
dreifachpunkt. stats

Sprint rank 70th
Sprint completions 480
Sprint score 55,690
Holdboost rank 777th
Holdboost score 8,127
Challenge rank 61st
Challenge completions 17
Challenge score 4,960
Stunt rank 55th
Stunt completions 6
Stunt score 1,315

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
aruspex {Virouxe's Distortion Edit} 531 4 8:35.11 827 439
Escape the Hole 512 11 9:27.05 684 350
DAC #10: Overdrive 493 60 1:13.99 232 114
Industrial Fury 492 1,562 4:02.23 0 0
[Trial]Shallow 483 187 1:04.60 0 0
[Trial]Sender 480 170 1:44.99 0 0
Grid Flight 480 4 1:01.02 827 397
Thruster Control 101 474 26 1:20.54 500 237
[DAC #14] Hardline 468 588 4:32.22 0 0
This Is Possible I Promise 2 468 2 27.58 900 421
[Cosmos] Desolate 467 13 7:34.22 654 306
map2 466 9 5:16.03 718 335
[NWBO] WTF?!?!?!?!? 465 67 1:15.36 188 87
[Trial]Affect 465 74 2:26.35 146 68
[NWBO] Full Circle [WIP] 462 53 1:51.63 279 129
DAC #9: Overrun 462 47 1:39.87 322 149
Inability 460 2 15:09.90 900 414
DAC #9: Ink 458 57 1:23.03 252 115
Optimal Angle 457 37 1:03.57 400 183
Get In The Hole 5 457 7 31:19.46 756 346
Bamboo 456 6 2:25.64 777 354
[DAC #5] Plus 453 36 55.57 409 185
PAC #22: Krispy Told Me To Make This 453 18 2:41.49 588 267
[Untrust] Electric Artifact 447 27 3:11.58 491 219
Hole In The Wall 446 3 1:46.67 859 384
DAC#4: RECOIL 445 980 3:05.23 0 0
Beta Echoes 445 832 1:50.55 0 0
[DAC 11 | 3] The Tower 443 8 23:50.93 736 326
NWBO Heaven V2 442 20 35:33.31 565 249
Terrible 440 36 2:07.90 409 180
Nitronic Navigation 437 15 1:49.72 626 274
DAC #11: [Risen]Yigilaxis 437 36 3:35.70 409 179
Optimism 437 161 1:56.53 0 0
NWBO/TB Course 4 434 38 2:23.97 392 170
NWBO/TB Course 2 433 32 1:22.30 444 192
SAG Entry 428 11 2:40.40 684 293
DAC #1: Global Warmed - Fire and Ice 426 12 1:53.63 669 285
Peanutbutter 425 50 1:53.87 300 128
DAC #16: Surge Redux 424 24 3:06.17 521 221
Inferno 423 127 3:25.51 0 0
DAC #9: Theoretical Heart 423 356 3:31.57 0 0
Unorthodox 422 37 2:21.21 400 169
Baryonic 422 24 1:01.17 521 220
[Cosmos] Flare 422 9 3:34.64 718 303
DAC #12: Silent Night 420 27 1:45.16 491 206
Marvel 420 189 1:54.87 0 0
White 419 798 2:23.35 0 0
Neo Seoul 2144 418 152 1:54.75 0 0
Polyhedral Hex 416 40 3:27.41 376 157
71M3 416 34 5:28.05 426 177
DAC #2: Storm 2: Neon Thunder 416 21 2:17.71 553 230
[Trial]March 415 36 1:30.02 409 170
Exodus 415 82 2:19.32 100 41
DAC #11: [Risen]Amalgama 415 17 5:40.55 600 249
[Untrust] Flower 414 21 1:30.86 553 229
DAC #11: Clockwork Zone 414 30 1:36.83 462 191
[NWBO] Simply Straight 413 125 16.57 0 0
Paradise 413 33 5:00.82 435 180
Digital 412 242 1:43.66 0 0
Parallel Fracture 412 23 6:15.19 531 219
DAC #8: Holiday Treats 412 21 1:23.38 553 228
shafty 411 1,351 3:08.17 0 0
WUBS Course 1 (Wing und Boost Skill) 409 40 2:50.60 376 154
[Rise]Eoi 404 23 2:10.15 531 215
[Suffer] Coming to Grips With Things 404 23 1:29.83 531 215
Solace 403 379 2:03.87 0 0
[Suffer] Boneless 402 32 2:48.11 444 178
Fustration Jets 401 14 2:02.49 640 257
WUBS 2: Cannon Fodder 401 8 3:30.67 736 295
DAC #2: Concrete Jungle 401 26 1:32.79 500 201
The 3rd Journey 400 826 3:00.24 0 0
Concrete Halls 400 57 3:39.97 252 101
Genesis 400 45 2:22.05 337 135
DAC #12: Mechanical Rust 398 29 2:45.96 471 188
[Orbital]Ergonomica Streams 393 441 1:56.54 0 0
DAC #1: Decade 393 88 2:24.25 68 27
PAC #2: Blokk 393 12 50.07 669 263
4TH DIMENSION 392 10 2:07.95 700 274
DAC #4: Endurance 392 277 1:51.55 0 0
Division 391 89 1:57.44 62 24
Bluu Screw 391 13 55.40 654 256
Gezellig 390 36 3:43.22 409 160
Affinity 390 572 1:37.05 0 0
Pink 389 39 1:29.12 384 149
DAC #5: Noir 389 744 2:25.73 0 0
Sea 387 209 1:15.53 0 0
Gravity 387 396 3:02.28 0 0
Unorthodox 2 387 19 4:59.81 576 223
The Most Dangerous Game 387 2 43.87 900 348
A.R.T.007 (Checkpoint) 386 243 2:19.74 0 0
A seemingly impossible level 386 9 4:17.29 718 277
HyperCube 384 918 2:03.43 0 0
Wired 384 314 1:52.16 0 0
Hijack 382 111 2:14.34 0 0
[DAC #13] Unorthodox 3 382 29 15:52.60 471 180
Hexopolis 381 950 3:51.65 0 0
[NWBO] U-Turn 381 98 1:06.07 16 6
NWBO/Tb Course 1 381 42 51.32 360 137
Irrationality 1 381 5 6:13.41 800 305
Sector 400 380 1,592 2:05.15 0 0
DAC #16: [Hybrid]LXXEITU 380 18 3:36.77 588 223
DAC #9: Aeris 379 29 2:01.55 471 179
Swoon 378 392 1:31.82 0 0
Eclipse City [D4C] 378 46 2:59.53 330 125
DAC #17: NWBO 5: The Hub 378 37 3:20.62 400 151
DAC #8: Form of Discovery 378 36 2:22.77 409 155
End of play time 377 19 3:18.11 576 217
DAC #11: Remnants 377 33 3:06.30 435 164
[Beautiful]POO PO 376 11 4:02.13 684 258
BLACKLIGHT 375 929 2:27.71 0 0
Backdoor 374 920 1:26.87 0 0
Awkward Leap 374 20 17:32.87 565 211
Yes 373 26 1:05.89 500 186
PAC #5: Thread 373 12 1:09.59 669 249
Antimap 372 19 2:09.96 576 214
[Trial]Location 372 41 1:41.71 368 137
DAC #4: Toy Time 372 22 1:50.95 542 202
Spherical Track 371 8 1:16.39 736 273
Eyim 370 68 4:30.15 182 67
DAC 1: Green Hill Zone 368 175 1:29.92 0 0
Union 366 56 1:16.59 259 95
Girder Realm 365 21 2:53.34 553 202
Tempest 365 183 2:54.18 0 0
Frozen in time 364 260 1:59.98 0 0
Jelly 362 44 5:22.87 345 125
DAC #11: [Risen]Upper 362 13 50.23 654 237
Fall Running 361 154 3:20.36 0 0
[STE] Aterrador 360 325 1:23.98 0 0
good level design 360 5 4:43.19 800 288
DAC #5: Beat Block Backroad 360 14 1:04.70 640 230
Perimeter 359 701 3:29.04 0 0
TC201 359 10 2:09.44 700 251
The Blitz (Updated) 358 18 28.18 588 210
Irrationality 2 358 6 13:55.63 777 278
Malware 358 28 1:27.86 481 172
[DAC #5] Permission 358 124 2:04.58 0 0
[Compact]Pill 357 40 4:05.61 376 134
DAC #5 - Natural Gift 356 102 2:13.89 0 0
DAC #5: Rekall 356 34 52.41 426 151
Additive 356 463 1:59.53 0 0
Neon Puzzles 356 10 26.31 700 249
Trials Of MuteCity 355 377 3:36.94 0 0
DAC #1 Protoville 355 12 1:15.64 669 237
Nonsense 354 14 5:03.69 640 227
REDLINE 3 : Himalayan Thrust 354 159 2:45.25 0 0
Primary Thrust 353 272 1:15.31 0 0
DAC #13: Irrationality 3 353 7 21:25.30 756 267
Upsidedown Skiing(WIP) 352 9 1:23.39 718 252
Blacklight2 351 1,060 3:43.27 0 0
Ninja Car Gaiden Revamped 351 30 2:21.97 462 162
Broken Symmetry [Hint Edition] 351 4 11.62 827 291
Intestines 350 48 1:27.66 315 110
Lite 350 26 1:05.33 500 175
DAC #4: Redrum 350 10 1:54.21 700 245
DAC #1: Hanging Gardens 350 20 1:53.11 565 198
Red Sorta Terrifying World 349 106 1:56.17 0 0
The Art of the Professional 349 46 4:04.12 330 115
[Trial]Restriction 349 73 1:41.97 152 53
Thrustration 348 28 1:55.06 481 168
DAC 6: Cosmic Glitch 348 90 3:12.69 57 20
DAC #19b (2019): Depths of Echoes 348 38 3:40.68 392 136
[DAC #24] Pentathlon 348 29 2:26.00 471 164
Anything Can Be The Endzone 345 11 30.00 684 236
Scarlet Skies 345 3 26:54.77 859 297
DAC #7 2021 - Carbon Fiber 345 9 2:25.03 718 248
[DAC 10 | 6] reRF se4 345 7 1:01.33 756 261
Liquid Rhythm 343 18 1:26.75 588 202
The Best Track Ever 2 342 23 1:36.40 531 182
S&S Revival 341 727 2:11.77 0 0
DAC #2: Whirligig 340 10 1:34.79 700 238
DAC #6: Cubtlety 339 9 1:43.12 718 244
Water 338 8 1:46.42 736 249
Throwback 337 57 3:20.14 252 85
Sunset Grime(Lighted) 337 64 2:20.78 207 70
City Escape 336 207 2:02.69 0 0
90Degree 336 14 27.45 640 215
Rising Up To Hell 335 18 1:32.35 588 197
Corn Cats 334 14 48.51 640 214
[Compact]Fuzz 333 27 1:58.72 491 163
DAC #8: Baby Time 333 10 46.11 700 233
[DAC #23] Dreamcatcher 333 25 1:55.21 511 170
Inertia 332 334 2:34.28 0 0
Runic 332 24 1:43.91 521 173
DAC #7: Zircon 332 30 1:13.94 462 153
DAC #18: Lights Out 332 9 1:44.17 718 238
Underway 331 322 2:20.11 0 0
Ignition 331 11 6:23.34 684 226
Neon Drive 329 609 3:08.94 0 0
[Compact]Shell 329 23 2:57.20 531 175
DAC #6: Wayfarer 328 9 2:03.34 718 235
SEVEN's_skill-sharpner 327 91 7:55.35 52 17
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 326 1,002 2:55.57 0 0
Nitronic Wormhole 326 8 1:25.89 736 240
Orange 325 333 1:33.36 0 0
2HEAVY 325 10 1:43.79 700 228
Icarus 324 4 1:50.64 827 268
PAC #19: R.G.B. 324 8 1:01.64 736 238
DISTANTHRALL 323 167 2:52.38 0 0
Trails Of BigBlue 323 699 3:02.33 0 0
Red Metal Falls DAC 2023 [Day 15!] 323 21 2:24.77 553 179
五神宝 ~ Eternal Request 322 32 5:28.37 444 143
DAC #23: Boost Tastic 321 13 57.26 654 210
DAC #1: QQ Returnal 320 15 57.63 626 200
DAC #5: Dunboat's Folley 318 13 3:18.94 654 208
Road to Underworld v1.0 317 123 2:04.40 0 0
Levitate 317 91 1:42.62 52 16
[Compact]Bubble 317 83 1:40.90 95 30
DAC #11: Firewall 317 9 2:06.65 718 227
Sword 316 72 1:59.68 158 50
DAC #16: Retrograde 315 18 2:11.17 588 185
Green Is Your Friend 313 378 4:11.99 0 0
DAC#13: Sector L18 313 4 3:39.36 827 259
DAC #15: Varying Christmas 312 13 1:06.30 654 204
Magma Hoping 312 9 1:41.36 718 224
DAC #25: Mirror Mirror 311 298 3:38.29 0 0
Broken Symmetry But It's An Adventure Mode Level 311 85 1:37.11 84 26
DAC #10: Magma Cliffs 311 13 1:55.59 654 204
Contralith 308 19 2:49.88 576 178
DAC #22: Utopia of Fire: Reignited 308 5 2:31.58 800 246
PAC #3: Worm 308 10 53.74 700 215
DAC #3: Cookie World 308 24 2:25.21 521 160
[DAC #25] Neon 308 17 48.84 600 185
DAC #12: Deception 308 15 1:52.53 626 193
Neon Fury 2 307 231 3:25.94 0 0
DAC #14: N64 Rainbow Road 307 24 1:46.45 521 160
Infected Symmetry 306 48 3:07.45 315 96
Cable 306 12 2:00.81 669 205
Orokin 305 274 4:41.74 0 0
[Cosmos] Energize 305 8 1:47.00 736 225
Dimensional Splice 304 213 3:43.54 0 0
Slurping Noises 304 11 58.75 684 208
Acknowledge 303 412 2:27.39 0 0
Wolf-Rayet 303 8 53.78 736 223
Abomination 302 15 2:34.61 626 189
SLURP1 302 9 18.33 718 217
Relentless 302 12 2:16.12 669 202
Subversion 301 62 9:25.24 219 66
Vaporwave 301 357 1:09.31 0 0
DAC#13: Hardcore Orange 301 9 1:50.31 718 216
Repaired Society 300 48 1:45.71 315 95
Distrophy 299 73 7:28.29 152 45
DAC #9: Cosmic Cemetary 299 16 2:07.96 613 183
Hue Shift 298 8 25.95 736 219
Lumber Town 298 23 2:15.59 531 158
Oscillator 298 3 1:05.45 859 256
DAC #14 Upside Drown 298 5 1:40.69 800 239
DAC 10A: Entry Point 297 47 2:11.91 322 96
DAC #8: Astral Magnet 297 17 1:44.21 600 178
Skydrop 296 34 3:38.38 426 126
Wall Madness 294 6 1:19.37 777 229
DAC #2: -IXTRO- 294 14 3:01.42 640 188
Beforemath 293 12 2:37.89 669 196
Enthalpy 293 9 1:05.79 718 210
Catfish Creek 292 74 2:06.55 146 43
DAC#20 Olympian Ironman sprint 291 46 41.15 330 96
DAC #6: Impact 291 354 6:19.15 0 0
[DAC #16] HYPERHEADTRAUMA 291 14 2:37.64 640 186
Nitronic Rush : Enter The Matrix 290 555 1:56.86 0 0
DAC#7 MIRAGE 290 487 2:04.23 0 0
DAC #19: DAC Frost 290 9 1:01.32 718 208
A Green Day 289 289 1:40.24 0 0
[Beautiful]Surge 289 16 3:43.76 613 177
DAC #15 : Bee Factory 289 32 2:02.71 444 128
High Voltage Transfer 289 7 1:32.64 756 218
Storm on the horizon 288 346 2:11.88 0 0
DAC #7: Dark City 287 319 2:34.12 0 0
Falling Through The Sky 286 523 1:15.61 0 0
DAC #11: Hypercubes 286 68 3:10.26 182 52
DAC #17: Cathedrals 286 15 1:43.31 626 179
DAC #20: Bug Light 286 14 1:57.34 640 183
Oberon 285 115 2:07.41 0 0
Lost Sectors 283 68 3:30.39 182 51
DAC #1: Theoretical Mind 281 391 4:53.22 0 0
DAC #5: Perception 280 11 2:36.69 684 192
Gotham 1992 279 188 2:20.18 0 0
Colorless 279 13 1:46.47 654 183
DAC #6: Wasteland 279 5 1:42.86 800 223
Magnetic Polarity City 279 155 1:58.46 0 0
Old Metro 279 52 2:33.09 286 80
Cluster Truck Medieval Stage 279 8 24.55 736 205
DAC #9: Stormwind Peaks 279 8 2:24.21 736 205
Ookazi 278 303 1:57.43 0 0
So You Say You Gotta Go Fast 278 25 51.70 511 142
[DAC #25] Hardpoint 278 93 3:29.38 41 11
Virus Rush 277 9 51.46 718 199
DAC #8: Graphics Rendered 277 6 1:41.16 777 215
Lv2 2-4 276 4 3:43.10 827 228
DAC#22: Engine of Chaos 276 12 10:55.39 669 185
PAC #6: Jelly Frog 276 14 32.24 640 177
DAC #7: Vanity 276 10 1:45.79 700 193
Cityrun 275 112 1:36.75 0 0
gladiator II - Excalibur 275 31 7:17.55 453 124
DAC #17: Ariengy 2 275 23 3:01.09 531 146
DAC#6: Biotec 4 274 168 7:14.08 0 0
[DAC #15] Distant Galaxy 274 17 3:46.75 600 164
DAC # 22: Deep Freeze 272 28 10:34.58 481 131
The light through the darkness 271 7 1:57.36 756 205
The Smallest End Zone Ever 271 27 11.29 491 133
DAC #19a (2019): Carbonation [CINEMATIC] 271 3 2.00 859 232
New Virus City 270 3 25.87 859 232
Dangerous Incursion 270 75 5:38.59 140 38
DAC #12: Abyss 270 25 1:59.49 511 138
DAC #7: Calefaction 270 17 1:24.84 600 162
Refuge 269 104 1:58.38 0 0
Diverging Paths 268 61 1:39.60 226 61
[DAC 9] EndTask 268 29 3:01.14 471 126
Toast Church 268 5 1:08.40 800 214
DAC #1: Mt. Strange Day 268 10 1:10.32 700 188
DAC #2: Stellar Bloom 268 9 1:53.64 718 193
Emptyness 267 4 3:00.50 827 221
Quarantine 267 43 3:58.23 352 94
Virtual Reality? 267 367 2:22.19 0 0
Event Horizon II 267 477 5:48.14 0 0
[Compact]Crimson Way 267 22 1:34.91 542 145
[DAC #15] To Páthos Máthos 267 9 2:39.02 718 191
Get In The Hole 266 81 7:20.50 106 28
Atlus 266 35 2:49.74 417 111
DAC #13: Vu7e 266 7 4:38.81 756 201
Horizon City 265 661 3:28.58 0 0
Contrast 265 30 57.98 462 123
Ascension 264 9 1:22.47 718 190
Trial of the Flame Drake 264 79 1:34.09 117 31
Tetradinum 264 6 2:47.60 777 205
Redline 263 5 43.09 800 210
Epilepsy Extended 263 4 1:24.85 827 217
Unforeseen 263 8 2:09.15 736 194
Convolution 262 663 2:26.57 0 0
DAC #4: Gizmo Concept 262 6 1:35.38 777 203
DAC #13: The Source 261 79 1:39.71 117 31
NEON CAVERN 260 74 4:14.50 146 38
Beyblade Space City 260 373 8:03.21 0 0
Power Through Sector 3584 260 9 1:37.52 718 187
DAC #11: Gamer 260 47 1:56.85 322 84
Senseless Map 0 259 6 6.13 777 201
DAC #12: Rock2GS 259 11 1:03.57 684 177
DAC #10 (2023): Full-Tilt Luigi 259 13 1:43.87 654 170
DAC# 5: Spools 259 7 1:13.54 756 196
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Zekkataph 258 172 1:22.00 0 0
PAC #12 257 30 1:24.37 462 119
Infinity 257 6 44.28 777 200
[DAC #14] The Midnight Express 257 13 4:01.41 654 168
DAC #7: Neptune 256 15 2:17.70 626 160
Abandoned City 255 187 2:48.54 0 0
DAC #9: "Charge" 255 92 8:02.39 47 12
ghost 254 13 1:17.48 654 166
ʎɹʇǝɯɯʎs uǝʞoɹq 254 16 1:29.25 613 156
DAC #16: Dreamsicle 254 20 1:31.37 565 143
DAC #8: Sundown Sprint 254 12 2:07.30 669 170
Sector 49 253 128 1:50.37 0 0
DAC #18: El Tesoro Desconocido 253 11 2:52.80 684 173
Pipe Resort 252 6 34.30 777 196
Anti-tower 252 22 8:06.18 542 137
DAC #11: Pipe Dream 252 5 2:00.05 800 201
[DAC 11 | 14] Archaic Tomb 2 252 3 1:40.84 859 216
DAC#25 Echoes of an olympian 251 77 5:26.41 129 32
Lost to society 251 106 3:58.34 0 0
Broken Symmetry but its designed by flat earthers 251 6 1:31.14 777 195
DAC #9: DAC #10 251 7 38.56 756 189
BIOPUMP-2 250 132 2:56.84 0 0
DAC #7: SNES Rainbow Road 248 17 1:22.72 600 149
DAC #6: Depth Charge 248 8 2:05.38 736 183
Monolith 247 171 4:08.76 0 0
DAC #5: The Greenhouse 245 21 1:09.24 553 136
Linear Level 244 10 54.15 700 171
DAC #21: 鼓符 ~ Pristine Thunder 244 20 4:15.50 565 138
DAC #7: End Zone 244 10 2:50.04 700 171
Dac 25: Icarus 243 14 1:12.18 640 155
Heat death 242 24 3:40.43 521 126
DAC#5 Euthanasia Coaster 242 103 34.99 0 0
Ascension 241 16 2:22.98 613 148
Spectrum 241 8 2:29.16 736 178
Broken Highway 240 6 19.78 777 187
Shaky grounds: Coast 240 82 5:39.75 100 24
Acceleracers Reactor Realm Fp Edition 240 25 2:20.60 511 122
Kinetica Electrica 1 239 427 1:40.59 0 0
DAC #6: Pachinko 239 6 11.00 777 186
DAC #6: Akia Coast 239 7 1:57.68 756 181
Gravity's Toy 237 10 1:12.43 700 166
Nightmare 236 28 2:08.35 481 113
Sonic Adventure 2 : Radical Highway 236 217 2:29.71 0 0
Sector Island Transit Center 236 9 34.51 718 170
Perspective 235 22 2:15.99 542 127
Nitronic Rush : Totally Tubular 235 565 6:20.10 0 0
Programming Blue 235 20 2:28.39 565 133
Lava Realm 234 1,079 4:44.83 0 0
Labyrinth 234 11 41.11 684 160
Neon Highway 234 41 2:50.53 368 86
Fractured Horizon 234 11 54.82 684 160
DAC #20: Vestige 234 9 1:41.71 718 168
Tooty 233 230 1:07.63 0 0
The Ring (Map Collab) 233 25 2:28.67 511 119
DAC #7: GBA Rainbow Road 232 12 2:38.16 669 156
Dac 2021, #21; Christmas Tree Adventure 232 5 1:58.25 800 185
Death 231 6 34.06 777 179
Claustrophobic 230 179 5:52.81 0 0
Planet Dive 230 7 1:51.01 756 174
Upwards Momentum 229 10 33.60 700 160
pop 229 62 2:16.00 219 50
Apocalypse Now 229 3 14.58 859 197
Identity Crisis 228 11 3:27.18 684 156
Resaturated Projection 227 54 3:00.10 272 62
Distance Prototype Track 226 13 28.22 654 148
I'm a box! [Nightmare] 225 14 1:25.14 640 144
Ascension 225 11 49.02 684 154
Antivirus 225 8 1:40.40 736 166
Viral Infection 223 53 2:58.54 279 62
The Great Fall 222 51 2:13.89 293 65
Rockfall 222 7 1:10.17 756 168
Thousand 222 5 1:10.77 800 177
Arrowz 'n lies 218 43 3:48.39 352 77
hurdles of an abandoned city 218 16 1:14.43 613 134
DAC #14: Arcane Star 218 32 1:44.18 444 97
Condemned 216 16 1:59.25 613 132
DAC #10: Enemy Queue 215 6 2:57.54 777 167
*fixed* Dark Rainbow Museum (update 3) 214 272 2:00.50 0 0
DAC #4: Theoretical Soul 214 81 7:39.84 106 23
The Stretch 213 21 1:46.33 553 118
DAC#7: Biotec 6 212 16 2:53.24 613 130
DAC#19: Coconut Mall 212 34 1:32.90 426 90
DAC#19: Coconut SMall 212 7 46.13 756 160
DAC #16 The Beast Has Bellowed 212 5 3:22.64 800 169
PAC #21: Pinapl Museum 210 3 4.77 859 181
DAC #7: Acceleration 209 11 1:35.43 684 143
DAC #17: Ice Planet Pathway 208 41 3:14.29 368 76
Trackmania but its Distance 206 27 1:49.23 491 101
Gargantua 205 69 2:10.27 176 36
In The Sewer 204 7 1:27.40 756 154
DAC #1: Serpentine 203 182 1:47.93 0 0
Rollercoaster 202 7 14.39 756 152
BOAT Speedway 201 14 4:15.68 640 129
Golf with your Car 200 6 27.67 777 156
DAC #10: Icebound Stadium 197 26 3:03.20 500 98
Pulse 195 147 2:11.40 0 0
[DAC] Speed Racer - Casa Cristo 5000: Leg 1 - Zenubian Desert 194 10 6:02.92 700 136
Ice Realm 193 621 3:04.62 0 0
DAC #18: SNES Mute City 193 10 1:25.23 700 135
Rock your World 192 9 28.14 718 138
METALLICA : RIDE THE LIGHTNING 191 133 5:43.18 0 0
Jockel Race 191 31 3:36.15 453 86
Research but nothing goes wrong 189 9 4:01.58 718 136
old Cosmic Realm (HotWheels Acceleracers) 186 660 5:18.23 0 0
Lamp Realm 3 185 7 8.31 756 140
Ice Ice Outpost Deluxe 182 97 2:53.96 21 4
Crash Cove 181 281 3:15.49 0 0
End to a brutal heart *Please read the description* 180 36 36.55 409 74
Heaven Sent 179 128 2:18.31 0 0
Color Blind 179 3 1:09.76 859 154
DAC #12: Star Gazer 177 15 3:43.02 626 111
DAC #10: snow seed 175 17 1.12 600 105
Broken Road 174 7 59.05 756 132
Tunnel Realm 174 36 5:12.46 409 71
N64 Rainbow Road (3 Lap) 173 15 5:17.02 626 108
[MEME] You wouldn't download a car. 173 6 0.66 777 134
Spooky Journey 171 3 38.64 859 147
DAC 3# Glacier Realm 171 10 2:18.72 700 120
Enemy but you're too late 170 86 2:11.36 79 13
DAC#23: Ice Realm 170 21 2:31.15 553 94
Quantum Freeway 169 547 2:48.90 0 0
Powerless 168 18 1:12.90 588 99
F-Zero : Trials Of FireField 164 54 3:55.91 272 45
DAC #24: Storm Chaser 164 8 3:03.48 736 121
Straightaway 159 8 3:17.54 736 117
Ice Realm [Omega Redux] 159 606 11:46.12 0 0
Hilbert Road 157 37 6:41.00 400 63
Nitronic Rush : Gladiator 155 23 1:38.80 531 82
DAC #15: Join 153 24 2:42.17 521 80
Null Void 152 238 3:51.51 0 0
Entry 149 19 3.21 576 86
Lamp Realm (Pinapl Redux) 138 40 6.44 376 52
World Race Leg 1 138 1,150 7:36.11 0 0
DAC #13: Basement 137 50 1:55.23 300 41
DAC #13: Swamp Realm 128 52 2:25.94 286 37
100,000eV - Six Figures Achievement 124 132 1:24.18 0 0
[DAC #18] Redline 118 8 4:14.05 736 87
Lambda-Core® #1 117 43 1:30.75 352 41
Dreamwave Stage 3 111 160 5:49.21 0 0
Mario Raceway 84 177 5:00.73 0 0
DAC #16: World Race Leg 2 44 748 11:05.64 0 0
Ignition [1/4] 43 75 6:55.65 140 6
The Speed of Silence [1/4] 39 521 5:51.75 0 0