
Yukari stats

Sprint rank 13,432nd
Sprint completions 10
Sprint score 6
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
World Race Leg 3 124 598 8:11.87 0 0
World Race Leg 1 64 797 11:29.68 0 0
Speed Of Silence [1/4] 55 317 7:38.59 0 0
DAC #16: World Race Leg 2 46 345 4:57.95 0 0
The Ultimate Race 45 155 1:00:12.09 0 0
Ignition [4/4] 39 177 7:08.75 0 0
World Race Leg 4 37 486 12:53.77 0 0
Ignition [1/4] 37 73 13:05.20 152 6
Ignition [3/4] 34 150 13:05.61 0 0
Ignition [2/4] 10 173 9:38.85 0 0