
Silveraxe stats

Sprint rank 4,434th
Sprint completions 9
Sprint score 284
Holdboost rank 4,034th
Holdboost score 605
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Striker 442 2,331 2:35.36 0 0
Fresh Cuc's 254 48 1:06.24 315 80
Deeper Into The Void 238 130 1:51.50 0 0
You Are A Protein In Mycelium 232 10 1:56.96 700 162
Mikupolis 220 146 1:41.43 0 0
Water realm 172 2,635 5:17.53 0 0
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 171 233 1:27.46 0 0
Solar Realm 166 172 3:05.48 0 0
End To A Violent Heart 134 48 50.49 315 42