
Zephyr stats

Sprint rank 6,337th
Sprint completions 16
Sprint score 158
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Wired 385 850 4:58.61 0 0
DAC #23: The Night Before 383 267 4:08.15 0 0
Super Short Six, #6: Spirits 380 127 1:53.69 0 0
DAC #8: Phoenix 360 483 3:12.83 0 0
DAC #5: Rekall 354 264 59.30 0 0
The Red Tower: Prologue 323 397 3:25.93 0 0
Super Short Six, #5: Distribute 252 95 1:07.29 31 8
Onslaught 241 106 5:26.68 0 0
Gargantua 204 110 4:46.47 0 0
A Long Way Down 204 137 1:59.79 0 0
Super Short Six, #3: Drowned 204 86 1:17.61 79 16
Quantum Freeway 170 600 2:49.09 0 0
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 168 272 1:27.57 0 0
Choices 165 33 2:08.01 435 72
Clockwork 147 77 2:03.87 129 19
World Hop 139 47 5:13.80 322 45