
GreatTrixiePony stats

Sprint rank 6,385th
Sprint completions 15
Sprint score 157
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Striker 442 1,514 2:18.38 0 0
Pathogen 423 299 2:53.50 0 0
Method 412 237 1:47.70 0 0
Theolddays 410 1,252 2:04.04 0 0
Core 383 1,184 2:49.81 0 0
Superheated 356 317 2:18.80 0 0
Back into the void 336 730 1:32.86 0 0
DAC #23: Rainbow Road 335 741 3:27.51 0 0
DAC #11: Enemy Extended 326 529 2:37.08 0 0
Green Is Your Friend 312 349 3:34.70 0 0
Neon Fury 2 308 305 5:02.85 0 0
A Green Day 290 323 1:43.40 0 0
Virtual Escape 238 84 58.42 89 21
Zer0 bin0pse - Hapax 176 6 1:01.16 777 137
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 168 2,673 1:46.99 0 0