
Kiruart stats

Sprint rank 8,475th
Sprint completions 12
Sprint score 93
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
Fallback Protocol 472 845 3:31.92 0 0
Elemental 397 866 2:33.41 0 0
Graviton Disturbance 377 234 1:35.91 0 0
Blast Processor 357 1,591 2:02.10 0 0
Colliding Worlds 344 338 2:55.11 0 0
Hemoglobin 337 634 2:01.92 0 0
Green Is Your Friend 312 331 3:20.12 0 0
Assimilation 303 180 2:15.84 0 0
Harsh Contrast 302 517 3:23.23 0 0
Eye of the Storm 238 38 4:26.06 392 93
Ice Realm 194 1,021 3:29.34 0 0
Darklight city 134 112 7:53.18 0 0