
paulohsm3 stats

Sprint rank 546th
Sprint completions 56
Sprint score 5,587
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
DAC #11: Clockwork Zone 414 70 1:38.50 170 70
DAC #1: Hanging Gardens 350 78 2:03.68 123 43
City #035 339 90 1:42.99 57 19
DAC #25: Prismatic Path 314 84 1:49.10 89 28
DAC #12: Deception 308 91 1:53.85 52 16
Razzle Dazzle 299 16 1:36.03 613 183
Station 3 298 40 2:35.49 376 112
DAC #2: -IXTRO- 295 12 2:57.14 669 197
Contrast 281 22 51.00 542 153
Viral 278 49 1:24.57 308 86
[DAC #20]: Facility #80 278 32 1:20.76 444 123
DAC #2: Stellar Bloom 278 27 1:56.96 491 137
Pillar of Truth 277 25 4:44.70 511 141
Mikupolis 277 72 1:24.37 158 44
Mardoul 274 30 51.29 462 127
DAC #7: Calefaction 270 53 1:28.07 279 75
Air Force: SkyDrive 267 29 2:36.22 471 126
DAC# 5: Spools 267 15 1:20.03 626 167
Ancient Vision 264 43 56.50 352 93
Unforeseen 263 14 2:30.50 640 168
Cobalt Cardinal 257 62 1:14.42 219 56
Exo 252 50 1:44.44 300 75
Rancid Raceway 250 42 1:08.43 360 90
[DAC 11 | 14] Archaic Tomb 2 247 19 2:00.46 576 142
DAC#5 Euthanasia Coaster 242 49 34.70 308 75
DAC #6: Akia Coast 239 37 2:15.52 400 96
DAC #25: NiTinol Wheel 232 9 1:31.26 718 167
Plutonium 9 231 24 2:44.11 521 121
Warped Symmetry 226 8 1:29.40 736 167
Abandoned Utopia 225 22 1:13.84 542 122
Thousand 222 7 1:10.98 756 168
Inverted Symmetry 221 37 1:30.21 400 88
Dweller In The Depths 220 36 1:08.69 409 90
DAC #10: Enemy Queue 216 6 2:58.80 777 168
DAC #16 The Beast Has Bellowed 212 7 3:25.43 756 160
Abstract Normal Sunset 211 5 1:36.27 800 168
DAC #25: Mysterious City 204 25 2:40.68 511 104
Into The Belly Of The Beast 203 10 1:18.67 700 142
Wave 2 200 14 1:11.70 640 128
Rebuilt Sector 01C 199 33 2:20.05 435 86
Sector18 (NIGHT) 186 5 46.08 800 149
The Sentinel Is Watching 184 18 1:38.62 588 108
True Black 174 21 2:10.57 553 96
Something Infected And Evil 172 16 45.97 613 106
Solar Realm 168 95 2:48.40 31 5
Holo Projector [Revamped] 164 7 1:03.37 756 124
Micro Realm: Beach 162 113 4:36.77 0 0
The Terror of The Violent Heart 161 22 3:06.30 542 87
Dreamy Road 133 71 2:30.45 164 22
Mars Canyon Realm v2 131 24 2:36.73 521 68
End To A Violent Heart 128 35 44.94 417 54
Archipeligo Realm [Remake] 127 15 1:02.16 626 80
Lightspeed 118 8 14.88 736 87
Highway Realm 95 24 2:11.41 521 50
Magma Realm 93 16 1:44.17 613 57
Exp #2: Pyroduct Realm 92 29 2:58.16 471 43