
A Confused Bald Man stats

Sprint rank 7,468th
Sprint completions 19
Sprint score 118
Holdboost rank 675th
Holdboost score 9,294
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Inferno 423 140 3:31.26 0 0
White 421 418 2:02.49 0 0
Exodus 414 228 2:25.27 0 0
Perfect Storm 408 629 2:46.94 0 0
Affinity 390 132 1:29.68 0 0
Skyline 386 61 1:56.91 226 87
Hexopolis 381 168 1:26.01 0 0
Techno Radiant 380 542 3:44.67 0 0
Paradise Lost 378 592 1:34.67 0 0
The Fall 366 259 1:58.09 0 0
[DAC #5] Permission 357 143 2:04.95 0 0
Trials Of MuteCity 356 739 3:59.93 0 0
S&S Revival 341 205 1:35.34 0 0
Midnight City 324 280 1:13.41 0 0
Cursed Mountain 317 82 1:53.57 100 32
Acknowledge 304 688 2:43.45 0 0
Negative Charge 294 1,241 3:46.29 0 0
Falling Through The Sky 286 933 1:35.44 0 0
Lightbond 206 106 3:33.99 0 0