
Kirana Ruto stats

Sprint rank 5,332nd
Sprint completions 25
Sprint score 209
Holdboost rank 8,395th
Holdboost score 32
Challenge completions 0
Stunt rank 457th
Stunt completions 3
Stunt score 188

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Beta Echoes 444 956 1:53.82 0 0
Nitronic Rush Tutorial 365 175 2:40.18 0 0
City Escape 337 2,124 6:42.48 0 0
Abandoned Utopia 336 243 1:33.16 0 0
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 326 168 2:30.64 0 0
Orokin 307 481 7:09.81 0 0
Hell 280 557 13:39.73 0 0
Nitronic Utopia 273 563 2:09.94 0 0
Water Realm [Omega Redux] 269 643 3:37.39 0 0
Sonic Adventure 2 : Radical Highway 236 590 2:45.46 0 0
DAC #22: Echos of Past and Future 211 160 10:37.15 0 0
swamp realm 209 533 8:19.32 0 0
Trackmania but its Distance 208 160 6:33.36 0 0
Benchmark Much? 202 17 3:06.69 600 121
old Cosmic Realm (HotWheels Acceleracers) 187 428 4:41.65 0 0
Weapon test 2 173 164 2:19.05 0 0
Tunnel Realm 172 925 7:22.35 0 0
Achievement Run 161 513 2:46.87 0 0
Nitronic Celebration 145 407 7:16.95 0 0
Ice realm 138 529 5:18.97 0 0
CAVERN REALM 136 176 4:30.03 0 0
DAC#18 Twin Peak Pass 128 108 1:41.20 0 0
100,000eV - Six Figures Achievement 125 232 1:25.04 0 0
The Ultimate Race (HotWheels Acceleracers) 120 321 22:47.97 0 0
DAC #12: Sol 2 (Wipeout) 109 4 1:36.49 827 90