
FungusLord stats

Sprint rank 4,815th
Sprint completions 11
Sprint score 251
Holdboost rank 5,878th
Holdboost score 221
Challenge completions 0
Stunt rank 822nd
Stunt completions 1
Stunt score 111

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
REDLINE 3 : Himalayan Thrust 383 623 4:40.52 0 0
Storm 374 1,280 4:44.26 0 0
Realitytweak 329 2,022 2:17.66 0 0
Flip City 301 321 2:59.46 0 0
Ookazi 278 326 2:00.67 0 0
Abandoned City 255 422 3:36.59 0 0
Train Tales 242 19 10:21.63 576 139
Parasitize 232 47 1:57.14 322 75
Riverside 199 67 2:34.41 188 37
Achievement Run 161 207 2:01.02 0 0
dark side of the empire 102 119 4:11.59 0 0