
dog stats

Sprint rank 163rd
Sprint completions 257
Sprint score 23,855
Holdboost rank 32nd
Holdboost score 84,807
Challenge rank 843rd
Challenge completions 1
Challenge score 232
Stunt rank 231st
Stunt completions 2
Stunt score 367

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Unbeatable 522 3 1:06.03 859 448
Moonlight 509 69 1:25.26 176 90
Corn Tree 499 4 2:04.37 827 413
Furry 493 9 1:08.70 718 354
Industrial Fury 490 359 2:25.00 0 0
THE 7 466 141 2:00.53 0 0
map3 461 11 7:23.86 684 315
Impurity 445 1,446 2:29.75 0 0
[Orbital]Gyra 444 597 2:17.24 0 0
Epicentre 439 696 1:25.43 0 0
Incline 435 1,157 2:09.60 0 0
Striker 435 133 2:10.68 0 0
Light-track 434 11 46.17 684 297
Molecular Symmetry 431 20 1:06.97 565 243
Parting Ways 430 16 2:38.43 613 264
Floral 425 281 2:01.59 0 0
Vibrant Dreams 424 1,374 1:45.37 0 0
Modulation 422 1,088 2:09.95 0 0
DAC #9: Theoretical Heart 421 217 3:04.43 0 0
Pathogen 419 930 4:10.86 0 0
shafty 419 1,189 3:05.63 0 0
Overcharge 418 522 2:43.99 0 0
Knowledge 417 74 1:42.43 146 61
White 417 1,062 2:43.18 0 0
Metallurgy 417 757 2:33.80 0 0
DAC #11: Clockwork Zone 416 238 2:15.60 0 0
Haze 415 38 1:13.11 392 163
Metropolis 412 315 1:51.83 0 0
BLACKLIGHT 409 258 2:22.67 0 0
Broken Symmetry but it's only the checkpoints 409 15 2:22.02 626 256
Pink 406 117 1:33.95 0 0
Theolddays 406 2,829 3:25.39 0 0
DAC #2: Concrete Jungle 401 16 1:31.21 613 246
Storm 400 261 4:06.45 0 0
Elemental 397 999 2:40.17 0 0
Cellic 397 151 36:41.00 0 0
Post Mortem 390 79 2:05.86 117 46
Cataclysm But You Should Really Evacuate 386 14 2:25.18 640 247
Radical Boat (REVAMPED) 386 32 1:48.92 444 171
Sea 385 550 3:52.96 0 0
HyperCube 383 1,689 3:11.35 0 0
Primus 383 1,255 2:54.40 0 0
Hijack 382 233 3:42.59 0 0
Backdoor 380 1,665 1:34.55 0 0
Core 380 1,313 3:46.11 0 0
Broken Symmetry but everything has 0 rotation 377 21 3:44.00 553 209
community levels are a mistake 377 25 5:47.86 511 192
Continuity 375 104 1:12.56 0 0
zack spire 373 24 6:09.48 521 195
Yes 372 25 1:05.73 511 190
Burnout 371 165 3:37.40 0 0
Salmon 371 192 1:12.09 0 0
Novice Maker TT 002 370 18 1:41.10 588 217
Blindness 369 31 48.70 453 167
Broken Symmetry But The Endzone Is Hidden Not Really 365 34 2:51.25 426 156
Girder Realm 364 58 8:06.13 246 89
Scoria City [EtC2] 361 193 1:30.05 0 0
DAC #1: Hanging Gardens 360 160 2:13.06 0 0
Midnight City 359 40 1:50.53 376 135
Ghettoblaster 358 94 48:55.15 36 13
Common 2 358 191 1:57.16 0 0
sector23 (HARDER) 358 4 1:35.93 827 296
PAC #24: Into the Sun 357 41 4:02.82 368 131
Neutron Star 356 1,995 2:16.46 0 0
Only Jump 355 13 37:07.56 654 232
Common 3 354 44 1:02.97 345 122
Mardoul 354 88 55.16 68 24
Blast Processor 353 12 14.74 669 236
Linear 353 95 3:35.10 31 11
Superheated 353 327 2:19.85 0 0
DAC #25: Prismatic Path 352 4 1:33.19 827 291
[EtC1] Sodapop Promotion 350 8 1:09.68 736 258
Destination 911 348 25 21.45 511 178
Broken Symmetry but all the roads are invisible 345 65 3:51:12.55 200 69
Abandoned Utopia 344 1,259 2:26.22 0 0
Increase 341 14 6:39.31 640 219
Error 341 36 2:05.14 409 139
City #035 338 15 1:41.03 626 212
Brain Star 337 25 1:16.73 511 172
COAT Speedway 336 99 1:36.86 11 4
PAC #14: Turtle Race 2 336 33 48.70 435 146
Detection 335 10 59.92 700 235
Absorption 334 38 1:37.31 392 131
DAC #8: Baby Time 332 113 48.36 0 0
Cloud Nine / Vapor City 331 361 2:46.66 0 0
City Run 330 44 1:41.59 345 114
Disorientation 329 65 4:56.81 200 66
Super Gay Rainbow Road 329 27 1:45.95 491 162
Trackmogrify_Broken Symmetry But I Ruined It 329 4 25.56 827 272
Research: Sector 6a 329 20 3:17.27 565 186
Orange 328 1,759 1:46.27 0 0
Offices 327 18 1:46.02 588 192
Realitytweak 325 1,486 2:03.60 0 0
Nihil 324 143 2:59.67 0 0
Broken Symmetry 324 11 1:26.57 684 222
The Other Side Sprint 323 14 17:21.79 640 206
EmpireSplineRoadBankedTurnLeft 322 9 25.45 718 231
Industrial Alliance 320 462 2:06.27 0 0
DAC #12: Deception 320 44 1:53.01 345 110
I dont know why i made this............................. 317 13 58.27 654 208
Broken Symmetry 3055 317 11 1:07.11 684 217
Industrial Living 315 20 1:26.12 565 178
DAC #16: Retrograde 314 106 2:17.64 0 0
MA_Ray Receiver 313 98 1:14.15 16 5
Broken Symmetry But It's An Adventure Mode Level 310 11 1:33.13 684 212
Boatrocity River 310 37 4:00.41 400 124
Broken Symmetry [Hint Edition] 309 7 14.14 756 233
Outskirts 307 18 2:25.93 588 180
PAC #15: Turtle Race 3 306 4 52.08 827 253
[DAC #25] Neon 306 49 1:37.91 308 94
Broken Symmetry But Actualy It's Just A Flight Track 306 6 1:34.47 777 238
Broken Symmetry but it switched roles with Entanglement 305 92 2:39.14 47 14
Trackmania A01 303 8 9.05 736 223
Desert Bus 303 2 1:55.19 900 273
Broken Symmetry but i recreated it from memory 302 3 54.12 859 260
Acknowledge 301 1,418 7:42.63 0 0
BOULDER 300 7 50.27 756 227
DAC #1: QQ Returnal 300 67 1:51.02 188 56
Broken Symmetry but it's a realm 298 91 1:51.56 52 16
my first map 296 32 2:05.79 444 132
Abyss 295 20 3:36.10 565 167
Broken Symmetry but oh god everything's falling 295 61 1:21.18 226 67
gm_flatgrass 295 38 6.08 392 116
Clockwork 295 23 8:36.90 531 156
Destination Unknown but it's finished 293 139 4:50.71 0 0
Rootways 291 135 2:05.64 0 0
DAC #8: Graphics Rendered 290 99 2:05.00 11 3
DAC #2: Stellar Bloom 289 85 2:06.85 84 24
Copper Skyline 287 597 2:21:04.07 0 0
Skyfall 286 28 1:03.34 481 138
Broken Symmetry but it's Minimalist 285 6 1:19.85 777 221
Foraminifera 284 17 1:02.76 600 170
Space Station 4237 - Sector Beta - Aftermath 284 37 3:02.09 400 114
Teosinte Road 283 43 1:59.61 352 100
Broken Symmetry but it's really dark 282 10 1:26.52 700 197
Broken Symmetry but It's rotated by 90 degrees 282 35 1:27.83 417 118
The Third Kind 279 25 3:24.42 511 143
The Maze 278 25 1:42:41.10 511 142
DAC #5: Perception 278 87 2:49.01 73 20
Sector21 278 11 40.01 684 190
Breakthrough 276 29 7:37.92 471 130
So You Say You Gotta Go Fast 276 115 4:13.38 0 0
[DAC #25] Hardpoint 276 100 3:40.21 6 2
Centrifugal Inferno 276 52 2:00.01 286 79
Ginger 273 29 6:53.40 471 128
AREA CX3 273 82 3:02.63 100 27
Routing Challenge 4 271 15 23.30 626 169
DAC #25: Secret Santa 271 7 7.97 756 205
Derelict Hyperspace Junction 270 255 2:36.53 0 0
Distance On Rs4 267 154 2:02.57 0 0
DAC #9: DAC #10 265 43 1:44.44 352 93
Dangerous Days 264 39 1:29.17 384 101
Broken Symmetry But It Has Low Gravity 263 55 3:00.65 266 70
Broken Symmetry but it's all downhill 262 17 1:04.38 600 157
White symmetry 261 45 1:41.03 337 88
Convolution 261 1,423 3:21.25 0 0
DAC #4: Gizmo Concept 261 15 3:41.30 626 164
DAC#5 Euthanasia Coaster 260 10 34.47 700 182
Broken Skippetry 258 8 1:29.00 736 190
Anomaly: Sector 666 257 72 3:32.79 158 41
Veil 257 188 1:21.75 0 0
DAC #7: End Zone 257 20 4:02.76 565 145
Cobalt Cardinal 255 19 1:13.86 576 147
Hallo luntger 254 28 2:30:39.41 481 122
Broken Spinnetry 254 8 1:41.61 736 187
(RMC) Normalyst 08 253 6 2:12.81 777 197
Conduit 253 65 1:11.05 200 51
Teleportation Facility 251 36 5:46.87 409 103
Broken Symmetry But I Have Negative Drag 250 114 3:16.61 0 0
Broken Symmetry but the music gets faster and everything pulses 250 6 1:23.53 777 194
My Bedroom Replica 250 49 2:10.71 308 77
Sunset Valley 250 4 3:00.81 827 207
Broken Symmetry But You are Tormented by Fast Food and Poop Dancing Sloths 248 3 1:42.65 859 213
Aquashift 248 42 1:43.14 360 89
Red Sky (Quick Map) 246 52 1:34.46 286 70
Get That Hamburger X 246 13 41.96 654 161
Isolation But You're Being Watched 245 13 2:59.52 654 160
DAC# 5: Spools 245 40 1:21.05 376 92
Minor Detour 244 48 4:48.56 315 77
DAC #11: Pipe Dream 244 48 6:50.38 315 77
Linear Level 243 95 3:07.91 31 8
BIOPUMP 242 158 2:33.35 0 0
Twister 242 19 1:00.10 576 140
DAC #21: 鼓符 ~ Pristine Thunder 242 147 6:42.28 0 0
Canvas 239 73 1:17.37 152 36
DAC#4: Under Pressure 239 119 1:55.26 0 0
Routing Challenge 2 238 22 9.33 542 129
Sector18 (NIGHT) 236 5 34.64 800 188
Marcels Tolles Level 235 19 3:29.53 576 136
Greetings,user 235 6 3:09.38 777 183
DAC #7: GBA Rainbow Road 233 242 4:14.59 0 0
Trackmania-FAN'S 232 1 2:55.52 1,000 232
Isolation 232 8 41.15 736 171
Proto Symmetry 231 67 2:07.04 188 43
Ancient Tomb 230 15 1:39.33 626 144
Cyber Cruise 230 215 1:09:01.96 0 0
DAC #6: Akia Coast 230 134 6:05.13 0 0
Upwards Momentum 228 11 38.69 684 156
Broken Symmetry but checkpoints drop everything 228 5 1:41.47 800 182
The Four Elements 227 60 5:01.29 232 53
Gta 5 Cunning Stunts: Sky Circuit [Ver. 2.0] 226 10 3:59.63 700 158
Escape from Empire 225 12 1:19.43 669 150
The Mega Box Marathon 222 8 2:10.74 736 164
Broken Symmetry but it is Remastered 219 6 1:22.11 777 170
DAC #8: Sundown Sprint 219 191 5:05.25 0 0
Loooping 218 11 37.35 684 149
Space Station 554C - Fixed Version 218 59 4:17:45.40 239 52
[STE] Wander In The Dark 215 36 1:45.97 409 88
Broken Symmetry But It's A Troll 215 26 2.00 500 107
The Arctic 214 16 2:34.73 613 131
Broken Symmetry OnlyFans 213 3 1:04.14 859 183
The Fallen 212 74 2:07.70 146 31
Purpitypurp 209 38 2:12.34 392 82
Broken Symmetry But It Has Attachement Issues 209 22 3:54.12 542 113
(Lag-Inducing) Broken Symmetry but every 15 seconds... 206 6 1:23.05 777 160
Broken Symmetry but it's just the roads 205 7 1:27.23 756 155
Simple Symmetry 205 34 1:45.20 426 87
Construct 205 13 1:43.88 654 134
Inverted Symmetry 205 109 1:43.20 0 0
Fog Realm 202 193 2:12.51 0 0
Endless Traffic 200 25 8:58.54 511 102
Neon Black 199 45 1:29.67 337 67
Broken Symmetry, broken textures 199 4 1:20.42 827 165
F-Zero : Trials Of Porttown 198 159 2:41.26 0 0
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 195 999 1:30.16 0 0
Distance Stadium 195 5 13.76 800 156
Tiny Symmetry 195 3 30.14 859 167
Engange 195 23 7:41.63 531 104
DAC #12: Star Gazer 195 35 4:51.44 417 81
DAC #18: SNES Mute City 194 69 1:31.89 176 34
Ride To Hell 193 34 5:06.65 426 82
Endless Traffic 3 193 19 42:35.49 576 111
Sky Realm 192 69 7:09.20 176 34
Accuracy 190 20 1:32.48 565 108
Pursuit 185 13 1:32.75 654 121
Exp #2: Pyroduct Realm [Rework] 185 19 3:07.77 576 107
A memory to nitronic rush 183 106 2:37.70 0 0
Sector ▗█▁▚▚▔ 183 92 17:05:59.49 47 9
Holo Projector [Revamped] 183 39 1:21.15 384 70
Microsized V1.0 176 113 8:38.64 0 0
Broken Symmetry but the music gets slower 175 48 1:37.74 315 55
Casual Avenue 171 79 2:18.20 117 20
Solar Realm 168 85 2:46.33 84 14
AI Cars 167 189 1:16.78 0 0
Laserrush 166 14 57.43 640 106
Super Nitro Tunnel 162 31 3:01.35 453 73
Desert Bus but it's Distance 144 26 5:44.35 500 72
Lava Realm 133 162 7:50.40 0 0
Dreamy Road 128 193 2:52.32 0 0
Ruins Realm 118 203 6:14.59 0 0
Cavern Realm [alex redux] (HotWheels Acceleracers) 117 565 4:02.58 0 0
The Breaking Point [3/4] but its actually good. 109 104 13:03.73 0 0
Metro Realm 100 210 3:22.40 0 0
Storm Realm 87 840 12:12.20 0 0
Ice Realm 78 70 4:26.18 170 13
Exp #1: Arctic Realm 73 92 3:49.64 47 3
World Race Leg 4 38 503 12:49.92 0 0