
Thundertyme stats

Sprint rank 12,419th
Sprint completions 20
Sprint score 21
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt rank 408th
Stunt completions 1
Stunt score 209

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
THE 7 454 675 2:08.43 0 0
DAC#4: RECOIL 447 614 2:53.25 0 0
Striker 442 2,514 2:39.69 0 0
Outrun 440 443 2:05.17 0 0
DAC #8: Particular Journey 437 496 2:51.97 0 0
Metropolis 415 2,095 2:27.58 0 0
shafty 412 3,014 3:54.96 0 0
Knowledge 411 1,221 2:08.61 0 0
Theolddays 410 2,464 2:51.87 0 0
Tharsis Tholus 402 453 1:13.57 0 0
Sector 400 380 1,517 2:02.72 0 0
Graviton Disturbance 377 521 1:45.85 0 0
Midnight City 364 755 2:16.52 0 0
Neutron Star 356 2,084 2:24.05 0 0
Primus 350 781 2:07.59 0 0
Road to Underworld v1.0 317 682 2:51.54 0 0
AREA CX3 275 3,043 3:56.38 0 0
Convolution 263 1,059 2:45.13 0 0
Sonic Adventure 2 : Radical Highway 236 1,365 3:28.34 0 0
City Limits [Cinematic] 79 55 3:12.03 266 21