
Amogus stats

Sprint rank 9,042nd
Sprint completions 20
Sprint score 82
Holdboost rank 5,332nd
Holdboost score 295
Challenge completions 1
Challenge score 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
BLACKLIGHT 376 1,556 2:41.17 0 0
Trials Of MuteCity 356 1,347 4:53.58 0 0
City Escape 337 714 2:35.80 0 0
Trails Of BigBlue 324 1,355 3:24.11 0 0
Bikini Bottom 309 138 1:17.17 0 0
Green Hill Zone Act 2 283 2,273 2:28.38 0 0
Water Realm [Omega Redux] 269 2,197 6:22.96 0 0
Beyblade Space City 260 154 5:28.93 0 0
Chrome Realm (HotWheels Acceleracers) 256 961 7:38.28 0 0
Abandoned City 255 333 3:12.98 0 0
Binary Construct 255 47 2:16.84 322 82
Lava Realm 237 1,679 5:20.51 0 0
Glass City Realm 216 114 19:50.02 0 0
Canyon Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 210 3,112 7:37.09 0 0
Gear Realm 166 517 4:01.71 0 0
Cosmic Realm 144 1,847 15:12.63 0 0
Blizzard Realm 141 646 5:51.41 0 0
Acceleracers Fog Realm Fp Edition 140 590 9:48.67 0 0
The Ultimate Race (HotWheels Acceleracers) 120 2,371 36:08.84 0 0
DAC#16 Highway 35 World Race Leg 2 96 429 6:01.14 0 0