
El Pablo Weenis stats

Sprint rank 8,489th
Sprint completions 16
Sprint score 93
Challenge rank 1,166th
Challenge completions 1
Challenge score 132
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Distrophy 300 67 6:17.79 188 56
[Orbital]Rigid Meltdown 251 396 2:17.28 0 0
Dunroth's Folley 231 981 2:29.55 0 0
Lost Highway 215 157 7:13.11 0 0
Water realm 170 2,693 5:18.02 0 0
Blizzard Realm 141 636 5:46.09 0 0
Water Realm 141 362 7:18.36 0 0
Forest Realm [Omega] 122 489 5:32.39 0 0
Clouded Fog Realm 121 61 4:04.75 226 27
The Ultimate Race (HotWheels Acceleracers) 120 1,400 30:55.35 0 0
SpaceRace 100 123 3:00.06 0 0
Mountain Realm (Acceleracers fan-made realm) 82 594 3:59.39 0 0
The Biome Realm 81 112 8:55.95 0 0
Ice Realm 74 131 12:01.25 0 0
World Race Leg 1 64 647 9:40.08 0 0
The Ultimate Race 60 73 35:00.01 152 9