
SkullKnight stats

Sprint rank 5,867th
Sprint completions 12
Sprint score 180
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Canyon Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 210 1,769 4:41.44 0 0
pipeline realm 184 1,469 5:21.16 0 0
Water realm 170 2,352 5:07.00 0 0
Cybergrid Realm (Hot Wheels Acceleracers) 162 849 4:38.74 0 0
WaveRippers 152 85 2:51.35 84 13
Scorchers 151 32 2:44.79 444 67
Windrealm 150 42 4:27.50 360 54
World Race Leg 1 141 1,043 7:23.04 0 0
Ice realm 138 1,262 5:54.14 0 0
The Ultimate Race (HotWheels Acceleracers) 120 748 27:07.45 0 0
Race to Tezla's cube (and back) 103 31 31.94 453 47
The Speed of Silence [1/4] 39 290 5:02.69 0 0