
Malikil stats

Sprint rank 2,271st
Sprint completions 8
Sprint score 759
Holdboost rank 1,558th
Holdboost score 3,297
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Turbines 445 34 1:28.52 426 190
DAC #5: Rekall 354 58 52.64 246 87
DAC #23: Rainbow Road 335 81 2:56.64 106 36
Holo Projector 279 53 1:05.74 279 78
Trackmogrify_mintcreampurple 225 11 16.93 684 154
A memory to nitronic rush 183 24 2:00.22 521 95
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 168 3,480 2:00.00 0 0
Spin To Win 164 8 2:23.09 736 121