
TheGoldShot stats

Sprint rank 6,985th
Sprint completions 8
Sprint score 134
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Thruster Control 101 476 229 18:25.27 0 0
B113 407 1,627 3:13.95 0 0
beyond the horizons 350 1,146 5:44.75 0 0
BENTCITY 340 371 2:53.21 0 0
BIOPUMP-2 250 73 2:15.32 152 38
BIOPUMP 244 311 5:59.04 0 0
_opefull-flyer 164 66 2:11.45 194 32
the last space elevator 148 33 17:01.89 435 64