
Paganlady stats

Sprint rank 11,545th
Sprint completions 10
Sprint score 35
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
[Trial]Sender 481 566 2:07.70 0 0
Fallback Protocol 472 640 2:29.68 0 0
Trials Of MuteCity 356 1,115 4:28.18 0 0
DAC #4: Distant East 354 832 5:49.90 0 0
Colliding Worlds 344 952 6:05.94 0 0
City of Rapture 323 1,020 4:37.19 0 0
Intertwined 272 750 2:46.50 0 0
Old Terminus (Old OOB skip) 242 89 8:35.09 62 15
Diversion PowerShortage 230 84 1:33.51 89 20
Psychedelic Blitz 212 916 5:51.99 0 0