
DadGaming stats

Sprint rank 11,543rd
Sprint completions 11
Sprint score 35
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Old White Lightning Returns 440 251 2:19.10 0 0
Terrible 439 158 5:37.12 0 0
Silver and Gold 415 793 2:30.42 0 0
[Flow]Punch 407 396 4:31.62 0 0
Throwing Hands 385 703 4:33.16 0 0
Apple Boat 380 94 2:20.25 36 14
Sakura Skyway 360 732 1:56.07 0 0
DAC #19b (2019): Depths of Echoes 348 268 5:33.61 0 0
50 Second Theory 341 1,390 1:36.64 0 0
Megaboost: downhill jam 321 88 3:48.63 68 22
Quantum Freeway 170 1,074 2:55.96 0 0