
Woman Respecter stats

Sprint rank 4,179th
Sprint completions 9
Sprint score 312
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
DAC #9: Theoretical Heart 410 661 5:05.75 0 0
Perimeter 2: Return of the Double Drop 378 14 39:53.35 640 242
50 Second Theory 343 2,040 3:47.90 0 0
Instability_fixed 294 127 1:47.82 0 0
Derelict Hyperspace Junction 266 728 4:58.63 0 0
The darkness at the end of the tunnel 259 55 6:23.73 266 69
[STE2] Untethered 184 463 6:04.77 0 0
Beachcity Drift 179 142 35.99 0 0
Weapon test 2 173 99 1:15.59 11 2