
Ouroboros stats

Sprint rank 6,036th
Sprint completions 10
Sprint score 170
Holdboost rank 7,386th
Holdboost score 82
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Striker 442 2,713 2:47.26 0 0
Vibrant Dreams 428 708 1:27.31 0 0
Modulation 425 1,352 2:18.44 0 0
shafty 412 1,351 3:08.25 0 0
Knowledge 411 1,207 2:08.30 0 0
Theolddays 410 810 1:54.53 0 0
Sector 400 380 645 1:43.53 0 0
The Grind 302 55 9:33.10 266 80
Falling into The Virus 238 40 11:42.22 376 90
100,000eV - Six Figures Achievement 125 100 1:24.15 6 1