
dannyburke03 stats

Sprint rank 91st
Sprint completions 312
Sprint score 44,206
Holdboost rank 40th
Holdboost score 80,179
Challenge rank 261st
Challenge completions 3
Challenge score 715
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
DAC #10: Overdrive 503 259 1:32.34 0 0
DAC #15: Snowman's Prison 495 3 2:22.78 859 425
Blue Burner 484 10 43:09.12 700 339
Transmission Array 475 4 1:45.10 827 393
Thruster Control 101 474 38 1:23.01 392 186
Cubterfuge 473 3 1:44.69 859 406
[NWBO] Full Circle [WIP] 468 13 1:41.23 654 306
[DAC #14] Hardline 467 321 3:09.79 0 0
Fiber 466 13 1:37.92 654 305
[DAC #5] Plus 452 91 1:00.60 52 23
[Uncommon]Planate 450 7 1:32.17 756 340
Striker 448 8 1:24.05 736 330
Turbines 443 302 2:23.04 0 0
Duality 436 202 2:36.98 0 0
Optimism 436 24 1:34.64 521 227
NWBO/TB Course 2 433 14 1:14.66 640 277
NWBO/TB Course 4 433 25 1:48.80 511 221
Vision 432 575 2:40.79 0 0
Sector Hatsune 431 246 1:09.47 0 0
Broken Symmetry but it's smol 426 46 46.60 330 141
Overcharge 423 10 2:00.23 700 296
Modulation 423 1,007 2:07.82 0 0
Vibrant Dreams 422 3 14.95 859 363
DAC #9: Theoretical Heart 422 94 2:43.55 36 15
Golgamaith 422 2 1:22.18 900 380
Homestead 420 660 1:29.18 0 0
DAC #16: Surge Redux 420 16 2:18.09 613 257
Knowledge 418 46 1:26.96 330 138
[NWBO] Simply Straight 414 13 15.86 654 271
[STE2] Sugar Rush 414 8 1:16.41 736 305
Paradise 412 53 7:55.46 279 115
Strobe 410 5 1:37.83 800 328
WUBS Course 1 (Wing und Boost Skill) 409 18 2:03.43 588 240
Perfect Storm 406 57 2:14.43 252 102
Pink 405 78 1:32.89 123 50
Vapor 405 4 1:08.53 827 335
[Suffer] Coming to Grips With Things 404 23 1:29.37 531 215
[Suffer] Boneless 401 6 20.77 777 312
DAC #2: Concrete Jungle 401 11 1:28.91 684 274
DAC #12: Mechanical Rust 397 7 1:46.91 756 300
Vibe Good 397 141 5:22.37 0 0
Valley of Gold 396 4 1:38.11 827 327
Cellic 395 7 1:07.98 756 298
DAC #1: Decade 392 684 2:42.95 0 0
Cubic 391 28 1:46.96 481 188
DAC #4: Endurance 391 102 1:47.99 0 0
Capacitance 391 52 2:29.07 286 112
Affinity 389 4 29.90 827 322
Construction 388 25 58.25 511 198
DAC #5: Noir 388 529 2:03.99 0 0
Cataclysm But You Should Really Evacuate 386 3 2:10.48 859 332
Broken Symmetry but the music keeps getting faster 383 5 1:17.44 800 306
Hijack 382 21 1:58.08 553 211
Rebuilt Sector 11 382 4 1:15.26 827 316
The Hellknot 381 4 13.43 827 315
[NWBO] U-Turn 380 22 1:00.93 542 206
NWBO/Tb Course 1 380 9 47.47 718 273
Swoon 377 6 43.16 777 293
DAC #17: NWBO 5: The Hub 377 43 3:26.90 352 133
Wobble 376 131 1:43.23 0 0
Disruption 375 255 1:12.80 0 0
Not Broken Symmetry 373 232 2:23.97 0 0
Mentality 372 164 3:22.52 0 0
Gigawatt 371 5 1:17.25 800 297
[Trial]Location 370 25 1:31.98 511 189
Blindness 370 8 37.85 736 272
Casual 370 3 40.53 859 317
Island Hopping 369 15 59.11 626 231
nitronic infection 367 10 50.46 700 257
Warning Vato! 364 2 1:15.08 900 328
Tempest 364 362 3:14.04 0 0
Salmon 364 58 1:08.14 246 89
Scoria City [EtC2] 362 4 1:06.78 827 299
Imagine 361 55 2:26.77 266 96
DAC #11: [Risen]Upper 361 12 48.99 669 241
Earth 361 141 2:09.83 0 0
Perimeter 358 219 2:41.80 0 0
[DAC #5] Permission 357 398 2:34.85 0 0
Blast Processor 354 7 13.82 756 268
[Unfinished] Analog Skies 352 65 41.82 200 70
Sector 11 350 5 1:23.52 800 280
Infected Apartments 349 3 14.67 859 299
DAC #4: Redrum 349 5 1:38.56 800 279
A Not So Easy Drive 348 5 47.43 800 278
beyond the horizons 348 156 2:57.43 0 0
Compression But the Factory is Broken 348 2 1:34.84 900 314
DAC #19b (2019): Depths of Echoes 347 9 3:28.46 718 249
Entanglement 346 3 59.02 859 297
Sector 77 344 4 36.85 827 284
Asteroid Cities 340 187 3:59.35 0 0
DAC #2: Whirligig 339 57 3:00.99 252 86
Firefly 338 185 1:36.18 0 0
Automation but Cooldowns Launch You 334 12 1:16.86 669 224
Frostbyte 333 354 1:37.96 0 0
DAC #23: Rainbow Road 333 1,720 4:43.36 0 0
[Compact]Fuzz 332 96 2:08.56 26 9
A suspiciously ordinary looking level 332 8 15.47 736 244
Trackmogrify_Broken Symmetry But I Ruined It 330 8 27.53 736 243
Gelptor 328 94 2:51.47 36 12
In the Zone 327 35 2:13.03 417 136
DAC #6: Wayfarer 327 3 1:49.07 859 281
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Juktin 326 7 1:24.80 756 246
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 325 241 2:30.96 0 0
Orange 324 33 37.57 435 141
[NWBO] S-Bend 324 9 48.92 718 233
DAC #23: Iteration 323 155 2:08.88 0 0
Maizespin 322 22 2:34.37 542 175
City of Rapture 321 4 50.11 827 266
DAC #17: Vehicle Violator 321 43 5:10.42 352 113
Infernal Symmetry 320 21 2:43.47 553 177
DAC #14: Alternation 319 3 55.44 859 274
Research Facility G 318 442 3:55.10 0 0
DAC #8: Astral Magnet 318 8 1:42.03 736 234
Lake Seltzer 318 3 55.56 859 273
Absorption 318 7 1:34.73 756 240
Broken Symmetry 3055 318 7 1:05.60 756 240
Bbrrookkeenn Ssyymmmmeettrryy 317 14 2:16.53 640 203
DAC #5: Dunboat's Folley 317 4 3:04.02 827 262
Industrial Living 316 43 1:26.26 352 111
Green Is Your Friend 312 71 1:32.64 164 51
Do Not Fall 311 16 43.12 613 191
DAC #21 (2018): Frosty Echoes 311 17 3:30.63 600 187
Broken Symmetry But It's An Adventure Mode Level 311 20 1:34.89 565 175
Entanglement but it's Tangled 311 15 3:35.74 626 195
Yellow Park 310 2 41.86 900 279
Sector 355 310 24 1:42.90 521 161
Spire 310 24 4:20.68 521 161
Flip City 309 6 20.24 777 240
Buuble 309 13 50.18 654 202
Cornfield Drift 308 32 1:18.62 444 137
Bad Sector 305 75 6:21.51 140 43
Cable 305 8 2:00.22 736 225
Black Blue 302 5 52.35 800 241
Dimensional Shift Reconstructed 302 57 5:23.90 252 76
Corruption and Destruction 302 3 42.94 859 260
Wolf-Rayet 302 68 1:49.38 182 55
Pine Tree Track 301 2 28.92 900 271
Wreckage 300 25 2:27.13 511 153
Night Live 299 83 1:01.55 95 28
Broken Symmetry but i recreated it from memory 299 7 1:05.11 756 226
The Tunnel of Love 298 2 2:12.67 900 268
Innovation 298 95 3:24.70 31 9
Odin's Night updated 297 10 1:29.19 700 208
[STE2] Celebrations 297 6 20.05 777 231
DAC #3: Mount Winter 297 418 1:47.58 0 0
DAC #14 Upside Drown 297 11 1:58.49 684 203
Wall Madness 293 32 2:40.81 444 130
Negative Charge 293 1,311 3:52.19 0 0
Cluster 292 11 41.01 684 200
Cubic Space 292 1 1:52.36 1,000 292
Beforemath 292 4 2:30.58 827 242
Strange Matter 292 184 2:27.10 0 0
Free flying practice 291 5 1:10.86 800 233
DAC #6: Impact 290 296 5:53.64 0 0
[DAC #16] HYPERHEADTRAUMA 290 59 2:50.75 239 69
The Grid 289 5 18.73 800 231
DAC#7 MIRAGE 289 762 2:32.63 0 0
A Green Day 288 9 1:24.90 718 207
DAC #15 : Bee Factory 288 4 1:26.97 827 238
High Voltage Transfer 288 4 1:29.27 827 238
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Hairux 287 52 1:34.31 286 82
Influx 287 52 9:29.40 286 82
Manual Override 286 5 19.88 800 228
▀▊▊▏▕▂ ▎▇▅ 286 8 1:10.54 736 211
Void Walker 286 11 2:42.80 684 196
Abandoned Nightmare 285 6 34.27 777 222
Planet 22 285 13 1:20.44 654 187
Empire Dive 284 4 31.01 827 235
DAC #17: Cathedrals 284 56 2:20.60 259 74
Science 283 30 1:42.98 462 131
Negative Space 283 18 2:22.00 588 167
If at First you don't Succeed... 283 1 18.35 1,000 283
Lamp Realm Special Edition 283 4 9.51 827 234
Euphoria But the Gravity Changes 283 1 35.00 1,000 283
Glacier 282 5 40.48 800 226
Pollution 282 46 2:11.48 330 93
DAC #1: Theoretical Mind 280 65 3:42.38 200 56
Magnetic Polarity City 279 167 1:59.40 0 0
DAC#20 Olympian Ironman potato version 279 12 9.63 669 187
Basic logic gates 279 25 22.00 511 143
DAC #9: Stormwind Peaks 278 24 2:35.49 521 145
First Level 277 4 24.10 827 229
The Spire 276 126 2:03.75 0 0
Virus Rush 276 7 50.59 756 209
Pillar of Truth 276 3 15.90 859 237
Energy Storm 275 5 52.98 800 220
Entering the Zone 275 1 1:12.72 1,000 275
[STE2] colorful balloons 274 5 1:21.24 800 219
Boomp 274 188 3:07.81 0 0
DAC#6: Biotec 4 273 22 3:16.56 542 148
Arrival 273 36 2:23.91 409 111
White symmetry 270 2 1:17.31 900 243
The Depths 2: Caverns of Chaos 270 8 4:41.29 736 199
Broken Symmetry but it's really dark 270 3 1:16.54 859 232
DAC #19a (2019): Carbonation [CINEMATIC] 270 92 55.01 47 13
Centrifugal Inferno 270 74 3:04.33 146 39
Fizz 269 3 37.95 859 231
DAC #1: Mt. Strange Day 267 13 1:11.76 654 175
Quarantine 266 29 3:45.61 471 126
Atlus 266 36 2:51.81 409 109
Bulderge 266 144 3:02.70 0 0
Welcome2thenightmareonheaven 265 2 24.19 900 239
Sector Rerouting 264 26 4:56.56 500 132
Disconnected 264 105 3:28.32 0 0
Glasscity 262 5 14.46 800 210
Geometree 260 4 1:16.77 827 215
VISTACo 4: Reverb 260 55 4:34.21 266 69
DAC #11: Gamer 260 297 2:58.81 0 0
[STE] Limbus Puerorum 258 11 2:28.04 684 177
Something Something 258 3 1:31.43 859 222
Dwarven Sector 258 22 1:17.72 542 140
DAC #12: Rock2GS 258 12 1:03.68 669 173
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Zekkataph 257 915 2:25.72 0 0
Acceleration 256 28 2:25.73 481 123
Echoads 256 4 37.24 827 211
Double Cross 254 50 5:01.43 300 76
Jaded Sphere 254 63 3:39.98 213 54
DAC #9: "Charge" 254 99 8:34.02 11 3
ZaPowaSprint 254 7 52.23 756 192
Guardian 09 254 85 1:31.25 84 21
Chromatic Aberration 252 9 50.83 718 181
Segments 252 226 3:17.98 0 0
Abyss But It's Really Dark 251 9 2:13.23 718 180
Lost to society 251 3 3:12.04 859 215
Sunset Valley 251 37 3:03.54 400 100
Crazy Gadget 250 17 6:11.15 600 150
Fleet, Engage! 250 11 26.26 684 171
Pipe Resort 247 3 31.67 859 212
System Critical 246 12 57.54 669 164
DAC #9: Wither 246 2 1:32.27 900 221
Excess 245 3 31.39 859 210
TestTiretNumeroTiretUn 244 2 7.93 900 220
Citynight 243 2 48.98 900 218
Absolut 243 4 25.24 827 201
DAC #21: 鼓符 ~ Pristine Thunder 243 45 4:45.23 337 82
Dac 25: Icarus 242 153 1:53.63 0 0
Neon Pathogen 240 2 1:07.76 900 216
[Beautiful]Gehenna 239 118 2:22.58 0 0
Versatile 238 24 3:38.16 521 124
Storm Belt 237 10 36.06 700 166
Summer Velocity 235 65 1:34.77 200 47
Sector Island Transit Center 235 32 58.29 444 105
leg 234 31 1:49.20 453 106
Saphir3's Nightmare 233 2 31.28 900 210
Dream Clouds 233 19 10:18.44 576 134
Red Society 232 1 1:01.70 1,000 232
Tooty 232 114 1:03.37 0 0
GasTown 232 66 2:37.36 194 45
ZXCVBNM 231 5 21.31 800 185
Urban Escape 230 5 1:21.01 800 184
Planet Dive 230 5 1:27.83 800 184
[STE2] The final countdown 230 95 4:29.11 31 7
G Shock 227 15 1:56.96 626 142
Thorn Apart 227 3 1:41.04 859 195
Yoink 226 9 37.76 718 162
Escape from Empire 225 7 1:12.70 756 170
I'm a box! [Nightmare] 224 59 3:26.75 239 54
Free Flying Practice 2 223 3 45.26 859 191
Automation 223 2 1:31.19 900 200
Holo Projector 2 223 37 2:46.52 400 89
MA_Gravity Assist 222 76 1:45.07 134 30
Upcoming sectors 222 30 2:45.22 462 102
The Great Fall 221 1 1:35.19 1,000 221
Cold fusion 220 170 1:50.29 0 0
War 219 2 41.52 900 197
(Beta) Megalo Station - Sonic Riders ZG 219 11 34.08 684 150
hurdles of an abandoned city 217 5 55.78 800 174
Red Alien Storm 215 25 46.88 511 110
Dark Blazer (DB Opening Level) (WIP) 214 42 5.29 360 77
Trax 213 7 7:10.98 756 161
DAC #1: Distance Galaxy 213 26 16:50.45 500 107
DAC #4: Theoretical Soul 213 83 7:40.00 95 20
Rainy Day 212 200 5:06.15 0 0
Workers Quarter 211 9 12.12 718 151
Such Great Heights 210 7 40.61 756 158
Split Decision (Beta) 210 61 2:47.19 226 48
NE #1:Inclusion 208 39 5:14.90 384 80
Pluto 206 3 22.31 859 177
Scenic Root 204 6 7:08.57 777 158
Windmills Off Of My Mind 204 4 34.27 827 169
Singularity 203 7 35.53 756 153
[STE2] Celebration island 201 14 1:22.87 640 129
Choochoo Chase [Sprint] 199 34 19.29 426 85
Cycles 198 68 57.71 182 36
SkyZone 196 2 1:17.12 900 176
Turing Turning 195 5 2:41.20 800 156
Colony 195 51 6:17.35 293 57
DAC #19 Nomalith 194 2 2:28.69 900 174
]|[ Desert City 193 64 6:28.29 207 40
Dreamwave Stage 4 193 25 4:50.64 511 99
Meeting 192 47 5:26.36 322 62
DAC#7: Biotec 6 190 102 3:44.51 0 0
Tripping 187 9 2:15.08 718 135
F-Zero :Time For A Kill (Cutscene) 185 20 2.19 565 104
Sector ▗█▁▚▚▔ 184 87 3:23.23 73 13
Lava_Whatever 183 172 2:09.12 0 0
Sector 65 182 34 2:40.44 426 77
Corkscrewed 181 41 2:57.82 368 67
Electric Highway 180 28 1:43.36 481 87
Purpose in it 179 32 2:17.52 444 80
Volatile 176 17 3:59.30 600 106
DAC #24 Disparity 172 65 2:57.15 200 34
Laser Death Road 170 26 1:56.68 500 85
Alliance Avalanche 166 68 4:22.41 182 30
Acceleracers Fog Realm Fp Edition 160 48 4:33.98 315 50
Nitronic Celebration 152 110 3:43.68 0 0
Silent Mountain 146 76 6:55.42 134 20
Netrento 137 3 2:03.86 859 117
Sign of the past 130 64 2:01.31 207 27
DAC#18 Twin Peak Pass 127 154 1:50.50 0 0
100,000eV - Six Figures Achievement 124 82 1:24.13 100 12
Forest Realm [Omega] 122 546 6:00.83 0 0