
Gamitox stats

Sprint rank 10,473rd
Sprint completions 9
Sprint score 57
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
DAC #7: Acceleration 234 121 2:05.72 0 0
The Four Elements 227 66 5:22.31 194 44
Sound Realm 181 637 4:08.62 0 0
AI Cars 168 132 48.03 0 0
Cliffside Realm 147 99 1:31.07 11 2
DAC #13: Swamp Realm 129 188 2:43.17 0 0
Race To The Acceledrome 115 82 2:42.79 100 11
The Biome Realm 82 208 10:43.61 0 0
Speed Of Silence [1/4] 56 153 8:25.62 0 0