
Antlax stats

Sprint rank 394th
Sprint completions 240
Sprint score 5,475
Holdboost rank 4,454th
Holdboost score 381
Challenge rank 261st
Challenge completions 6
Challenge score 678
Stunt rank 84th
Stunt completions 10
Stunt score 824

Challenge tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Left Turn Practice 341 11 4.27 684 233
DAC #8 : Colony One 320 40 3:20.82 376 120
The Energy Realm 297 14 3:06.34 640 190
The Speed of Silence [3/4] 227 175 4:28.44 0 0
The Speed of Silence [4/4] 201 45 6:35.12 337 68
The Speed of Silence [1/4] 175 36 4:25.29 409 72