
DAC #1: Theoretical Mind 281 181 4:09.81 0 0
Yellow Isle 281 2 1:01.08 900 253
Pacebreaker 281 43 1:38.66 352 99
Atomic 280 6 40.78 777 217
Forsaken Shrine 280 48 2:38.21 315 88
Melody 280 5 1:42.03 800 224
Lowest Point 280 4 3:05.29 827 231
PAC #15: Turtle Race 3 280 13 55.50 654 183
DAC #5: Perception 280 15 2:38.15 626 175
Gotham 1992 279 47 1:45.15 322 90
Colorless 279 3 1:36.58 859 240
DAC #6: Wasteland 279 16 1:56.79 613 171
Magnetic Polarity City 279 141 1:56.90 0 0
DAC #21 - Pasta Land 279 36 3:45.79 409 114
Expison 278 49 2:56.28 308 86
Ookazi 278 19 59.85 576 160
So You Say You Gotta Go Fast 278 10 44.98 700 195
[DAC #25] Hardpoint 278 2 1:22.70 900 250
The Bees 278 6 1:19.49 777 216
[DAC #20]: Facility #80 278 21 1:19.19 553 154
The Spire 277 3 1:13.52 859 238
Virus Rush 277 2 44.44 900 250
The Day After Tomorrow 277 11 1:07.92 684 190
gm_flatgrass 277 7 5.21 756 210
DAC #8: Graphics Rendered 277 16 1:51.45 613 170
Energy Storm 276 4 50.90 827 228
Mist 276 6 1:25.84 777 215
Laser Grid 276 8 30.53 736 203
PAC #6: Jelly Frog 276 4 28.61 827 229
DAC #7: Vanity 276 66 2:08.95 194 53
Cityrun 275 6 46.29 777 214
gladiator II - Excalibur 275 7 4:47.62 756 208
Mountain Ridge Run 275 4 1:26.45 827 228
MA_Brutalist Light 275 43 49.83 352 97
Boomp 275 87 2:39.84 73 20
End Of Time 2 274 16 2:16.23 613 168
AREA CX3 274 44 2:59.65 345 95
[Uncommon]Full 274 40 1:50.31 376 103
DAC#6: Biotec 4 274 87 5:34.07 73 20
surreal shelf: combo boost 274 15 2:46.69 626 171
DAC #24: Rudolph 274 167 3:15.05 0 0
[DAC #15] Distant Galaxy 274 41 4:54.08 368 101
Twitowtra 273 14 9.51 640 175
The Experiment 273 6 9.18 777 212
The 2nd Journey 272 4 1:50.92 827 225
The Virus Grows 271 177 1:58.84 0 0
Oxy 271 9 1:21.77 718 195
Refraction 271 21 1:56.10 553 150
The light through the darkness 271 8 1:58.66 736 199
Vector Drive 271 50 1:30.82 300 81
DAC #19a (2019): Carbonation [CINEMATIC] 271 55 8.46 266 72
In Lieu Of Blackhail 270 23 54.31 531 144
The Depths 2: Caverns of Chaos 270 51 5:29.78 293 79
Lisa Frank 270 15 6:13.84 626 169
DAC #12: Abyss 270 45 2:12.56 337 91
DAC #22: Lighning Strikes Twice 270 6 1:52.05 777 210
DAC #7: Calefaction 270 27 1:26.22 491 132
Refuge 269 4 1:41.52 827 223
Cloud Factory 269 2 1:30.82 900 242
Stardust City 269 12 3:15.80 669 180
Flawed 268 199 2:10.90 0 0
[DAC 9] EndTask 268 32 3:03.96 444 119
Toast Church 268 23 2:35.84 531 142
DAC #1: Mt. Strange Day 268 22 1:15.53 542 145
DAC #2: Stellar Bloom 268 20 1:55.47 565 152
DAC #18: Parallel Processing 267 26 1:27.19 500 134
Cyclone 267 33 16.46 435 116
Quarantine 267 5 1:55.55 800 214
Heart of Darkness 267 15 2:17.20 626 167
Lamp Realm 267 13 9.81 654 175
Virtual Reality? 267 201 2:14.18 0 0
Event Horizon II 267 78 2:41.58 123 33
[Compact]Crimson Way 267 49 1:36.16 308 82
FFFFFF 267 68 1:13.42 182 49
[DAC #15] To Páthos Máthos 267 24 3:28.13 521 139
something 266 7 26.16 756 201
Into green city 266 4 2:01.41 827 220
Get In The Hole 266 21 2:35.66 553 147
Atlus 266 8 2:25.90 736 196
Race a Bee 266 7 1:24.38 756 201
Dangerous Days 265 5 1:26.82 800 212
Fast Purple 265 2 9.25 900 238
Horizon City 265 5 1:09.36 800 212
Sector 86 265 321 2:24.32 0 0
Broken Symmetry But It Has Low Gravity 265 23 2:11.07 531 141
Disconnected 265 105 3:28.32 0 0
Facetex - Special 264 2 39.99 900 237
A Wonderful Track 264 18 8.25 588 155
Void (Wings Disabled) 264 8 3:53.67 736 195
Trial of the Flame Drake 264 30 1:28.74 462 122
Unforeseen 264 42 2:59.21 360 95
Derelict Hyperspace Junction 263 34 2:00.08 426 112
Glasscity 263 4 14.11 827 217
City Run (Fog) 263 8 27.93 736 194
The 4th Journey 262 3 2:07.10 859 225
Ecru 262 7 3:11.72 756 198
Convolution 262 29 2:13.21 471 124
skittles 262 5 8.77 800 210
yergan 262 53 1:26.93 279 73
DAC #12: Magi 261 57 3:10.65 252 66
DAC #13: The Source 261 172 1:53.53 0 0
Reaction 261 5 1:18.64 800 209
The Signal 261 8 1:00.28 736 192
Cascading Jumps - Morning Competition 2 260 4 2:47.12 827 215
Green Planet SP 260 8 41.75 736 192
roeniealpha 260 3 1:03.40 859 223
[STE2] colorful balloons 260 2 1:18.03 900 234
Challenge For Everyone! 260 3 1:01.13 859 223
DAC #11: Gamer 260 3 1:39.14 859 224
[STE] Limbus Puerorum 259 13 2:29.60 654 170
Nuumbia Temple 259 8 56.71 736 191
Adios Beaches 259 29 4:07.77 471 122
DAC #12: Rock2GS 259 18 1:05.01 588 152
DAC# 5: Spools 259 32 1:26.37 444 115
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Zekkataph 258 23 1:13.78 531 137
Veil 258 87 1:10.70 73 19
Obviate 257 2 1:29.72 900 231
COAT Speedway 257 11 1:35.96 684 176
Cobalt Cardinal 257 182 1:17.28 0 0
Bjorkhagen 20xx 256 4 17.66 827 211
DAC #7: Neptune 256 22 2:20.58 542 139
Are You Confused Yet? 255 6 24.85 777 198
Hallo luntger 255 5 2:06.46 800 204
The Depths 255 48 3:30.13 315 80
Abandoned City 255 388 3:26.37 0 0
Mad City 255 3 57.57 859 219
Shift 254 4 1:38.88 827 210
ghost 254 7 1:01.72 756 192
Binary Construct 254 46 2:16.32 330 84
Innovation 254 8 2:52.66 736 187
ʎɹʇǝɯɯʎs uǝʞoɹq 254 6 1:25.72 777 197
800 254 91 1:54.13 52 13
DAC #16: Dreamsicle 254 41 1:33.46 368 93
New Beginnings [Remastered] 254 9 1:22.30 718 183
DAC #8: Sundown Sprint 254 33 2:24.89 435 110
Shattered Misconceptions 253 6 1:30.43 777 196
Segments 253 5 2:20.94 800 202
Sector 49 253 111 1:49.77 0 0
DAC #18: El Tesoro Desconocido 253 27 3:18.61 491 124
Pipe Resort 252 5 31.81 800 201
Anarchy Road 252 4 1:26.52 827 208
energy panel 252 28 2:21.66 481 121
Eternal Storm 252 22 1:35.39 542 137
DAC #11: Pipe Dream 252 14 2:38.48 640 161
[DAC 11 | 14] Archaic Tomb 2 252 35 2:03.90 417 105
DAC #9: DAC #10 251 15 43.56 626 157
Apocolypse 250 6 2:04.66 777 194
Mountain Research 249 22 2:05.37 542 135
Quicksilver 248 40 6:04.91 376 93
Speeder 248 6 49.31 777 193
Abyss But It's Really Dark 248 12 2:37.49 669 166
DAC #7: SNES Rainbow Road 248 259 1:59.98 0 0
DAC #6: Depth Charge 248 27 3:01.59 491 122
No more stress 247 7 25.40 756 187
Die 247 7 53.64 756 187
Red Sky (Quick Map) 247 3 41.13 859 212
Excess 247 11 1:23.05 684 169
Dodge 2.0 247 5 25.29 800 198
The Storm Generator 246 3 1:54.76 859 211
Circuitnaut 246 6 24.08 777 191
Recovering 246 2 1:31.07 900 221
Get That Hamburger 4 246 10 1:23.10 700 172
DAC #5: The Greenhouse 245 12 1:08.90 669 164
Experimental one 245 18 46.04 588 144
Bowling For Goblets 245 6 6.92 777 191
Boss Battle: Sakura Guardian 245 81 3:13.62 106 26
DAC #8: Baby Time Forever 245 1 40.51 1,000 245
Evasion 244 29 4:46.17 471 115
DAC #21: 鼓符 ~ Pristine Thunder 244 77 5:14.74 129 32
City Undergroud 243 3 1:02.10 859 209
GHM 243 9 1:22.34 718 174
Going the Distance 243 6 49.46 777 189
Dac 25: Icarus 243 6 1:10.23 777 189
31 242 73 2:18.63 152 37
Cmacles Magnum Opus V: Collision RNG 242 9 38.76 718 174
DAC#5 Euthanasia Coaster 242 9 34.46 718 174
Short But Sweet 2 241 9 1:23.68 718 173
Canvas 240 16 1:15.47 613 147
Monochrome 240 62 3:47.93 219 53
[Beautiful]Gehenna 240 110 2:15.73 0 0
Another Day 240 58 3:11.57 246 59
Fucks Given 0 239 2 1:46.64 900 215
DAC #6: Pachinko 239 13 11.92 654 157
Old Terminus (Old OOB skip) 238 36 3:00.87 409 97
White's Death Machine 237 7 1:34.25 756 179
Summer Time 237 126 2:23.68 0 0
Gravity's Toy 237 3 56.81 859 204
An Easy Drive 237 23 2:46.23 531 126
Illumination 237 5 1:49.00 800 190
Ephemeral Emerald 236 4 24.63 827 195
Nightmare 236 10 1:02.20 700 165
Sonic Adventure 2 : Radical Highway 236 4 2:06.72 827 196
[Lapse]Kralka 236 19 2:26.24 576 136
Summer Velocity 236 117 1:56.04 0 0
Forest 235 2 1:09.54 900 212
Perspective 235 365 3:30.57 0 0
Nitronic Rush : Totally Tubular 235 260 3:52.53 0 0
Anomaly 235 240 59.16 0 0
Corrupted Foundry Revamped (Current) 235 9 3:08.61 718 169
DAC #20: Against The Flow 234 6 1:17.23 777 182
December Days 234 28 2:46.15 481 113
DAC #20: Vestige 234 44 2:09.06 345 81
Returning Home 233 50 2:05.49 300 70
Red Society 233 4 1:05.95 827 193
Village in the Skies 233 33 3:11.48 435 102
Rise 233 6 2:17.19 777 181
Roller Challenge 233 8 5.39 736 171
The Ring (Map Collab) 233 33 5:59.24 435 102
Some Space Level 233 48 2:51.69 315 73
DAC #23: [Factor]Currtria 232 63 3:27.69 213 49
Monument Realm 232 167 2:46.24 0 0
DAC #7: GBA Rainbow Road 232 145 3:02.62 0 0
Cyber Cruise 232 3 1:46.52 859 199
DAC #25: NiTinol Wheel 232 46 2:00.01 330 77
Death 231 47 1:58.21 322 74
Time Gate 231 283 4:10.52 0 0
Dunroth's Folley 231 623 2:03.83 0 0
#MEME Monday 230 5 2:46.39 800 184
Witness 230 44 1:59.46 345 79
[STE2] The final countdown 230 33 3:07.44 435 100
Parasitize 230 36 1:43.29 409 94
DAC #23: Seismic Realm 230 32 3:09.83 444 102
Apocalypse Now 229 8 25.84 736 168
Broken Symmetry PURE 229 3 1:16.72 859 196
Departure 229 4 1:45.42 827 189
Blimp Strats 229 11 3:02.34 684 156
Generation Y 228 11 15.29 684 156
Mind Factory (Sprint Edit) 228 3 15.80 859 196
Identity Crisis 228 31 4:38.73 453 103
Resaturated Projection 227 31 2:42.92 453 103
DAC #9: Wither 226 27 2:01.01 491 111
Lighthouse 226 3 59.93 859 194
Distance Prototype Track 226 70 48.08 170 38
I'm a box! [Nightmare] 225 2 1:12.40 900 202
Antivirus 225 22 2:06.14 542 122
Graveyard of Ash 225 20 2:14.59 565 127
The Incredible Zol-Torcht 225 21 52.17 553 124
Traps 224 16 47.08 613 137
REDLINE 2 : Silent Moon 224 4 1:06.31 827 185
Idiotic Map 2: Charon's Barge 224 7 13.64 756 170
Nebula Sprint 224 7 2:05.24 756 169
Getting To Grips 224 21 5:10.29 553 124
Dimensional Fragments V2.0 224 52 3:26.83 286 64
Viral Infection 223 40 2:55.26 376 84
Glass City Realm 223 5 31.57 800 178
Zone rescue (Boss battle) 223 21 5:59.02 553 124
Directionality 222 7 1:25.71 756 168
Umbreon Security Service 222 14 1:59.99 640 142
Thousand 222 43 1:28.13 352 78
Boat Races 221 18 1:31.18 588 130
The Great Fall 221 58 2:19.79 246 54
[STE2] Sanctum 221 4 1:55.35 827 183
A Fun Ride 220 5 21.49 800 176
Loooping 219 6 18.71 777 170
Dance 219 1 2:07.58 1,000 219
Glass Realm 219 23 1:40.08 531 116
High rise 218 6 18.82 777 169
AngryZone 218 28 40.98 481 105
Lava Grounds 218 8 1.34 736 160
DAC #14: Arcane Star 218 39 2:59.61 384 84
X synergy 216 9 1:19.96 718 155
Data Diving 215 2 2:01.51 900 193
Dark Blazer (DB Opening Level) (WIP) 215 19 5.26 576 124
Dormant Cluster 215 4 34.74 827 178
Death Valley 215 6 1:51.80 777 167
DAC #10: Enemy Queue 215 11 3:11.54 684 147
Test track 214 6 19.86 777 166
DAC #4: Theoretical Soul 214 180 9:21.57 0 0
french homework, do not download (or be a rebel and download anyways, idc) 213 5 3.03 800 171
Conflux 213 43 1:04.87 352 75
Warped 212 136 2:15.33 0 0
Singularity 212 2 1:20.40 900 191
DAC#7: Biotec 6 212 130 4:07.01 0 0
DAC#19: Coconut Mall 212 51 1:36.06 293 62
DAC #16 The Beast Has Bellowed 212 29 3:54.00 471 100
Let The Rush Flow Through You! 211 66 2:41.07 194 41
Brief Chaos 211 6 10.79 777 164
Eschaton 211 92 3:46.81 47 10
Disturbia 211 10 1:26.57 700 148
Overload 210 10 2:40.02 700 147
Luxor's Rising 210 3 28.33 859 180
Psychedelic Blitz 210 9 1:43.94 718 151
Distance but it's a major plot twist 210 5 0.15 800 168
DAC #22: Echos of Past and Future 210 45 5:43.70 337 71
F-Zero-Lightning :Merge 210 284 2:14.54 0 0
PAC #21: Pinapl Museum 210 65 23:18.40 200 42
DAC #7: Acceleration 209 84 1:56.41 89 19
DAC #25: Mysterious City 209 42 2:52.71 360 75
HIGH SPEED 208 6 25.33 777 161
DAC #17: Ice Planet Pathway 208 17 2:12.93 600 125
Hollow 207 17 1:22.82 600 124
SNES Mario Circuit 4 207 3 1:40.32 859 178
This one yo 206 5 1:11.78 800 165
Extremely Short level 206 40 5.26 376 77
Trackmania but its Distance 206 13 1:17.18 654 134
Trailtube Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 206 20 2:25.05 565 116
DAC #8: Super Mario Galaxy 205 8 1:33.57 736 151
▄▘▀▟ ░▊▘ ▞▇▏▉ 205 4 1:01.26 827 170
Gargantua 205 54 1:45.63 272 56
Lightbond 205 15 2:10.30 626 128
Green City 203 21 2:22.76 553 112
DAC #1: Serpentine 203 17 1:20.07 600 122
[STE2] Celebration island 202 3 1:15.10 859 173
Choochoo Chase [Sprint] 200 6 18.84 777 155
Golf with your Car 200 18 2:49.44 588 118
]|[ Desert City 198 2 3:47.05 900 178
High Pressure 198 7 1:31.12 756 150
Cold apocalypse 197 14 1:26.60 640 126
Copper 197 5 48.81 800 157
Pulse 195 58 1:36.05 246 48
Disruptive Environment 195 36 2:20.32 409 80
Hexagon 18 194 16 6:58.55 613 119
Hellsangel 193 4 33.35 827 159
DAC #1: Distance Galaxy 193 15 15:50.56 626 121
DAC #18: SNES Mute City 193 71 1:32.17 164 32
Heavenly City 192 3 1:01.94 859 165
Raver 192 11 2:05.33 684 131
Thrive 192 16 1:47.04 613 118
Granulki 192 18 2:09.38 588 113
White Girl 192 67 12.95 188 36
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 191 911 1:29.46 0 0
The Vex 191 5 1:08.53 800 153
Red Dragon Xp 190 5 36.78 800 152
Cliffside Realm (Jay2a redux) 190 5 22.34 800 152
Reboot 188 34 2:47.11 426 80
Gumball Machine 187 2 1:26.73 900 168
Green [Sprint/Speed&Style] 187 4 1:51.38 827 154
try 187 16 1:01.56 613 115
Nuclear 186 304 3:10.88 0 0
old Cosmic Realm (HotWheels Acceleracers) 186 81 54.39 106 20
Precognition 185 4 1:51.59 827 153
the first space elevator 185 47 3:33.93 322 60
Lava_Whatever 184 3 1:33.83 859 158
[STE2] Untethered 183 8 2:50.68 736 134
Cultured Realm 183 18 48.91 588 108
Hidden Metropolis 182 8 1:38.44 736 134
Cerberus 182 7 53.72 756 138
Apex Scrap 182 97 1:39.60 21 4
TRANSFORMERS : Optimal Bypass Overhaul 181 14 3:52.24 640 116
Electric Highway 181 2 1:03.27 900 163
Heaven Sent 179 25 1:45.36 511 92
Color Blind 179 4 1:13.86 827 148
Strato road 178 14 1:07.77 640 114
Distance Run 177 5 1:42.12 800 141
F-Zero : Trials Of Porttown 176 115 2:28.51 0 0
Longrun 175 6 59.13 777 136
DAC #10: snow seed 175 105 23.40 0 0
Felicity 174 46 3:43.82 330 57
DAC #24 Disparity 173 107 3:07.88 0 0
[STE2] Upgrade 173 3 2:14.10 859 149
Pipeline Segment 173 34 1:18.38 426 74
Automotive Infiltration 2 173 44 3:13.49 345 60
DAC Extra: Runner Vision 172 26 1:56.43 500 86
LSD 171 6 22.71 777 133
Casual Avenue 171 38 1:06.23 392 67
DAC 3# Glacier Realm 171 22 2:28.95 542 93
Laser Show I 170 12 1:21.97 669 114
DAC#23: Ice Realm 170 116 3:34.14 0 0
Realms Realm (Accelememers Realms) 169 376 1:37.50 0 0
Quantum Freeway 169 224 2:48.23 0 0
Hell 168 19 1:55.11 576 96
Sky Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 168 20 3:47.84 565 95
Spin To Win 164 11 2:46.34 684 112
_opefull-flyer 164 42 1:27.06 360 59
F-Zero : Trials Of FireField 164 26 3:40.66 500 82
DAC #24: Storm Chaser 164 105 4:06.89 0 0
DAC 18: Seasonal Slope 161 49 2:57.40 308 50
Desecration 160 50 3:17.24 300 48
Storm Realm [Omega Redux] 157 14 1:48.29 640 100
Hilbert Road 157 10 4:45.86 700 110
lost in dark areas 155 33 4:40.56 435 67
Nitronic Rush : Gladiator 155 164 4:25.45 0 0
Neon Underground 155 42 2:16.02 360 56
distance 3 confirmed 155 35 2.46 417 65
Lost in time 154 27 3:02.53 491 76
1985 154 33 2:23.90 435 67
Psychedelic Phantasm 151 11 1:18.77 684 103
The Beginning of the End 147 3 5.25 859 126
Cheat The System 147 19 5.26 576 85
The Battle of Aragon 145 60 1:51.56 232 34
Spektrum Ionely 141 11 1:03.88 684 96
Lamp Realm (Pinapl Redux) 138 7 5.11 756 104
DAC #13: Swamp Realm 128 181 2:44.24 0 0
Solar Realm 126 401 4:40.29 0 0
Hot Wheels City V2 126 42 1:34.92 360 45
Acid 117 18 1:11.70 588 69
Hot Wheels World Race: Ultimate Track Set 111 26 2.00 500 56
DAC#16 Highway 35 World Race Leg 2 96 99 5:02.16 11 1
Highway 35 (Leg 1 Of 4) 87 111 4:42.77 0 0
Start Realm (Accelememers Realms) 82 13 0.64 654 54
City Limits [Cinematic] 79 55 3:12.03 266 21
Labyrinth Realm 34 74 3:23.51 146 5