
CaptainWildcat stats

Sprint rank 10,222nd
Sprint completions 9
Sprint score 59
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Industrial Fury 493 375 2:26.20 0 0
Red 450 1,092 2:57.24 0 0
Bacterial 388 943 3:22.88 0 0
Sector 400 380 2,010 2:22.10 0 0
Realitytweak 329 842 1:58.07 0 0
Lava Realm 237 892 4:38.49 0 0
Prophecy 169 43 3:46.45 352 59
The Sentinel Is Watching 165 122 2:26.43 0 0
End To A Violent Heart 134 104 1:25.76 0 0