
Osbob stats

Sprint rank 360th
Sprint completions 222
Sprint score 9,694
Holdboost rank 2,670th
Holdboost score 1,391
Challenge completions 0
Stunt rank 767th
Stunt completions 2
Stunt score 120

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
DAC #10: Overdrive 494 404 1:44.58 0 0
[Trial]Shallow 483 124 1:03.81 0 0
[Trial]Sender 480 168 1:44.96 0 0
Fiber 467 73 1:59.38 152 71
Azure 464 114 1:34.71 0 0
Interlink 456 157 1:44.93 0 0
Backstab 455 102 2:05.81 0 0
Striker 449 433 2:12.23 0 0
[Orbital]Gyra 445 155 1:09.10 0 0
Radio Island 445 279 2:02.83 0 0
Turbines 444 124 1:43.03 0 0
[Orbital]Helium 443 96 1:21.35 26 12
Terrible 440 73 2:40.51 152 67
Outrun 439 116 1:39.63 0 0
Polychrome 435 102 1:46.85 0 0
Vision 433 82 1:23.60 100 43
Silver and Gold 429 113 1:29.87 0 0
[District] Gold Standard 428 126 2:36.76 0 0
[District] Arachnid 427 202 2:38.85 0 0
Overcharge 424 234 2:28.71 0 0
Modulation 424 295 1:58.05 0 0
Vibrant Dreams 423 730 1:27.77 0 0
Inspire 420 61 1:44.54 226 95
Metallurgy 419 213 1:20.53 0 0
Polyhedral Hex 416 112 4:51.02 0 0
[District] Light Frenzy 2 416 71 1:09.84 164 68
DAC #2: Storm 2: Neon Thunder 416 136 3:04.51 0 0
[Trial]March 415 168 1:34.92 0 0
Exodus 415 107 2:20.56 0 0
Metropolis 414 128 1:49.09 0 0
Shrine 414 157 2:07.37 0 0
[Flow]Stop 413 107 1:59.33 0 0
[Flow]Punch 407 131 2:27.46 0 0
Dimension Shift 404 158 2:20.50 0 0
[District] Flamecore 404 65 1:36.54 200 81
Venture Forth 403 66 2:04.41 194 78
Genesis 400 33 1:51.39 435 174
[District] Protosci 400 54 1:36.24 272 109
[Orbital]Ergonomica Streams 393 179 1:53.53 0 0
DAC #1: Decade 393 1,039 2:58.58 0 0
Nitropical Island 393 83 2:08.85 95 37
DAC #4: Endurance 392 150 1:49.07 0 0
Division 391 298 2:16.57 0 0
DAC #5: Noir 389 310 1:44.87 0 0
Wrath 389 69 1:47.35 176 68
Gravity 387 207 2:29.80 0 0
Restless Crimson 387 180 1:31.43 0 0
HyperCube 384 86 1:20.30 79 30
Techno Radiant 381 352 3:08.82 0 0
[District] Emerald Option 380 39 2:07.37 384 146
Sunken Sanctuary 376 120 2:09.49 0 0
BLACKLIGHT 375 1,198 2:32.77 0 0
Collider 375 85 4:58.28 84 32
Not Broken Symmetry 374 188 2:17.16 0 0
Simpleset 374 72 49.11 158 59
Ucuetis 372 49 2:19.20 308 115
Twister 372 108 1:43.34 0 0
Synthwire 369 203 1:58.60 0 0
Tempest 365 217 2:56.64 0 0
Imagine 362 85 3:04.92 84 30
Perimeter 359 417 3:00.92 0 0
Sakura Skyway 359 226 1:34.80 0 0
Blast Processor 355 393 1:19.45 0 0
Jilted 350 20 1:08.38 565 198
Distance Rollercoaster 347 169 1:36.52 0 0
Liquid Rhythm 343 199 3:01.43 0 0
50 Second Theory 341 148 44.19 0 0
Asteroid Cities 341 130 3:46.51 0 0
Choo Choo Chase V2 339 101 40.27 0 0
Twisted Sister (Repost) 338 48 2:25.48 315 107
The Powergrid 337 12 2:44.70 669 226
Beneath the Crust 337 38 1:27.91 392 132
City Escape 336 160 2:00.99 0 0
Automation but Cooldowns Launch You 335 79 2:54.90 117 39
DAC #23: Rainbow Road 334 431 3:14.11 0 0
[Compact]Fuzz 333 84 2:06.06 89 30
[Suffer] Fatal Attraction 331 173 1:44.60 0 0
Neon Drive 329 109 2:47.14 0 0
Deep Blue 329 40 2:45.83 376 124
[Flow]Grape 327 249 1:51.31 0 0
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 326 212 2:30.82 0 0
Altitude 326 38 3:25.79 392 128
Heat Death 326 41 2:00.86 368 120
[Orbital]Distillation 325 72 1:29.73 158 51
Trails Of BigBlue 323 278 2:56.91 0 0
Thunder Snow 323 78 1:32.11 123 40
Epilepsy 323 53 1:38.44 279 90
Research Facility G 318 302 2:16.22 0 0
[Compact]Bubble 317 103 1:41.73 0 0
Inferno Fire Stars 315 25 1:11.51 511 161
Jump Point 312 27 3:03.28 491 153
Volcanic 310 65 2:19.21 200 62
DAC #22: Utopia of Fire: Reignited 308 45 4:53.08 337 104
Neutrino 304 86 49.82 79 24
Perfect Symmetry 302 28 1:31.66 481 145
Repaired Society 300 60 1:57.69 232 70
DAC #3: Mount Winter 298 962 2:34.13 0 0
Kilonova [Collab] 296 108 3:59.58 0 0
Negative Charge 294 212 2:58.53 0 0
Mega eruption 294 27 1:39.74 491 144
Strange Matter 293 194 2:30.46 0 0
Catfish Creek 292 73 2:06.36 152 44
Bump Extended 291 9 1:33.50 718 209
DAC #15 : Bee Factory 289 58 2:19.31 246 71
[Contrast] Lazuli Labyrinth: Remixed 289 34 3:47.29 426 123
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Hairux 288 44 1:31.31 345 99
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Juktin 286 70 1:44.23 170 49
Planet 22 286 214 2:23.20 0 0
Unutopian Block 286 92 1:48.02 47 13
Oberon 285 110 2:06.02 0 0
DAC #14 (2019): MrMii's Boardwalk Colosseum 285 42 1:23.46 360 103
Awakening the Crystals 284 169 4:09.06 0 0
Sky Deck 284 31 2:35.44 453 129
Green Hill Zone Act 2 283 45 1:18.23 337 96
Broken Symmetry but It's rotated by 90 degrees 282 81 1:38.16 106 30
Deeporbit 282 355 3:16.19 0 0
Yellow Isle 281 73 1:45.02 152 43
Lauratus Caves 280 8 1:03.44 736 206
Old Metro 279 39 2:25.87 384 107
So You Say You Gotta Go Fast 278 39 54.09 384 107
Tethys 277 86 1:24.07 79 22
[Lapse]Iso Garg 276 29 1:55.80 471 130
gladiator II - Excalibur 275 70 11:57.61 170 47
Mountain Ridge Run 275 176 1:59.75 0 0
Hallowed Desolation 270 83 4:22.88 95 26
Water Realm [Omega Redux] 268 389 3:24.12 0 0
Event Horizon II 267 454 5:32.53 0 0
[Compact]Crimson Way 267 76 1:38.20 134 36
Sick Burn 267 20 1:10.70 565 151
Broken Symmetry But It Has Low Gravity 265 4 2:06.75 827 219
Ancient Mines 265 55 1:42.93 266 71
The Avalanche Zone 263 5 2:22.99 800 210
Cliffside realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 262 604 1:31.63 0 0
NEON CAVERN 260 118 4:17.50 0 0
Beyblade Space City 260 85 4:58.42 84 22
Faux System 1 - Fox Fire 259 102 4:01.27 0 0
[STE] Forgotten Temple 258 118 2:41.26 0 0
DAC #16: [Hybrid]Zekkataph 258 320 1:24.33 0 0
Lost in the fog 258 16 5:23.58 613 158
Chrome Realm (HotWheels Acceleracers) 255 955 7:34.01 0 0
Radical Boat 255 27 3:34.16 491 125
Innovation 254 285 5:56.51 0 0
Bump 254 7 39.24 756 192
Lost to society 251 133 4:10.06 0 0
[Orbital]Rigid Meltdown 246 64 1:35.68 207 51
Broken Symmetry but it's all downhill 243 13 1:03.83 654 159
Acceleracers Reactor Realm Fp Edition 240 210 3:39.00 0 0
Kinetica Electrica 1 239 486 1:55.29 0 0
[ATG-01] All That Glitters 239 40 1:42.65 376 90
Sonic Adventure 2 : Radical Highway 237 47 2:15.16 322 76
Lazuli Labyrinth (Complete) 237 20 2:52.99 565 134
[Lapse]Kralka 236 112 2:39.56 0 0
[MEME] Falling Glass 236 25 3:01.84 511 121
Thunder City 234 87 1:15.55 73 17
Monument Realm 233 35 2:04.72 417 97
Wyldelands (Stargazer's Highway Stage Two) 232 16 59.37 613 142
Dunroth's Folley 231 20 1:51.26 565 131
Caved 230 42 4:22.78 360 83
Shortcuts 227 25 1:18.98 511 116
City 72 226 34 3:24.34 426 96
Graveyard of Ash 225 14 2:01.38 640 144
Punching Through 225 67 3:27.66 188 42
Nebula Sprint 224 31 3:13.22 453 101
Cliffside Realm 224 187 6:41.39 0 0
Abandoned Factory 222 101 1:41.42 0 0
Cold fusion 221 37 1:25.62 400 89
Turbo City 215 75 10:04.37 140 30
ColorCity 212 28 1:22.75 481 102
Eschaton 211 30 2:50.51 462 98
Purpitypurp 211 25 1:48.21 511 108
F-Zero-Lightning :Merge 210 55 1:54.70 266 56
Orbital Tower Rally 209 5 3:06.10 800 167
Malwore 209 16 1:29.59 613 128
Fast (Social Experiment) 208 37 18.33 400 83
The Avalanche Zone: Recarved 207 23 3:15.56 531 110
The Cave 206 19 2:39.46 576 119
Portal Madness 206 22 2:28.17 542 111
Fog Realm 200 56 1:56.25 259 52
Utopia of Fire 197 8 2:07.39 736 145
Lost Void 197 53 2:06.28 279 55
Junk realm 197 359 7:40.78 0 0
Blizzard Realm 194 95 4:59.92 31 6
Fog Realm 189 446 5:13.38 0 0
Canyon Realm 187 90 4:24.42 57 11
Salt oasis 184 24 6:43.40 521 96
Chilled Crevasse 184 45 1:52.54 337 62
Tempest Rider 183 10 2:24.65 700 128
Spiral City 175 49 2:08.13 308 54
Pipeline Segment 173 61 2:16.49 226 39
Water realm 169 320 4:25.74 0 0
Lazuli Labyrinth (Alpha) 166 29 2:07.95 471 78
Cybergrid Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 162 1,010 5:00.20 0 0
Acceleracers Fog Realm Fp Edition 161 62 4:42.86 219 35
Ice Realm [Omega Redux] 159 237 7:33.25 0 0
Storm Realm [Omega Redux] 156 193 4:02.90 0 0
Junk Realm [Alex Redux] (HotWheels Acceleracers) 156 497 7:03.43 0 0
Abandoned Realm 156 150 3:49.52 0 0
Lazuli Labyrinth (Beta) 155 15 3:09.23 626 97
Reactor Realm 147 113 4:44.10 0 0
Blizzard Realm 145 102 2:24.73 0 0
Cosmic Realm 144 520 5:00.02 0 0
Swamp Realm [Dashie Redux] 143 389 4:42.45 0 0
Rolling Start 143 36 2:07.60 409 58
Mountain 139 21 1:12.52 553 77
Speed Racer: Next Generation Virtual Track - Canyan Road 132 65 5:30.42 200 26
Ruins Realm [Omega Redux] 130 677 3:02.13 0 0
Lava Realm [Omega Redux] 127 227 4:14.14 0 0
Metro Realm [Omega] V1.5.5 126 695 5:25.67 0 0
Solar Realm 126 59 3:57.73 239 30
Hot Wheels City V2 126 495 3:23.78 0 0
The Ultimate Race (HotWheels Acceleracers) 119 1,125 29:18.11 0 0
Blizzard Realm 104 53 2:45.43 279 29
Neon Pipeline Realm (HotWheels Acceleracers) 103 618 3:11.37 0 0
Neon Pipeline Realm Fix(HotWheels Acceleracers) 101 165 3:11.65 0 0
SpaceRace 100 32 1:36.90 444 44
Metro Realm 100 589 4:41.78 0 0
Canyon Realm 100 282 6:37.57 0 0
DAC#25 Nitronic Sleigh Ride 99 42 1:02.47 360 36
Wind Realm [Omega Redux] 90 371 5:40.95 0 0
Desert Realm 88 116 6:35.53 0 0
Cavern Realm [Omega Redux] 84 574 4:44.90 0 0
Temple Realm 58 45 10:14.25 337 19