
Starlight199 stats

Sprint rank 5,796th
Sprint completions 18
Sprint score 183
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Solar Electric (Smooth Mix) 405 1,505 3:19.22 0 0
DAC #23: [Factor]A001 397 85 5:45.83 84 33
Betrayal of the Storm Leviathan 360 441 2:57.68 0 0
A suspiciously ordinary looking level 334 178 2:03.50 0 0
Abandoned Nightmare 286 620 2:22.74 0 0
Water Realm [Omega Redux] 269 1,793 4:51.23 0 0
Super Short Six, #5: Distribute 252 76 59.70 134 34
Abduction 241 65 3:44.39 200 48
Hostile Space 229 55 5:55.53 266 61
Super Short Six, #1: Actuate 229 124 6:13.28 0 0
Abandoned Factory 223 223 2:33.35 0 0
A Long Way Down 204 103 1:44.87 0 0
Super Short Six, #3: Drowned 204 135 2:30.63 0 0
Water realm 170 1,430 4:43.96 0 0
Acceleracers Fog Realm Fp Edition 140 406 6:52.98 0 0
The Ultimate Race (HotWheels Acceleracers) 120 1,422 31:00.76 0 0
Mario Kart: KoopaTroopaBeach 110 88 1:36.05 68 8
Sonic Special Zone 99 572 9:06.84 0 0