
Beto_Bullicio stats

Sprint rank 11,750th
Sprint completions 18
Sprint score 33
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Acceleracers Solar Realm Fp Edition 234 605 9:19.32 0 0
Monument Realm 232 336 3:11.91 0 0
Pipeline 212 203 6:17.19 0 0
pipeline realm 174 464 4:11.46 0 0
Water realm 170 3,857 9:09.20 0 0
Volcano Dimension (Hot Wheels Highway 35) 150 471 4:59.81 0 0
Sky Realm [CH Remake] 147 90 9:09.69 57 8
Swamp Realm [Dashie Redux] 144 1,049 5:34.64 0 0
Ice realm 143 1,222 5:50.88 0 0
The Speed of Silence [3/4] 132 475 2:20.75 0 0
Lava Realm [Omega Redux] 128 587 4:31.35 0 0
Swamp Realm [Omega] 124 242 4:58.76 0 0
The Ultimate Race (HotWheels Acceleracers) 120 1,755 32:42.58 0 0
Storm Realm 87 777 12:09.17 0 0
Cliffside realm! 82 124 1:12.48 0 0
Storm realm! 68 1,246 9:23.21 0 0
Ignition [1/4] 43 27 4:37.57 491 21
The Speed of Silence [1/4] 39 83 4:21.09 95 4