
Thaumic stats

Sprint rank 61st
Sprint completions 569
Sprint score 64,422
Holdboost rank 83rd
Holdboost score 56,585
Challenge rank 73rd
Challenge completions 13
Challenge score 4,018
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Regenerated 479 90 1:58.99 57 27
Transmission Array 475 38 2:05.43 392 186
Azure 463 59 1:33.64 239 111
DAC #9: Ink 457 88 1:27.01 68 31
Optimal Angle 456 32 1:02.91 444 202
Interlink 455 43 1:42.54 352 160
dark, gentle carapace 455 20 1:08.18 565 257
[DAC #5] Plus 452 118 1:01.48 0 0
PAC #22: Krispy Told Me To Make This 452 17 2:05.53 600 271
Old White Lightning Returns 437 39 1:41.18 384 168
Sector Hatsune 431 165 1:09.25 0 0
Fractured Path 430 91 1:22.83 52 22
Ink 430 36 2:18.09 409 176
Parting Ways 429 32 2:41.92 444 190
SAG Entry 427 14 3:19.57 640 274
DAC #1: Global Warmed - Fire and Ice 425 24 1:59.53 521 222
Crimson Peak 424 31 1:49.88 453 192
Overcharge 423 55 2:19.54 266 113
DAC #9: Theoretical Heart 422 77 2:41.38 129 54
Deck Bus 421 2 27:27.22 900 379
nuddypackracedrugtrack 421 10 10.87 700 295
The Virus Begins 420 123 1:18.61 0 0
Inspire 418 81 1:50.04 106 44
Floral 417 51 1:06.04 293 122
DAC #2: Storm 2: Neon Thunder 415 30 2:35.63 462 192
DAC #8: Holiday Treats 410 52 1:28.31 286 117
oo-oo aa-aa 406 66 1:09.03 194 79
Haze 406 87 1:13.80 73 30
Vapor 405 21 1:11.68 553 224
Spire (Hardened) 404 2 1:14.46 900 364
Dimension Shift 403 149 2:20.25 0 0
visco 402 25 1:05.56 511 205
DAC #17: Emerge 402 22 2:29.00 542 218
DAC #2: Concrete Jungle 401 37 1:33.50 400 160
Digital Fabrication 399 28 1:43.64 481 192
[District] Protosci 399 30 1:27.87 462 184
Solar Electric (Smooth Mix) 398 46 2:43.28 330 131
DAC #12: Mechanical Rust 397 12 1:57.70 669 266
DAC #23: [Factor]A001 396 19 2:24.18 576 228
DAC #5: Beat Block Backroad 392 62 1:06.03 219 86
Soul Space 386 48 1:13.38 315 122
dream soil 384 18 1:34.30 588 226
Imperfect Views 384 13 2:36.10 654 251
HyperCube 383 127 1:21.10 0 0
Hijack 382 31 1:59.79 453 173
Murk 382 30 1:15.46 462 176
Lost In Corruption (Sprint) 380 9 9:37.51 718 273
Extraction 380 43 1:37.18 352 134
DAC #9: Aeris 379 45 2:07.23 337 128
Test 2 377 31 29.60 453 171
DAC #8: Form of Discovery 377 44 2:25.10 345 130
DAC #11: Remnants 376 16 3:00.96 613 231
Continuity 376 79 1:05.89 117 44
Disruption 375 43 1:12.05 352 132
Acclivity 374 33 1:53.27 435 163
Yellow city V 1.0 372 35 1:02.70 417 155
Noemite 372 12 54.12 669 249
Gigawatt 371 27 1:41.67 491 182
Burnout 369 26 2:14.90 500 185
Night Drive 368 17 33.67 600 221
DAC 1: Green Hill Zone 367 104 1:29.01 0 0
Zulifaer 367 35 2:42.94 417 153
Ascension but you're descending 366 13 6:53.31 654 239
The Fall 365 61 1:44.06 226 82
Salmon 364 12 59.20 669 243
DAC #5: Rekall 361 42 52.48 360 130
DAC #8: Phoenix 361 88 2:05.54 68 25
winter slide 361 34 1:05.73 426 154
[Reactor] Radioactive Baptisum 361 12 1:12.63 669 242
Fall Running 360 23 30.45 531 191
Capture³ 360 10 1:31.56 700 252
Perimeter 358 240 2:43.62 0 0
The Blitz (Updated) 357 39 46.97 384 137
Blue 357 81 1:47.62 106 38
Fog 357 21 1:38.73 553 197
DAC #5 - Natural Gift 355 44 2:10.80 345 122
PAC #24: Into the Sun 355 6 1:00.15 777 276
Blast Processor 354 89 1:05.24 62 22
Common 3 354 38 1:02.93 392 139
Soda Subway 354 16 1:01.69 613 217
Neon Fury 353 28 42.03 481 170
REDLINE 3 : Himalayan Thrust 353 240 2:56.37 0 0
DAC #1 Protoville 353 18 1:18.42 588 208
Cyberift 352 61 1:19.38 226 80
[EtC1] Sodapop Promotion 352 66 1:12.76 194 68
DAC #4: Distant East 351 70 2:20.68 170 60
Damnation 350 40 2:26.38 376 131
Sector 11 350 33 1:29.97 435 152
DAC #4: Redrum 349 30 2:17.14 462 161
Primus 348 148 1:43.95 0 0
Fume 348 36 1:11.25 409 142
DAC 6: Cosmic Glitch 347 33 3:06.71 435 151
DAC #23: [Factor]Red Tide 347 39 1:41.37 384 133
[DAC #24] Pentathlon 347 85 2:31.53 84 29
Odor 344 39 1:00.24 384 132
Colliding Worlds 343 24 2:13.57 521 179
Skin 343 329 1:51.43 0 0
Deja Vu 341 56 3:09.56 259 88
DAC #2: Whirligig 339 13 1:50.88 654 222
horsepower 337 8 37.97 736 248
Frankenstein 336 33 2:09.92 435 146
Sunset Grime(Lighted) 336 32 2:06.54 444 149
Common 2 336 10 1:04.66 700 235
Hemoglobin 335 178 1:39.09 0 0
Get That Hamburger 5 334 13 51.17 654 219
Scafform 334 13 1:10.14 654 218
Brink 333 145 2:19.31 0 0
DAC #23: Rainbow Road 333 15 2:48.17 626 208
DAC #8: Baby Time 333 47 46.98 322 107
Roads 333 5 1:10.54 800 266
Unworthy 332 15 1:12.22 626 208
City Run 331 66 1:55.93 194 64
Runic 331 13 1:27.49 654 217
Celestaial Orbs 331 4 1:01.59 827 274
DAC #7: Zircon 331 36 1:14.27 409 135
Laser 330 15 31.06 626 207
Cloud Nine / Vapor City 330 31 1:53.68 453 149
Trackmogrify_Broken Symmetry But I Ruined It 330 10 38.93 700 231
DAC #6: Wayfarer 327 85 2:42.78 84 27
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 325 834 2:47.06 0 0
COVID XMASS 325 70 3:02.88 170 55
[Orbital]Distillation 324 59 1:24.37 239 77
Neo Seoul II But I've Made Adjustments 324 42 1:44.10 360 116
cramkl 323 8 1:05.02 736 237
DAC #23: Iteration 323 76 1:53.62 134 43
Red Metal Falls DAC 2023 [Day 15!] 323 10 2:00.97 700 226
The Red Tower: Prologue 322 25 2:22.29 511 164
Warmth 321 25 1:10.40 511 164
DAC #23: Boost Tastic 320 72 3:47.90 158 50
Infernal Symmetry 320 19 2:41.89 576 184
Breakaway 320 6 1:28.45 777 249
DAC #14: Alternation 319 25 1:14.44 511 163
Megaboost: downhill jam 318 35 3:13.91 417 133
Research Facility G 318 46 1:41.47 330 105
[MEME] Broken Symmetry but the Floor is Water 318 3 1:56.62 859 273
PAC #14: Turtle Race 2 318 37 49.20 400 127
Corndge 318 11 28.28 684 218
DAC #8: Astral Magnet 318 27 1:45.93 491 156
Lake Seltzer 318 6 1:03.84 777 247
Fresh Cuc's 318 47 1:05.29 322 102
Industrial Living 316 26 1:26.16 500 158
Carbonated Cruise 316 13 1:12.69 654 207
DAC #20: My Dear December 315 74 1:08.53 146 46
Broken City (Updated) 314 258 1:47.83 0 0
Cursed Mountain 314 83 1:53.61 95 30
Flow 314 55 1:10.44 266 84
Bricks 312 9 1:15.77 718 224
DAC#13: Sector L18 312 48 7:48.79 315 98
nuddypackracedrugtrack2 312 13 13.21 654 204
Spectral Fragments 311 31 3:13.79 453 141
DAC #10: Magma Cliffs 311 21 2:10.08 553 172
DAC #15: Varying Christmas 311 33 1:18.79 435 135
Angryfist Attempt II 310 5 10.90 800 248
craft up 310 26 52.23 500 155
Spire 310 6 1:01.61 777 241
Galaxy Drop 310 19 1:34.78 576 179
Flip City 309 21 56.30 553 171
ミッドナイトブルー2 309 4 2:07.49 827 255
Buuble 309 10 47.47 700 217
Evacuate 308 34 1:15.04 426 131
Quad-Sun 308 16 1:20.95 613 189
Fibbledorp 308 33 2:10.43 435 134
PAC #3: Worm 307 19 54.69 576 177
DAC #3: Cookie World 307 61 2:28.19 226 69
[DAC #25] Neon 307 9 47.28 718 220
Boatrocity River 307 25 1:53.52 511 157
Neon Fury 2 306 57 2:11.95 252 77
Fate Birthday 306 15 58.60 626 192
Polarized 305 30 1:56.70 462 141
Pulse Standard 305 20 1:18.01 565 172
Cable 305 26 2:02.21 500 153
Courtyard 304 11 46.29 684 208
Pulse Custom 303 9 1:13.60 718 218
[MEME] Do The Transfer, It'll Be Fine 302 30 25.49 462 140
Distance Rollercoaster [Ver. 2] 297 74 1:26.55 146 43
DAC #14 Upside Drown 297 95 3:39.56 31 9
Industrial Alliance 295 71 1:31.24 164 48
Hallow 294 14 1:01.11 640 188
Doomed Planet 293 27 1:28.73 491 144
DAC #14: N64 Rainbow Road 292 43 1:46.79 352 103
Rootways 292 25 1:38.12 511 149
Green Vs Red/Red VS Green 292 8 2:20.97 736 215
DAC#20 Olympian Ironman sprint 290 12 9.95 669 194
DAC #6: Impact 290 227 5:20.67 0 0
In The City: Party Night 290 19 30.53 576 167
Dang It Darby 290 8 1:50.55 736 213
[DAC #16] HYPERHEADTRAUMA 290 53 2:49.02 279 81
The Grid 289 10 24.81 700 202
xenon energy 289 9 57.03 718 208
A Green Day 288 424 2:03.91 0 0
DAC #15 : Bee Factory 288 11 1:43.56 684 197
Ookazi 287 46 1:37.03 330 95
Viriable Dogma 287 23 32:20.88 531 153
Dead Light 287 28 1:18.59 481 138
Momentary 287 35 39.72 417 120
DAC #7: Dark City 286 33 1:35.24 435 124
DAC #18: Impossibility 285 24 52.95 521 148
turn off the lights! 285 11 1:24.91 684 195
PAC #20: Rest 285 9 1:30.63 718 205
Unhinged 285 14 2:02.85 640 182
Empire Dive 284 11 41.61 684 194
PAC #11: Turtle Race 284 9 18:43.09 718 204
Phantom 283 6 2:28.47 777 220
Interstellar Sprint 283 99 2:48.68 11 3
Awakening the Crystals 283 4 3:22.51 827 234
blindsided 283 6 38.32 777 220
West Shot 283 4 48.68 827 234
Virtual Skyway 282 90 1:34.98 57 16
Gealler 282 31 34.27 453 128
Deeporbit 281 27 2:43.69 491 138
Echoes Nitro (update) 281 10 2:59.81 700 197
Old School 281 6 48.10 777 219
Common 1 280 65 1:03.84 200 56
Hill Dew 280 10 1:05.77 700 196
Blue Screen Of Distance 279 8 26.49 736 205
Atomic 279 9 59.96 718 200
Magnetic Polarity City 279 57 1:51.86 252 70
Sparq 279 20 1:27.19 565 158
Corny Spaghetti 279 18 2:33.57 588 164
Yee Haw 2: The Reawakening 279 14 2:27.34 640 178
The Bees 278 7 1:21.99 756 210
Beenferno 278 7 1:05.72 756 210
DAC #9: Stormwind Peaks 278 67 3:16.72 188 52
Viral 277 20 1:20.64 565 157
Breakthrough 276 12 1:06.70 669 185
The Day After Tomorrow 276 34 1:20.46 426 118
PAC #6: Jelly Frog 276 13 32.20 654 180
DAC #17: Ariengy 2 274 33 3:05.07 435 119
Corn Speedway 274 14 34.79 640 175
DAC #24: Rudolph 274 42 2:42.02 360 99
Noir 274 10 1:26.31 700 192
Destination Unknown but you defeated that guy 273 14 1:07.44 640 175
Flooded Inferno 273 5 2:47.75 800 218
DAC #7: Vanity 272 33 1:54.99 435 118
Nitronic Utopia 271 22 1:37.25 542 147
The Depths 2: Caverns of Chaos 270 40 5:18.64 376 102
Mushrooms 270 26 4:06.63 500 135
Corn Fields 270 26 1:36.24 500 135
Centrifugal Inferno 270 11 1:11.92 684 185
GTA Online: Plane Course 270 13 7:27.04 654 177
DAC #12: Abyss 269 8 1:37.81 736 198
Fizz 269 17 42.04 600 162
Fizzy Fazzy 269 7 43.09 756 203
DAC #7: Calefaction 269 7 1:24.11 756 203
Virtual Reality? 267 206 2:14.21 0 0
DAC #19 UnderSky 267 20 4:41.46 565 151
Sector Island Amusement 267 7 32.57 756 202
DAC #18: Parallel Processing 266 44 1:28.75 345 92
Race a Bee 266 89 1:26.68 62 17
Space Station 4237 - Sector Beta - Aftermath 266 3 1:14.75 859 228
Into green city 265 328 3:17.79 0 0
Horizon City 264 57 2:20.17 252 66
Contrast 264 24 57.74 521 138
Directly 264 18 2:12.48 588 155
Disconnected 264 18 2:55.83 588 155
Ascension 263 11 1:25.97 684 180
PAC #23: Rusty Slide 263 16 49.74 613 161
Ancient Vision 263 99 1:00.39 11 3
Convolution 262 240 2:15.96 0 0
The 4th Journey 261 88 2:37.73 68 18
Iluminated City 261 4 2:29.60 827 216
DAC #12: Magi 260 25 3:02.04 511 133
DAC #13: The Source 260 58 1:36.40 246 64
aurora mists 260 46 1:08.09 330 86
DAC #11: Gamer 260 78 2:00.29 123 32
The Signal 260 35 1:22.52 417 109
Restored gastown 259 7 2:21.99 756 196
Power Through Sector 3584 259 13 1:56.34 654 170
Ravioli Road 258 10 35.74 700 180
Adios Beaches 258 9 2:28.72 718 185
Malison 258 4 1:07.50 827 213
Dwarven Sector 258 11 1:03.58 684 176
DAC #12: Rock2GS 258 67 1:24.27 188 48
Veil 258 98 1:11.04 16 4
Acceleracers Storm Realm Fp Edition 257 21 4:15.60 553 142
Carcass 257 26 5:58.48 500 129
MA_Dark Light 257 40 1:05.45 376 97
Bacorn Robotics V2 257 9 4:26.39 718 185
Testing Facility 99 257 10 1:46.82 700 180
Highway 256 13 3:57.42 654 167
Infinity 256 4 34.68 827 212
Offices Optimized 256 16 1:47.22 613 157
DAC #13: Vu7e 256 28 7:04.11 481 123
Echoads 256 16 38.40 613 157
Smog 256 15 1:05.82 626 160
Cobalt Cardinal 256 108 1:14.95 0 0
DAC #7: Neptune 256 21 2:20.33 553 141
Abandoned City 254 32 2:33.71 444 113
Guardian 09 254 16 1:26.80 613 156
DAC #16: Dreamsicle 253 13 1:29.95 654 165
Blackout 253 5 1:04.51 800 202
Snowy Sector 252 11 54.44 684 172
MAT's Spooky Red 252 35 52.68 417 105
Dystopia: Outskirts 252 8 2:06.34 736 186
Target Acquired IRL HotWheels Track 251 65 1:55.97 200 50
Eternal Storm 251 57 2:03.66 252 63
Exo 251 39 1:43.34 384 96
Sunset Valley 251 9 3:01.47 718 180
DAC#25 Echoes of an olympian 250 11 4:22.51 684 171
yeah.. 250 4 56.12 827 207
Lawnmower Sock Grass 248 29 2:38.03 471 117
Cherry Blossom Road 248 36 2:23.38 409 101
Void 247 10 1:56.41 700 173
DAC #7: SNES Rainbow Road 247 16 1:22.68 613 151
Mangrove Forest Realm 247 13 2:21.53 654 162
Proto Symmetry 247 13 1:26.40 654 162
Voyage 1969 247 23 34.16 531 131
DAC #6: Depth Charge 247 15 2:28.67 626 155
Burning head 246 8 15.67 736 181
DAC #9: Wither 246 10 1:51.79 700 172
Eruption 245 30 2:57.28 462 113
Get That Hamburger 4 245 5 1:16.00 800 196
DAC #8: Baby Time Forever 244 10 11:14.91 700 171
Precise Precision 244 11 48.47 684 167
Evasion 244 19 4:10.49 576 140
Sprawl 244 32 1:44.22 444 108
First map 244 14 46.10 640 156
Downtown 243 32 1:21.82 444 108
Broken Symmetry but it's all downhill 243 81 1:23.86 106 26
DAC #21: 鼓符 ~ Pristine Thunder 243 5 3:51.69 800 195
Initiate 242 307 2:42.26 0 0
DAC#5 Euthanasia Coaster 242 197 35.54 0 0
Sector Earth (P2) 241 11 55.99 684 165
Tree-top Bop 241 9 1:33.54 718 173
Uprising 240 6 1:55.85 777 187
Train Tales 240 1 2:35.24 1,000 240
Another Day 240 13 2:19.93 654 157
Virtual Escape 239 43 58.06 352 84
DAC#4: Under Pressure 239 44 1:46.36 345 83
Broken Symmetry But I Have Negative Drag 239 8 1:22.85 736 176
Chemical Plant 239 21 1:32.94 553 132
[Fruit Cup] Citrus Boat 239 14 3:16.44 640 153
Dream Castles 239 11 4:23.46 684 163
Goliath 239 23 3:18.10 531 127
Dunerats 238 26 2:27.88 500 119
City plunge 238 14 1:37.53 640 152
[ATG-01] All That Glitters 238 7 1:32.64 756 180
Hardware_failure 237 18 1:48.90 588 140
Planetary Matrix 237 11 53.65 684 162
Sector Earth 237 13 1:37.07 654 155
Atmospheric 237 31 5:08.57 453 107
Trackmania-FAN'S 236 35 3:48.72 417 98
Greetings,user 236 102 3:17.65 0 0
Sector Earth P3 236 11 49.00 684 161
Vertical Symmetry 236 28 1:18.31 481 114
DAC #25: Secret Santa 236 30 2:23.82 462 109
Research but better 235 13 1:31.73 654 154
In Remission 234 10 1:46.46 700 164
Crystal Way 234 50 1:01.03 300 70
DAC #20: Vestige 234 56 2:24.13 259 61
Xalax 234 6 2:06.65 777 182
Washing Machine 2: Carwash 234 8 8.22 736 172
Darkness 233 22 55.68 542 126
Between Worlds 233 13 3:36.68 654 152
The Ring (Map Collab) 233 22 1:18.94 542 126
Dream Clouds 233 8 3:50.96 736 172
DAC #7: GBA Rainbow Road 232 204 3:25.62 0 0
Broken Towers 232 39 1:27.79 384 89
GasTown 232 29 2:09.72 471 109
Some Space Level 232 20 2:40.01 565 131
Cyber Cruise 232 26 1:47.96 500 116
DAC #23: [Factor]Currtria 231 8 2:14.89 736 170
Contact 231 17 2:57.30 600 139
Dac 2021, #21; Christmas Tree Adventure 231 18 3:57.42 588 136
X-Terra 231 8 31.56 736 170
Time Gate 230 38 3:04.09 392 90
Ascendant 230 22 1:30.14 542 125
Hamster 230 3 10.02 859 198
Wirdow 230 8 49.56 736 169
Claustrophobic 229 36 2:24.23 409 94
Parasitize 229 15 1:22.00 626 144
Sweet Trip 228 10 59.06 700 159
Sunset Armageddon 228 16 1:43.23 613 140
Blimp Strats 228 5 2:13.31 800 182
Planet 986 228 3 51.96 859 196
Chronos 227 6 1:23.21 777 176
To the Stratosphere 227 21 1:13.99 553 126
DAC #3: Liquinox Facility 226 15 3:28.41 626 142
DAC #60: Speed 226 9 17.00 718 162
Singular Journey 226 16 1:10.64 613 138
Distance Prototype Track 225 45 41.77 337 76
Sector 6 224 14 8:53.49 640 143
Stratosphere (P3) 224 7 2:26.41 756 169
Zone rescue (Boss battle) 223 57 9:37.05 252 56
To the Stratosphere (P2) 223 13 1:12.36 654 146
Echelon 223 34 1:13.58 426 95
Primary Turbo 223 9 59.24 718 160
Automation 223 10 1:56.44 700 156
Holo Projector 2 223 7 1:09.73 756 168
MA_Gravity Assist 222 21 52.56 553 123
Upcoming sectors 222 18 2:44.77 588 130
City Lights 222 48 4:10.22 315 70
Abandoned Factory 221 16 18.97 613 135
Space Trip 221 66 2:28.28 194 43
Down The Mountain 221 8 1:23.55 736 163
Nokong Raceway 221 9 57.75 718 159
Ionized 220 16 1:29.09 613 135
DAC# 28: Vibrant City(reupload) 220 11 1:18.56 684 150
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 220 3 1:26.96 859 189
The Sentinel Is Watching 220 19 1:44.88 576 127
Twisty Block Tower 219 11 39.47 684 149
Ruins of Earth 219 14 3:06.76 640 140
Glass Realm 218 34 4:54.82 426 93
ORBITAL JUNCTION 217 17 2:35.66 600 130
Alcatraz Old 216 14 3.37 640 138
Delivery Maintenance 214 27 1:10.83 491 105
Crazy speed: Speedrun tunnel! 214 22 17.97 542 116
Sheet Lightning 214 4 2:34.16 827 177
Easter Forest 213 11 1:31.65 684 146
Conflux 213 59 1:07.53 239 51
White Lightning Returns but its sunny 213 6 1:29.38 777 166
Scarlet Surge 213 46 2:58.36 330 70
Jiang Shi Mountain 211 15 1:53.94 626 132
DAC#19: Coconut Mall 211 42 1:33.64 360 76
DAC#19: Coconut SMall 211 6 46.02 777 164
Holo Projector 3 211 7 1:41.09 756 160
Luxor's Rising 210 15 46.90 626 131
Canyon Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 210 30 2:49.07 462 97
Trackmania but its Distance 210 103 3:57.64 0 0
Micro Realm 210 24 1:20.93 521 109
Canyons 210 18 2:28.51 588 124
Upcoming sectors(Rebirth version) 210 26 2:45.42 500 105
Psychedelic Blitz 209 45 1:46.63 337 71
DAC #7: Acceleration 209 33 1:42.50 435 91
Positive Space 208 7 4:36.92 756 157
Meeting Again 208 15 3:53.68 626 130
NE #1:Inclusion 208 4 4:32.63 827 172
Ruin 206 8 2:49.47 736 152
Midnight Rush 206 57 1:43.63 252 52
dust to oasis 205 9 3:25.28 718 147
Sector Earth P4 205 27 1:45.85 491 100
Helios 205 15 1:02.26 626 128
Scenic Root 204 5 7:04.44 800 163
Immunity 204 8 1:52.33 736 150
Cloud R&D 204 36 1:50.51 409 84
Automotive Infiltration 204 50 2:08.08 300 61
Genesis 204 4 5:54.72 827 169
Common 4 204 5 1:03.41 800 163
Coffin Hopper 204 4 29.10 827 168
Lesson Learned 203 13 52.75 654 133
On Rails 203 18 58.82 588 120
Data Mining Operation 202 5 1:52.75 800 162
Magic Lights 1.2 202 22 2:51.44 542 110
Quarantine Zone 202 16 1:10.08 613 124
The Nothing 201 8 2:26.29 736 148
First Snow 201 3 3:19.14 859 173
Cosmic Decisions 200 13 41.44 654 131
Nurburgring Ring 199 11 9.77 684 136
Sector 423 199 31 1:34.69 453 90
Zeg Viper 199 10 1:13.48 700 139
Pizza Delivery 199 3 2:21.86 859 171
Spiral 198 12 1:08.40 669 132
Cycles 198 16 46.69 613 121
Circuts 197 14 3:03.94 640 126
Sector Island Nitronic 197 12 30.98 669 132
Infected 195 4 1:21.69 827 161
Distance Stadium 195 18 31.42 588 115
Colony 195 2 3:58.69 900 175
Venus Realm 195 27 3:44.78 491 96
Pulse 194 65 1:37.76 200 39
DAC #19 Nomalith 194 43 2:50.06 352 68
Sound Realm 193 93 8:26.36 41 8
Meeting 192 14 3:45.29 640 123
Sky Realm 192 11 3:55.37 684 131
Plutonium 7.1 (Revised) 191 61 2:37.68 226 43
DAC#7: Biotec 6 190 35 3:05.47 417 79
[MEME] You wouldn't download a car. 190 39 0.78 384 73
Industrial 190 5 2:59.10 800 152
Funhouse(Easy) 190 12 1:35.34 669 127
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 189 190 1:27.32 0 0
Echocave 189 9 1:07.64 718 135
Intergalactic Capital 188 21 4:47.95 553 104
Reboot 188 39 2:47.25 384 72
Eradication 188 3 3:38.71 859 162
fravelocity 187 12 1:23.48 669 125
The Golden Divide 187 7 1:56.53 756 141
Red City 185 14 1:49.17 640 118
Cyst 184 26 6:13.40 500 92
Lava_Whatever 183 22 1:41.33 542 99
December Lights 183 28 2:34.10 481 88
Copper 9 Realm 183 32 4:59.55 444 81
Working Sector 182 7 1:36.07 756 137
TRANSFORMERS : Optimal Bypass Overhaul 181 58 5:16.07 246 45
Sound Realm 180 90 2:57.98 57 10
Purpose in it 179 8 1:35.83 736 132
Corporation 178 8 1:02.02 736 131
Perspective 173 10 1:33.57 700 121
Whispy Woods 173 15 2:18.76 626 108
Polar 173 60 2:42.14 232 40
DAC #24 Disparity 172 10 2:41.86 700 120
DAC #10: snow seed 172 65 1.13 200 34
Laserpark 171 2 1:26.35 900 154
Cosmic Lovetrip (Remastered) 171 7 6:55.82 756 129
DAC#23: Ice Realm 170 126 3:42.59 0 0
Valley 170 7 5:25.29 756 128
DAC #12: The Arrival (Remake) 169 68 2:36.09 182 31
Firodananny 168 6 1:27.72 777 131
Quantum Freeway 168 533 2:48.86 0 0
Wind Realm 168 22 2:14.40 542 91
Ice Realm [Card] 165 19 5:21.85 576 95
DAC #23: [Factor]Out Of Bounds 163 14 2:18.11 640 104
F-Zero : Trials Of FireField 163 59 3:58.39 239 39
DAC #24: Storm Chaser 163 21 3:07.05 553 90
Illusion Realm 163 9 3:24.51 718 117
Deep Zone 162 16 4:25.49 613 99
DAC 18: Seasonal Slope 161 31 2:32.69 453 73
Achievement Run 161 390 2:22.99 0 0
[Reactor] Pipe Leaks 161 41 1:03.78 368 59
Void Realm 161 14 3:36.88 640 103
Water Realm 160 123 4:33.41 0 0
Solar Electric (Infected Mix) 157 9 3:01.50 718 113
Breakout 157 55 3:25.31 266 42
Hilbert Road 156 12 4:54.81 669 105
Cosmic Realm 156 13 2:20.11 654 102
Holofoil 156 12 2:41.86 669 104
Mangrove Forest Realm 155 10 2:05.70 700 108
Sector 13 - The Flaw 154 4 5:08.31 827 127
Acid Realm [NE] 154 98 4:14.66 16 2
Transparent Realm 153 17 1:49.75 600 92
Psychedelic Phantasm 150 22 1:48.67 542 81
Remember 149 105 3:47.92 0 0
Glass Realm 147 65 3:02.06 200 29
Clockwork 145 4 1:03.74 827 120
Tranquility 145 48 5:40.59 315 46
Darkness Realm 144 1 3:27.53 1,000 144
Hot Wheels Turbo Racing: Dawn Encounter (WOLFE.WAV EDITION) 144 8 4:27.93 736 106
Micro Realm v2 141 28 1:45.97 481 68
Micro Realm [Beach] 139 45 3:12.21 337 47
Mechanization 132 5 2:24.16 800 105
DAC #2 (2017): Snow Storm Valley 132 1 4:31.66 1,000 132
Darklight city 132 35 7:11.65 417 55
Desert Realm 132 127 3:30.75 0 0
Dreamy Road 132 10 2:21.97 700 92
Sign of the past 130 7 1:21.09 756 98
Lava Realm 130 43 2:52.37 352 46
Corrupted Realm (Remastered) 130 15 3:34.45 626 82
Hyper Spaceway 129 11 1:41.96 684 88
DAC #13: Swamp Realm 128 135 2:38.48 0 0
DAC 11: Frigid Fall 127 6 1:43.29 777 99
Cliffside Realm 127 12 2:55.22 669 85
Breaking Point [2/4] 126 12 3:44.73 669 84
Wind Realm (Rh) 123 10 2:35.88 700 86
Road Trip 122 37 3:03.17 400 49
REDLINE 4 : Velocity Heights 121 33 2:35.46 435 52
Suspicious place 117 119 3:23.64 0 0
Asteroid Realm 117 32 7:01.49 444 52
Clouded Fog Realm 116 65 4:03.51 200 23
Tunnel Realm (DK Remaster) 115 11 3:25.75 684 79
Digital Warp 115 16 2:30.70 613 71
Micro Realm (MrXano) 114 16 56.76 613 70
Neon And On 113 42 1:39.72 360 41
Jungle Realm (Creepersrock Remastered) 112 84 5:48.08 89 10
DAC 7: Trial of the Frost Drake 111 27 5:57.15 491 55
Sky Realm (Ver 2) 109 26 2:26.26 500 54
Storm Realm (Ver 2) 107 30 3:20.18 462 49
Cosmic Realm (Card) 105 23 4:33.11 531 56
The Mountain Realm 101 14 6:28.33 640 65
DAC#25 Nitronic Sleigh Ride 99 40 1:02.46 376 37
Labyrinth Realm 97 55 6:52.13 266 26
Blizzardrealm 92 67 6:07.20 188 17
Waterfall Realm (Remake) [Collab] 90 30 3:07.27 462 42
Cavern Realm 89 37 2:59.53 400 36
The Megastructure Realm 87 16 2:17.74 613 53
Forest Realm Ver. 2 74 18 2:24.99 588 44
Warped Realm 70 61 5:04.23 226 16
Forest Realm 64 22 2:18.60 542 35
Chrome Realm 58 7 5:22.09 756 44
DAC #16: World Race Leg 2 44 401 5:11.13 0 0
Speed Of Silence [1/4] 34 128 7:03.05 0 0