
VZephyrka stats

Sprint rank 3,779th
Sprint completions 7
Sprint score 366
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
DAC #5 - Natural Gift 356 545 2:32.00 0 0
beyond the horizons 350 885 3:58.22 0 0
Veridian Skyway 270 50 3:33.80 300 81
Upwards Momentum 230 20 1:02.76 565 130
the matrix 183 34 8:05.36 426 78
Off the grid 171 31 2:46.19 453 77
Neon Pipeline Realm (HotWheels Acceleracers) 103 1,318 3:31.19 0 0