
DevilBullet stats

Sprint rank 3,078th
Sprint completions 15
Sprint score 500
Holdboost rank 4,829th
Holdboost score 391
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
DAC #10: Overdrive 495 298 1:34.51 0 0
[DAC #14] Hardline 461 163 2:46.74 0 0
[STE2] Sugar Rush 416 110 1:49.05 0 0
City Escape 337 99 1:58.83 11 4
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 326 205 2:30.79 0 0
Orokin 307 57 2:52.72 252 77
Negative Charge 294 165 2:57.44 0 0
So You Say You Gotta Go Fast 279 27 51.95 491 137
Vector Drive 271 553 2:37.89 0 0
Distance On Rs4 270 42 1:37.77 360 97
Get In The Hole 267 90 8:57.68 57 15
Sonic Adventure 2 : Radical Highway 236 208 2:29.19 0 0
Getting To Grips 225 41 6:59.18 368 83
Microsized V1.0 177 26 1:19.76 500 89
Achievement Run 161 570 3:02.05 0 0