
ThousandPoundPig stats

Sprint rank 7,102nd
Sprint completions 16
Sprint score 130
Holdboost score 0
Challenge completions 0
Stunt completions 0

Sprint tracks

Track Track weight Placement Time Raw score Score
THE 7 454 566 2:05.69 0 0
Elemental 397 1,642 4:09.38 0 0
BLACKLIGHT 376 1,117 2:30.98 0 0
The Fall 366 717 2:54.29 0 0
Abandoned Utopia 336 252 1:33.23 0 0
City of Rapture 323 873 3:06.47 0 0
Megaboost: downhill jam 321 289 6:01.07 0 0
Nitronic Rush : Enter The Matrix 291 690 2:13.48 0 0
Vector Drive 271 1,632 3:57.18 0 0
energy panel 252 396 3:27.00 0 0
Sonic Adventure 2 : Radical Highway 236 1,304 3:24.39 0 0
Night Run 215 25 3:00.57 511 110
Cloud R&D 206 147 4:54.52 0 0
Escape from Bubblegrunge City 180 79 5:57.22 117 21
Rainbow Road [LEGACY] [Download the new one instead] 168 2,537 1:45.46 0 0
Sonic Special Zone 99 494 6:42.92 0 0