
RetaliationGuy YT stats

Sprint rank 263rd
Sprint completions 320
Sprint score 14,196
Holdboost rank 721st
Holdboost score 8,785
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Moonlight 509 283 1:26.50 0 0
DAC #10: Overdrive 503 424 1:45.81 0 0
Ruin 499 159 1:22.71 0 0
Industrial Fury 491 160 2:16.58 0 0
[Trial]Shallow 482 231 1:05.44 0 0
[Trial]Sender 479 81 1:44.21 106 51
[DAC #14] Hardline 467 110 2:38.84 0 0
[Trial]Affect 464 37 2:19.71 400 186
THE 7 451 69 1:59.90 176 79
DAC #8: Particular Journey 449 474 2:51.61 0 0
Striker 448 1,513 2:17.94 0 0
Red 447 92 1:55.77 47 21
DAC#4: RECOIL 444 199 2:43.13 0 0
Beta Echoes 443 63 1:39.36 213 94
[Orbital]Gyra 443 75 1:07.87 140 62
[Orbital]Helium 442 155 1:21.69 0 0
Outrun 437 265 1:53.54 0 0
Duality 436 45 2:16.08 337 147
Impurity 433 59 1:58.74 239 104
Epicentre 427 116 1:22.02 0 0
Lost Fortress 425 254 2:13.55 0 0
Overcharge 423 58 2:19.87 246 104
Modulation 423 675 2:01.12 0 0
Vibrant Dreams 422 317 1:24.74 0 0
Golgamaith 422 47 2:17.39 322 136
Pathogen 420 136 2:35.32 0 0
Knowledge 418 1,171 2:07.42 0 0
Incline 415 355 1:22.22 0 0
Polyhedral Hex 415 75 3:58.38 140 58
[STE2] Sugar Rush 414 56 1:41.48 259 107
[Trial]March 414 85 1:33.94 84 35
Metropolis 413 266 1:51.37 0 0
Shrine 413 89 2:04.78 62 26
shafty 410 353 2:53.42 0 0
Method 410 84 1:43.10 89 37
Theolddays 407 333 1:49.32 0 0
B113 406 80 1:23.65 112 45
Perfect Storm 406 173 2:21.22 0 0
Pink 405 217 1:34.94 0 0
Dimension Shift 403 300 2:26.23 0 0
Solace 401 127 1:52.45 0 0
Tharsis Tholus 400 155 1:00.49 0 0
Digital Fabrication 399 85 1:46.00 84 34
Solar Electric (Smooth Mix) 398 519 3:04.45 0 0
Elemental 397 314 2:05.16 0 0
[Orbital]Ergonomica Streams 392 114 1:52.15 0 0
DAC #4: Endurance 391 153 1:49.10 0 0
Division 390 136 2:01.57 0 0
Affinity 389 698 1:42.82 0 0
DAC #5: Noir 388 431 1:54.13 0 0
[Beautiful]Babbilythus 386 137 1:09.03 0 0
Gravity 386 48 2:14.66 315 122
A.R.T.007 (Checkpoint) 385 119 2:13.45 0 0
Bacterial 385 159 2:35.68 0 0
Skyline 385 324 2:01.49 0 0
Sector 400 385 204 1:41.99 0 0
Wired 383 44 1:36.77 345 132
Backdoor 381 153 1:25.11 0 0
Core 381 132 1:34.83 0 0
Storm 381 420 4:13.94 0 0
Hexopolis 380 714 2:36.43 0 0
Dataline 380 114 3:25.39 0 0
Graviton Disturbance 375 941 2:17.63 0 0
BLACKLIGHT 374 74 2:20.66 146 55
[Trial]Location 370 28 1:33.67 481 178
Island Hopping 369 193 1:09.08 0 0
Synthwire 368 221 1:59.95 0 0
DAC 1: Green Hill Zone 367 552 1:35.76 0 0
Nebula 366 118 2:08.05 0 0
Tempest 364 323 3:08.03 0 0
Midnight City 363 225 2:02.94 0 0
[STE] Aterrador 359 145 1:20.30 0 0
Betrayal of the Storm Leviathan 359 69 2:15.08 176 63
[Compact]Pill 356 26 3:16.19 500 178
DAC #5 - Natural Gift 355 229 2:16.92 0 0
Blast Processor 354 712 1:27.68 0 0
Superheated 354 89 1:38.17 62 22
Neutron Star 354 207 1:41.01 0 0
Neon Fury 353 133 1:05.78 0 0
REDLINE 3 : Himalayan Thrust 353 75 2:39.43 140 49
Back into the void 353 234 1:24.89 0 0
Morning Competition 351 272 1:27.16 0 0
Primary Thrust 351 168 1:14.16 0 0
Blacklight2 350 392 2:14.28 0 0
Intestines 349 533 1:59.17 0 0
Infected Apartments 349 79 2:03.06 117 41
Primus 348 144 1:43.72 0 0
beyond the horizons 348 490 3:18.99 0 0
Red Sorta Terrifying World 348 183 2:03.61 0 0
[Trial]Restriction 348 30 1:40.05 462 161
ARLTR Four 347 374 1:54.03 0 0
DAC 6: Cosmic Glitch 347 87 3:12.22 73 25
Distance Rollercoaster 346 94 1:35.38 36 12
Sector 77 344 106 1:27.95 0 0
[STE2]Tetreal 344 20 2:56.15 565 194
Firefly 338 74 1:32.86 146 49
Choo Choo Chase V2 338 35 30.05 417 141
Twisted Sister (Repost) 337 91 2:48.21 52 18
NightLife 336 151 1:34.12 0 0
City Escape 336 82 1:57.90 100 34
Hemoglobin 335 233 1:40.74 0 0
DAC #23: Rainbow Road 333 64 2:55.38 207 69
Detection 332 26 1:26.02 500 166
[Compact]Fuzz 332 23 1:58.54 531 176
A suspiciously ordinary looking level 332 27 16.74 491 163
Ignition 329 122 18:12.59 0 0
Neon Drive 329 261 2:56.69 0 0
Psychedelic Overdose 328 81 1:40.42 106 35
Deep Blue 328 30 2:29.82 462 151
In the Zone 327 29 2:03.89 471 154
Realitytweak 326 1,187 1:59.86 0 0
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Juktin 326 196 2:09.84 0 0
[Beautiful]Guvox 325 99 59.82 11 4
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 325 118 2:30.34 0 0
Orange 324 166 1:32.71 0 0
High Octane Supplement 324 41 2:09.21 368 119
[Orbital]Distillation 324 132 1:44.51 0 0
Midnight City 322 240 1:12.84 0 0
Trails Of BigBlue 322 987 3:11.92 0 0
Thunder Snow 322 429 1:47.24 0 0
Megaboost: downhill jam 318 92 3:50.49 47 15
Road to Underworld v1.0 316 261 2:15.41 0 0
Levitate 316 59 1:39.98 239 76
[Compact]Bubble 316 38 1:39.63 392 124
DAC #20: My Dear December 315 155 1:09.32 0 0
Cursed Mountain 314 417 2:11.79 0 0
Dragon Road 313 560 6:38.74 0 0
DAC #21 (2018): Frosty Echoes 311 51 3:36.70 293 91
Ruin Running 308 208 2:35.91 0 0
Contralith 307 46 4:28.10 330 101
Neutrino 304 64 49.41 207 63
Orokin 304 440 6:25.56 0 0
[Beautiful]Operation 303 446 1:22.19 0 0
Transfer Practice 303 55 1:54.56 266 81
Acknowledge 302 97 2:22.22 21 6
Assimilation 302 87 2:08.01 73 22
Hell 302 397 5:23.75 0 0
Perfect Symmetry 301 18 1:29.42 588 177
Repaired Society 299 24 1:34.27 521 156
Broken Symmetry but it's a realm 299 73 1:51.32 152 45
Innovation 298 112 3:31.11 0 0
[STE2] Celebrations 297 25 38.71 511 152
DAC #3: Mount Winter 297 75 1:28.79 140 42
Repulsion 294 211 1:21.91 0 0
Negative Charge 293 850 3:23.04 0 0
Beforemath 292 21 2:50.05 553 162
Catfish Creek 291 314 2:29.64 0 0
Arrival 291 38 2:48.14 392 114
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Xyz 290 113 1:17.42 0 0
DAC#20 Olympian Ironman sprint 290 51 56.66 293 85
DAC#7 MIRAGE 289 110 1:55.93 0 0
Babys First Map 289 30 1:51.47 462 133
[Lapse]Naar 288 41 2:12.65 368 106
Biotec 3 288 26 1:53.50 500 144
Ookazi 287 477 2:23.61 0 0
Bikini Bottom [REVAMP] 287 100 1:46.31 6 2
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Hairux 287 216 2:17.82 0 0
Falling Through The Sky 285 347 1:09.24 0 0
Abandoned Nightmare 285 109 1:59.05 0 0
Planet 22 285 139 1:48.86 0 0
Oberon 285 36 1:27.50 409 116
Unutopian Block 285 51 1:39.48 293 83
Broken Symmetry but it's Minimalist 284 25 1:29.16 511 145
Awakening the Crystals 283 74 3:50.48 146 41
Lost Sectors 282 152 3:35.30 0 0
Virtual Skyway 282 282 1:37.49 0 0
Green Hill Zone Act 2 282 597 1:36.04 0 0
Pollution 282 33 2:04.60 435 123
Alpha Station Beta 281 26 3:07.73 500 141
The Third Kind 280 37 3:53.05 400 112
DAC #1: Theoretical Mind 280 319 4:33.00 0 0
Forsaken Shrine 279 89 3:03.41 62 17
Magnetic Polarity City 279 328 2:12.03 0 0
DAC#20 Olympian Ironman potato version 279 67 1:04.89 188 52
ʎɹʇǝɯɯʎs uǝʞoɹq 277 55 1:33.72 266 74
[Lapse]Iso Garg 275 78 2:12.08 123 34
AREA CX3 274 474 3:06.52 0 0
[STE2] colorful balloons 274 36 1:32.73 409 112
DAC#6: Biotec 4 273 38 4:01.31 392 107
[Lapse]En Insuula 271 8 3:53.03 736 199
Oxy 270 206 1:30.94 0 0
Vector Drive 270 402 2:28.99 0 0
Inferno (Training Mode) 270 40 5:02.91 376 102
Ignition Prologue 270 38 5:38.19 392 106
Dangerous Incursion 269 35 4:09.44 417 112
Water Realm [Omega Redux] 268 679 3:38.19 0 0
Distance On Rs4 268 27 1:36.53 491 132
DAC #19 UnderSky 267 16 4:28.18 613 164
Dodge 2.0 267 14 32.09 640 171
Event Horizon II 266 283 4:04.26 0 0
[Compact]Crimson Way 266 28 1:35.18 481 128
Atlus 266 135 5:20.48 0 0
Get In The Hole 265 76 6:17.30 134 36
Horizon City 264 284 2:33.89 0 0
Trial of the Flame Drake 263 278 2:02.03 0 0
Transneon 263 26 2:16.34 500 131
Convolution 262 117 2:14.56 0 0
Cliffside realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 261 1,299 2:45.19 0 0
Space Runner 261 25 1:55.77 511 133
Purification 261 13 3:55.88 654 171
DAC #12: Magi 260 45 3:06.82 337 88
NEON CAVERN 259 193 4:20.30 0 0
Beyblade Space City 259 45 4:35.48 337 87
[STE] Limbus Puerorum 258 33 2:33.96 435 112
Something Something 258 79 2:19.13 117 30
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Zekkataph 257 806 1:44.54 0 0
Beyond the Sky 2 257 32 1:37.20 444 114
Acceleration 256 12 55.88 669 171
Obviate 256 17 2:09.17 600 153
COAT Speedway 256 15 1:36.49 626 160
energy panel 255 15 2:19.78 626 160
Chrome Realm (HotWheels Acceleracers) 255 153 2:36.82 0 0
Abandoned City 254 231 2:57.24 0 0
Lost to society 251 39 3:40.74 384 96
DAC#25 Echoes of an olympian 250 26 4:46.75 500 125
[Orbital]Rigid Meltdown 245 197 1:36.84 0 0
Boss Battle: Sakura Guardian 245 81 3:13.53 106 26
Getting To Grips 244 78 7:55.19 123 30
Orbital Command 244 15 1:23.39 626 153
Initiate 242 49 2:09.82 308 75
Meltdown 240 116 2:33.52 0 0
DAC#4: Under Pressure 239 106 1:52.58 0 0
[Beautiful]Gehenna 239 50 1:43.22 300 72
Kinetica Electrica 1 239 118 1:19.79 0 0
Acceleracers Reactor Realm Fp Edition 239 229 3:42.31 0 0
Sk8 Park 238 114 3:14.46 0 0
Summer Time 236 168 2:33.66 0 0
Sonic Adventure 2 : Radical Highway 236 426 2:39.61 0 0
Lazuli Labyrinth (Complete) 236 21 2:53.51 553 131
Speed Racer: Next Generation - Neon Space 235 47 2:10.47 322 76
[Lapse]Kralka 235 58 2:35.55 246 58
Lava Realm 233 505 4:23.30 0 0
Thunder City 233 136 1:33.57 0 0
Between Worlds 233 21 4:12.36 553 129
Eschaton 232 33 2:51.17 435 101
Tooty 232 211 1:06.61 0 0
Wyldelands (Stargazer's Highway Stage Two) 231 18 59.56 588 136
Time Gate 230 352 4:34.94 0 0
[STE2] The final countdown 230 36 3:08.42 409 94
Rerun 228 23 1:28.34 531 121
City 72 226 41 3:35.34 368 83
Autosurf: Observatory 223 180 4:10.93 0 0
Messatsu Origins 222 41 43.79 368 82
Glass City Realm 222 56 11:06.85 259 57
Cold fusion 220 21 1:24.16 553 122
[STE2] Sanctum 220 102 2:05.94 0 0
Primitive Parkour 217 49 2:54.08 308 67
SIGMA 27 217 11 5:04.59 684 148
hurdles of an abandoned city 217 19 1:16.22 576 125
Digital Dash 001 216 37 39.50 400 86
Death Valley 215 32 3:51.60 444 95
Turbo City 214 42 8:02.15 360 77
Acceleracers Swamp Realm Fp Edition 212 27 2:51.61 491 104
Disturbia 211 13 1:37.14 654 138
Canyon Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 210 771 4:16.54 0 0
Purpitypurp 210 13 1:33.81 654 137
F-Zero-Lightning :Merge 210 282 2:14.38 0 0
Psychedelic Blitz 209 556 2:35.09 0 0
DAC #22: Echos of Past and Future 209 9 4:05.76 718 150
Jumper 205 32 9:18.78 444 91
The Cave 205 90 4:07.12 57 12
Trailtube Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 205 50 3:32.79 300 62
Cloud R&D 204 18 1:22.35 588 120
Automotive Infiltration 204 147 4:30.06 0 0
Singularity 203 19 1:46.18 576 117
[STE2] Celebration island 201 49 1:41.51 308 62
Enforce 197 45 2:00.02 337 66
Wallride Station [DCEC Version] 197 18 1:18.86 588 116
Time to Fly! (For the sprint tournament) 195 27 3:29.13 491 96
Ride To Hell 194 17 4:51.52 600 116
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 189 3,324 1:55.59 0 0
Cliffside Realm (Jay2a redux) 189 32 1:17.02 444 84
Ocean Realm 187 222 4:03.06 0 0
Sea of Souls 187 4 1:33.59 827 155
F-Zero :Time For A Kill (Cutscene) 185 33 3.55 435 80
[STE2] Untethered 182 285 4:26.13 0 0
Jungle Realm 182 20 3:18.87 565 103
Beachcity Drift 176 38 18.91 392 69
Pipeline Segment 174 123 3:09.71 0 0
Felicity 173 44 3:42.99 345 60
Mountain Realm 172 258 5:59.73 0 0
DAC Extra: Runner Vision 171 111 2:34.17 0 0
[STE2] Upgrade 170 32 2:29.90 444 76
Heaven Atoll 2 170 16 1:55.70 613 104
Quantum Freeway 168 439 2:48.61 0 0
Dreamwave Stage 1 167 73 3:40.49 152 25
Alliance Avalanche 166 14 2:42.70 640 106
Achievement Run 161 489 2:41.17 0 0
distance 3 confirmed 155 153 41.00 0 0
Dreamwave Stage 2 153 13 3:05.43 654 100
Nitronic Celebration 152 12 2:52.06 669 102
Ice Realm 150 98 4:25.87 16 2
Monday Amnesia 149 15 1:04.55 626 94
Entry 148 32 13.33 444 66
Cheat The System 147 19 5.26 576 85
Desert Bus but it's Distance 144 25 5:44.33 511 74
Cosmic Realm 143 391 4:15.42 0 0
Ice realm 142 738 5:26.76 0 0
Rolling Start 142 14 2:07.19 640 91
Blizzard Realm 140 52 3:36.65 286 40
Mountain 139 81 2:51.01 106 15
DAC #13: Basement 136 4 1:14.53 827 113
Pyramid Realm 136 144 5:40.16 0 0
Forward to the past 134 47 7:27.00 322 43
Repeater 134 17 2:28.46 600 80
Darklight city 132 9 6:55.03 718 95
Speed Racer: Next Generation Virtual Track - Canyan Road 132 58 5:18.11 246 32
DAC#18 Twin Peak Pass 127 82 1:37.86 100 13
Hot Wheels City V2 126 287 2:32.89 0 0
100,000eV - Six Figures Achievement 124 12 1:24.07 669 83
Dreamwave Stage 3 111 31 3:25.19 453 50
Mario Kart: KoopaTroopaBeach 110 63 1:30.96 213 23
Neon Pipeline Realm (HotWheels Acceleracers) 103 409 3:06.24 0 0
Sonic Special Zone 102 20 3:23.67 565 58
DAC#25 Nitronic Sleigh Ride 99 38 1:02.45 392 39
Desert Realm 88 330 8:01.30 0 0
Mario Raceway 83 324 5:21.20 0 0
City Limits [Cinematic] 79 55 3:12.03 266 21
Reactor Realm 75 349 5:26.69 0 0
Storm realm! 67 98 2:24.20 16 1