
Jhojhoido stats

Sprint rank 6,108th
Sprint completions 48
Sprint score 167
Holdboost rank 5,980th
Holdboost score 208
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Moonlight 499 1,603 1:45.78 0 0
DAC #10: Overdrive 495 1,281 1:57.80 0 0
Ruin 485 1,616 2:20.32 0 0
Fallback Protocol 472 546 2:13.57 0 0
Gardens 462 337 1:39.20 0 0
Red 450 1,135 3:10.90 0 0
Interlink 431 440 1:50.57 0 0
Vibrant Dreams 428 2,069 2:22.09 0 0
Homestead 422 1,188 1:46.46 0 0
White 421 1,622 5:03.72 0 0
Supercharged Intensity 418 775 3:13.00 0 0
Theolddays 410 1,932 2:25.38 0 0
Perfect Storm 408 1,128 4:12.64 0 0
Elemental 397 1,372 3:16.22 0 0
Illusions 395 448 2:39.61 0 0
Affinity 390 1,015 2:38.77 0 0
Pink 388 1,334 1:37.99 0 0
A.R.T.007 (Checkpoint) 388 783 3:59.86 0 0
Bacterial 388 1,052 3:33.47 0 0
Throwing Hands 385 619 3:05.79 0 0
Hexopolis 381 574 2:13.52 0 0
Wobble 379 459 4:33.32 0 0
Town Watch 365 300 2:08.05 0 0
Midnight City 364 1,669 4:00.47 0 0
Blast Processor 357 583 1:24.82 0 0
Neutron Star 356 2,048 2:21.28 0 0
Primary Thrust 352 974 2:01.28 0 0
50 Second Theory 341 1,816 2:19.04 0 0
Hemoglobin 337 382 1:45.00 0 0
Abandoned Utopia 336 1,343 4:58.69 0 0
Detection 334 647 2:10.11 0 0
Instability 331 473 2:21.45 0 0
Inertia 330 215 1:47.67 0 0
A City Of Gold 314 38 1:29.09 392 123
White V 1.3 309 387 5:23.93 0 0
Dimensional Splice 305 847 15:19.58 0 0
Industrial Alliance 297 1,283 4:08.35 0 0
Negative Charge 294 1,685 4:53.82 0 0
Falling Through The Sky 286 978 1:39.46 0 0
AREA CX3 275 2,419 3:37.46 0 0
Intertwined 272 773 3:06.02 0 0
Cliffside realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 272 2,493 3:04.07 0 0
Convolution 263 308 2:16.71 0 0
Crazy Road 254 74 3:35.89 146 37
Initiate 242 770 4:04.56 0 0
A memory to nitronic rush 183 118 3:56.18 0 0
Automotive Infiltration 2 174 90 4:57.62 57 10
Quantum Freeway 170 492 2:48.75 0 0