
Neon_Lights stats

Sprint rank 3,333rd
Sprint completions 21
Sprint score 438
Holdboost rank 4,170th
Holdboost score 546
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Tempest 365 780 4:42.70 0 0
City Escape 337 448 2:16.47 0 0
[Beautiful]Guvox 325 185 1:12.94 0 0
[STE2] Celebrations 299 139 2:21.76 0 0
The Third Kind 279 44 4:16.37 345 96
[Uncommon]Full 275 81 2:51.62 106 29
Space Runner 263 139 3:42.79 0 0
Geometree 262 164 4:48.05 0 0
An Easy Drive 238 41 3:01.15 368 87
Tooty 233 495 1:25.67 0 0
Super Short Six, #1: Actuate 229 90 1:54.84 57 13
Getting To Grips 225 94 8:54.68 36 8
SIGMA 27 219 83 5:36.65 95 21
Primitive Parkour 218 42 2:44.18 360 79
[STE2] Celebration island 195 163 2:32.53 0 0
TRANSFORMERS : Optimal Bypass Overhaul 182 18 4:04.27 588 107
Beachcity Drift 177 138 35.47 0 0
Achievement Run 161 534 2:51.19 0 0
Nitronic Celebration 145 149 3:57.90 0 0
100,000eV - Six Figures Achievement 125 192 1:24.33 0 0
Sonic Special Zone 99 181 4:18.75 0 0