
The Shaq Attack stats

Sprint rank 4,426th
Sprint completions 7
Sprint score 286
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Violet 387 1,284 5:05.02 0 0
Light Frenzy 322 228 3:25.75 0 0
A City Of Gold 314 83 2:07.69 95 30
Trackmogrify_zzrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr(-t(-t(-t(-t(-t(-t(-t(-t(-t(-t(-t(-t*$ 243 38 1:00.23 392 95
Circuts 198 50 4:16.05 300 60
Orientation Error 190 48 1:53.17 315 60
Cyan Space 188 61 4:01.50 226 43