
FenchelForelle stats

Sprint rank 11,709th
Sprint completions 25
Sprint score 33
Holdboost rank 597th
Holdboost score 10,676
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Red 450 405 1:57.43 0 0
Lost Fortress 427 779 3:00.46 0 0
MA_Subroutine 426 290 3:39.68 0 0
Marvel 422 455 2:12.77 0 0
White 421 100 1:59.41 6 3
Supercharged Intensity 418 463 2:15.63 0 0
Silver and Gold 415 682 2:13.84 0 0
Illusions 395 172 2:06.12 0 0
Affinity 390 419 1:30.70 0 0
Core 383 510 1:48.74 0 0
Hexopolis 381 515 2:05.02 0 0
Midnight City 364 430 2:07.45 0 0
Neon Fury 355 566 1:20.76 0 0
DAC #4: Distant East 354 246 2:59.33 0 0
ARLTR Four 348 322 1:52.57 0 0
What's Poppin'? 341 196 1:39.25 0 0
Realitytweak 329 1,828 2:11.57 0 0
DAC #20: My Dear December 316 984 1:33.13 0 0
Negative Charge 294 485 3:08.84 0 0
Repulsion 293 551 1:39.45 0 0
Falling Through The Sky 286 166 1:07.49 0 0
DAC #12: Magi 262 266 3:57.32 0 0
Initiate 242 365 2:49.86 0 0
Lost Society (My version) 229 76 1:33.40 134 31
Blizzard Realm 162 649 3:24.13 0 0