
Anjuxis stats

Sprint rank 9,884th
Sprint completions 21
Sprint score 65
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Impurity 435 2,042 4:44.18 0 0
BLACKLIGHT 376 2,831 13:28.71 0 0
Neon Fury 355 942 1:55.53 0 0
50 Second Theory 341 2,111 6:08.92 0 0
Broken City (Updated) 316 309 3:15.55 0 0
A Green Day 290 488 2:48.83 0 0
Water Realm [Omega Redux] 269 2,319 8:49.15 0 0
Jump Realm 203 47 1:30.90 322 65
Fog Realm 192 1,352 14:38.15 0 0
Skyline Realm 185 1,475 13:50.03 0 0
pipeline realm 184 1,552 5:35.06 0 0
Water realm 170 4,049 23:51.59 0 0
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 168 4,199 2:29.16 0 0
Gear Realm 166 953 6:07.41 0 0
Reactor Realm 146 1,295 8:20.62 0 0
Cosmic Realm 144 1,854 16:27.87 0 0
Ice realm 138 1,878 8:45.41 0 0
The Ultimate Race (HotWheels Acceleracers) 120 3,653 58:55.83 0 0
Desert Realm 88 1,025 26:41.44 0 0
Start Realm (Accelememers Realms) 82 474 31.63 0 0
Labyrinth Realm 33 690 20:02.33 0 0